posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 06:52 PM
I too had/have some stomach problems. I saw every doctor I could, and they told me I was just "feeling" stomach pain mentaly. I then saw a Natural
Pathic Dr, who looking into things a little deeper, found my Gullbladder was not functioning proper...
Moral of the story is, if you truely feel your not going crazy, keep looking untill you find someone who can help you.
Also, demand from your family Dr. that they look into every orgin and fluid test they can do. Simply put, every single Orgin. I was mind boggled when
after 2 years of regular Doctors looking for things my Natural Path Dr. found the problem in ONE blood test. (Very Very High Billirubin count [4x
regular] - How regular Doctors and specialist dont see this, I dont know)
Keep looking, you will find answers.
[edit on 14-12-2006 by JbT]