posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 12:42 PM
Bump of an old thread, but today i went to see a hypnotherapist for the first time, she is a well accredited hypnotherapist, and my experience was one
of not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised about how i felt after.
I didnt go "under" yet felt i could almost fall asleep, she used a strange technique of counting backwards using the alphabet, starting from the
letter z, going down to a, creating meaningful words out of each letter.
After using various techniques i felt myself flickering between my conscious mind to images, feelings, probably from my sub conscious side.
She told me to picture myself looking down a hotel corridor, with various doors, and said to slowly face a door that felt right, and push it open,
strangely i saw a baby, not sure of age but under a year i guess, playing with a colorful abacus, it was the first image that came to mind, i didnt
realize the baby was me.
Working with how i felt at the time, or rather how the baby felt, was all part of realizing whatever was tangled up inside me.
And slowly moving onto the next door, an older me.
She said to dispel whatever was negative that was still holding on, and instill positive mind sets, replacing the negative words with positive
So thats only a little bit of what was a 2 hour session, when i actually had to come round and wake up fully, i felt strange, light headed, almost
like i was gonna faint??! and feeling like i had just slept and had awoken feeling refreshed, is that a common sideeffect?
I cant say im cured, but i do feel good, and she said the things that we instilled will only grow and get stronger inside me, so im open to it and
have booked another session, she reckons it can take up to 4 sessions to fully work through everything, so im willing to give it a try.
Has anyone else had some real positive effects from this type of hypnotherapy?