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Are We Stupid???

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posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 05:25 AM
I have been browsing around this forum for god knows how long, and when anybody finds and shares a UFO or Alien pic, everybody seems to say it is a fake, lol.

Now I know a lot of photos are probably faked, but when people say they are fake becuase they don't look like an Alien Spacecraft, or they don't look like a 'proper' alien.

Who the hell knows??? I mean Alien Abductees would know what an Alien looks like, but probably only one or two species. There must be loads of different kinds.

If an alien went back to his home planet and described us to his fellow people, they would probably say "Yea right", and if it showed them photos they would probably say they are fakes... But that doesn't mean we are not here does it?

I am a firm believer in Alien species visiting our planet, and that some are on Earth as we speak (I have good contacts that have knowledge of this).

I just think too many people are saying things are fakes without actually thinking about them. Look at humans... We are different colours, I wonder if Aliens are?
If someone showed you a photo of a pink Alien, it doesn't mean straight away it's fake. Think about it.

Just something I'm going to add here... And will probably cause chaos as it's been discussed many a times, lol. But does anyone believe Bob Lazar? Some people say he was a fraud because he didn't have the experience he said he had, but the government could of easily removed his records.
Also, did anybody watch "Area 51" yesturday (Sunday) on UK Horizon? Was really good... They had real video clips of the secret aircraft that was created there, and did a lot of talking about Auroua (sp?). Also about all the rumous of UFO and aliens being held there. Then all of a sudden it was deserted, even all the people who lived in Rachel, and ran that Cafe vanished. Are they still vanished??? Anyone got any ideas on that? I haven't heard that part before.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:03 AM
Lol love your rant here!

on the Bob lazar thing i have come to know some interesting info...

he has passed many lie detectors test, so either its true or he believes its true,

A top scientest has said he new of bob lazar.
and also a top 6 Astonought!

but like you have said if they wanted rid of him they could just take his identity away....
they want to make him look like a fruitcake, so most people dont believe him anyway??????

You make very good points about alien pics!!

good thread

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:05 AM
Depends on the picture to me. I do think a lot are fake, though I also think a lot are real. What is real and gets out to the public will always be something indistinct and far away. When a picture of a UFO looks like a motion blurred insect, its far more likely to be that than an alien space craft. When a picture of a UFO looks like some small lights or a disc shape, its more likely to be an alien craft than something earthly. I prefer video to still images regarding this subject as you get a better sense of what an object is when you see it in motion.

I don't believe anything Bob Lazar said save for the general idea that there are grey-type aliens and that likely at one point Area 51 was used as a reverse engineered UFO testing facility. The rest of his story, such as the alien virus container origins of man and even his working with recovered alien craft, was pure fiction.

Area 51 has been so media soaked that I doubt any alien vehicles or bodies have been held there for a decade, if not longer. IMO, alien artifacts are more likely held and tested in fairly unknown third world country bases like Raytheon's Sao Paolo, Brazil facility. This is to avoid the curious eyes of U.S. civilians who might be more able to get information about these bases out.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:19 AM
The disclosure project has enough testamony to
convience All but the hardest headed amoung us
join up and read . If you dont know of it heres the addy .Im shure everyone here does.
These guy need the few dollars they get to keep yhe publicity going.
If this doesnt convience you,youll have to wait for one to land in your backyard.
Its worth the few dollars they ask,if you want the best testamony available.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:41 AM
Thanks for that Snake

I don't know what to believe about Area 51... I mean it is a house hold name now, I expect 75% of the world know of Area 51... People can see if from Las Vegas... People have pictures of the base... Yet the government still denies the damn thing, lol.

What about the Dulce base? That is not as well known to the world, but is supposed to be more important than Area 51. Is there any fact behind the base as Dulce? Does it exist for a start?

My brother says the dulce base *is* there, but he won't say anymore than that. He's a geoligist.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 06:46 AM
Grrr... Was just talking to one of my 'friends' online, and I told her I was posting on this forum, and her other friend said that all Area 51 is where they filmed the moon landings, and I should get out more and stop watching X-Files... That really pissed me off, lol.

God I hate people like that. Does anybody else?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by MetalHead
Grrr... Was just talking to one of my 'friends' online, and I told her I was posting on this forum, and her other friend said that all Area 51 is where they filmed the moon landings, and I should get out more and stop watching X-Files... That really pissed me off, lol.

God I hate people like that. Does anybody else?

most of my friends at school are like that. i've gotten used to it, but i still don't like it. jesus, how idiotic can people get?

good thread by the way, i was thinking along the same lines. but some pictures are pretty obviously fake.

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by effigyrelease]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:46 AM
If people have real photographs of these creatures, why dont we know more about them? The government cant hide things forever. Even if they could. How in this huge universe would an alien creature find us? Logically. We are so small in the entire scheme of things. One planet, on one star, out of billions in this galaxy. One galaxy out of billions in this galaxy cluster. One Galaxy cluster out of billions in this universe. It might be more in depth than that even. I know I say this all the time. I would be foolish to say that we are the only life in this universe. I would also be foolish to say they would be able to locate us. Our first radio communications....I dont think they have even made it to the closest star yet. They would have to test and try billions and billions and billions of stars. Chances of them finding us. Nearly 0%.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by effigyrelease
most of my friends at school are like that. i've gotten used to it, but i still don't like it. jesus, how idiotic can people get?

good thread by the way, i was thinking along the same lines. but some pictures are pretty obviously fake.


I only know a few people who think I'm weird for believing what I believe. I have a few friends that are open minded, but some couldn't care less. A lot of my family funnily enough are like me...

My grandma always said the moon landings were fake, I don't know if she had proof, as she died when I was young, one of my brothers always used to read and research on this stuff, not sure about now, my mum believes a lot of it I think.
And I have just found out that my brother in law follows it too, some of his friends have worked at GCHQ and Menwith Hill, and know things.

Yea some pictures are obviously fakes, but a lot of pictures remain anonymous which are intresting.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
If people have real photographs of these creatures, why dont we know more about them? The government cant hide things forever. Even if they could. How in this huge universe would an alien creature find us? Logically. We are so small in the entire scheme of things. One planet, on one star, out of billions in this galaxy. One galaxy out of billions in this galaxy cluster. One Galaxy cluster out of billions in this universe. It might be more in depth than that even. I know I say this all the time. I would be foolish to say that we are the only life in this universe. I would also be foolish to say they would be able to locate us. Our first radio communications....I dont think they have even made it to the closest star yet. They would have to test and try billions and billions and billions of stars. Chances of them finding us. Nearly 0%.
You don't really need to repeat yourself in posts to this board. If you need proof, its there in the 1965 Edwards AFB incident, the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident, and of course, the 1947 Roswell incident. It doesn't matter what you think is physically impossible, the facts are that something out of the ordinary is coming to this planet. Its not hard to figure out that if it has no terrestrial explanation, the answer is extraterrestrial.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 12:53 PM
Some clarifications about Lazar...

1. Area 51, or rather the entire complex, is far more than just area 51. Lazar never claimed to work at area 51...but instead at S-4 (or site 4). The existence of S4 in this complex, and it's relationship to alien craft recovery, is noted in some documents (including the still controversial S01-1 Alien Recovery training manual) before Lazar's story surfaced. There is some confirmation that camouflaged hangars do indeed exist where S4 is supposed to be, as well as the road and the bus, that lead there, from Area 51.

2. Yes, Lazar has passed lie detectors, and it is obvious that efforts have been made to erase parts of his past, as well as discredit him. However, he has hurt himself in this department as well. It appears that he fits a rather classic profile of "unwitting disinformation officer". This seems to be part of a plan of gradual info release, but coupled with disinformation. His tax return clearly shows that he was hired by Naval Intelligence, and even has the MAJ code designation. (this has yet to be proven fake to my knowledge)

3. I believe that there is a great deal of truth in Lazar's claims, and they jive well with other research and UFO folklore...but I do believe he was played for a fool, and is over-emphasizing his importance, and his role in this. The "alien background" info, is pretty much the main disinformation he was to spout, and is merely an extention of common UFO lore. However, his descriptions of the inner workings are extremely detailed, and also correspond with many accounts (by those inspecting crash sites), and appears to be legit.

Do I believe Lazar completely? No. But I believe there is more truth here than fiction.....and I believe in the existance of S4.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 03:35 PM
I wonder if Seapeople was put here to keep us all sane? Just Kidding. I agree with metalhead and the others who have replied to this thread. Whenever I post a new thread (for example: Gray Alien Photo Proof, I think we all remember that one) I tried to make the point that whenever someone has a new video or photo of a UFO or alien most people are quick to discredit it. They try and point out any flaw they think they see and immediatly say it's fake. Why? I think it is because people as a whole are not ready to accept that maybe the picture is real. That would mean then that we are not alone and that something else is out there. I think that fills most people with fear, hatred and contempt for the future. Like Metalhead said if someone had what we called incontrovertibal proof but was said to be fake, how would we know the difference? The majority of the public has never seen an alien or ufo (me included) so how would we be able to tell? I hope I made myself clear.

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