posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 07:18 AM
I'm a dirty little techno freak so...
All the london acid techno crew - Chris Liberator,DDR,Dave the drummer,Julian Liberator,Aaron Liberator,Mobile Dogwash,Parsley,Paul Cortex,Ant,Rachel
Rackett,Dave Randal,Gordie and so on and so on.
It's not that I don't like "normal" music. It's just the majority of it bores me to tears. There's no soul and heart in pop music these days.
Most of the songs are mass produced,written by a song writing company instead of an individual. It takes the edge away from music. I know there are
still some bands who do their own thing. But they're not the norm anymore. And that's sad. To me,it all sounds the same (I know!!! That stinks of
irony coming from a technohead
) My music may sound the same,but it's got teeth,and a pulse,it MAKES you dance. (I could ramble on and on about
music,it is what makes me,me)
Normal bands I like.
The Who (the only band I've ever seen live)
Kaiser Cheifs
Pink Floyd
"some" Oasis stuff
I'm sure there's more,but as I don't follow the scene,I don't know who's who. Anyway,if you're up for something different and dirty,check out
some of the artists I've name checked