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Alien Communication and the Evolution Homo Sapiens IS Now Underway

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:06 PM
if I wanted to expose you as a fool I could have easily done it time and time again.

I have no wish to.

change the perimeters one last time and give it another shot.


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
if I wanted to expose you as a fool I could have easily done it time and time again.

I have no wish to.

change the perimeters one last time and give it another shot.


I have not asked you to make me look foolish, I have asked you why the EM field isn't being produced. It is a pretty simple question, and by dodging it I can assure you that I am not the one looking foolish.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:17 PM
I know you have honestly spent many hours looking for the field but make the last set of alterations....

If you will not go to walmart bro....


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:21 PM
C'mon Hank. You know your aurora's affected by the EMF. Just check at the 9' and 11' circumstance and give it a go.

Don't make Double A expose anything.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
I know you have honestly spent many hours looking for the field but make the last set of alterations....

If you will not go to walmart bro....


I already adressed

I have made change after change to the environment surrounding this experiment and can conclude with certainty that I could continue changing things for you until I give up, and only then would you say something to the effect of me being on the cusp of finding the truth.

I must be just on the cusp of finding the EM field or you wouldn't want me to do this one last measurement!

Am I to assume you are not willing to answer this question?

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
I know you have honestly spent many hours looking for the field but make the last set of alterations....

If you will not go to walmart bro....


What? What does that even mean?

I will say i am out of the loop on this thread or even you AA. After spending the last hour reviewing this thread, All I have to say is, there is a rule against posting knowingly false info.

You talked to the greys? Can back any of this up in any way?

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:31 PM
Finally - a moderator steps in! Thank You!

Seems we've been spinning in circles for months again - and the mudslinging is about to start up as well...

I'd just like to hear from anyone who has been able to replicte AA's exercise to fruition (i.e., had made contact, ANY contact with aliens - grey/gray-green or otherwise -using ANY of AA's methods). No warm-&-fuzzy meditations/headaches/buzzing sounds either: just contact as claimed.


Can you fill us in?

[edit on 1/10/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:32 PM

Alien Agenda uses the 'Go to Walmart' line in reference to his other thread where he told people to go to Walmart to buy a telescope when they questioned his meditation claim regarding contacting aliens.

To date Alien Agenda has produced 2 scientifically measurable scenarios (One has been debunked, One is pending but the outcome looks foregone) in his posting and has made several conflicting reports as to the origins of his communication techniques.

Short of anecdotal evidence from a small handful of posters with no empirical evidence of their own, no proof has been given of any of these claims.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:36 PM
POsted by SpittinCobra

You talked to the greys? Can back any of this up in any way?

I got to say, that is the eternal question with Members like AA.
Nothing against AA & co, just there is only wild speculation, backed up by imagination, and nothing as "credible" back up.

[edit on 10-1-2007 by Denied]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:36 PM
I vaguely remember the telescope. I feel like crap, because first it is as big as it is and two, I wasn't here enough to see it if it was legit.

Thanks for the synopsis.

So, you can only get the telescope at walmart?

[edit on 10-1-2007 by SpittinCobra]


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
You talked to the greys? Can back any of this up in any way?

the answer to that would be

and a good time was had by all.

the end

roll the credits.......

the big question is, will there be a trilogy?

[edit on 10-1-2007 by JSR]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:55 PM
AA my friend. You know I have given your methods a try, and had some success. Even though I have my own conclusions about what these exercises actually accomplish, I still have given you my props for at least opening my mind to something I hadn't been exposed to. My experiences have truely made me look at my life differently. I thank you again.

I have even supported you in times where I felt others were taking unjustified pot shots at you.

I've followed all your threads, tried everything you said that will bring me in contact with the Grays, or Greys and for the life of me I cant figure out why you wont address the bombshell you promised to drop a month and a half ago? You said you would provide a written account of what you have learned from the aliens you are in contact with, and you still have not provided it. Where is it? Are you still writing it? Do you plan to follow through on this? You do realize that this one piece of evidence could be the piece you need to get people off your back? Seems to me that you have all this other information at your disposal, but choose to spend your time defending yourself instead of continuing to provide your "proof".

Not only that, but this is my 5th or 6th time asking you about it and you have yet to address it.

I believe since I have given you a fair shot with your beliefs, you at least owe an explaination as to why you havent released these writings yet.

Am I alone here?

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 03:31 PM
no, AmongUs, you're not alone.

We're all waiting...wating...waiting. Till the cows come home, it seems.

AA is a very sensitive fellow, you may have noticed. If he just perceives a slight doubt he gets all defensive and finally clams up - sometimes for days or weeks at a time.

I've asked for the "Big Report" as well - we're quite a few weeks past due. I don't think we're going to see it.

If AA had contact with the aliens, he might want to ask them how he can engage us without digging himself into increasingly deeper holes regarding credibility. We'd like to give AA the benefit of the doubt here - indeed have stretched mightily to accommodate his claims. We want to believe...

We're coming up on 36 pages of threadbare (in this round alone).

AA - ask the grays to provide some more hints on how to assist those still trying your methods without getting the results they were hoping for. This is no disrespect - no personal attack - I just think you may need a little help here...

Good luck...

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 04:23 PM
I've been looking back at this thread every week or so, just like I did AA's last post, just to see if he's yet to offer anything even remotely verifiable as evidence.

Allow me to say he's done the exact same thing each time: Made an outrageous claim, which can only be proven through, at best, ambiguous and unverifiable means, and then ridiculed or ignored anyone with valid criticism. (Anyone doubting this can easily re-read both threads.)

To those who have had *any* experience through his methods, he's encouraged them to keep trying, because they're "so close to contact."

When your methods *only* work for yourself, even though others have earnestly attempted them, it isn't everyone else who's coming up short, while you're special. It means your methods are flawed, and your claims are questionable.

When should we wonder whether or not your "undeniable alien experiences," proof of which has only been presented in a smoke-and-mirrors fashion, are only the product of a delusional mind?

There must be a point when rational people stop looking at these threads asking for proof, and just accept that proof will never be forthcoming.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:13 PM
I've made contact with the aliens and they live on various planes or levels of space which we cannot fathom. We travel across the surface of 3 dimensional space while they travel into other dimensions of space we cannot perceive.

The aliens speak in abstract language and there is a law against giving information to humans. They are very secretive. In fact the other night an insect alien appeared through a portal in my room and when I complained about the aliens secrecy she replied "That's the name of the Game".

Anyway the aliens are very secretive so you can't just ask them anything.

Just this morning I was speaking in abstract language with an alien. It was showing me symbols that relate to my future and it was my task to analyze the meaning of each symbol to get the message.

Sometimes the aliens speak straight out and tell me things but usually it is all in abstract and symbolic language transmitted in visions.

AA is experiencing kundalini awakening. He wrote this to another poster:

When contact starts you will feel it the base of your spine, this is an indication that ET is close. The energy of 4th dimensional and 3r dimensional energy mixing in your body will different experience for you. It will travel up your spine and move into the base of your head…. This is a measure of how close ET is from your special coordinates system.
The feeling will then move into your head and it will feel like an organism is taking hold except it last longer than the standard 3 seconds….
It will then lodge itself with in your Pinal gland, once your pineal gland has started to open time if going to become a little distorted…. ET is now in the physical proximity of yourself….
Remember it will come in a form that you have not imagined yet….
Stay calm and have fun….

ET is coming to a reality near you…



It's a spiritual type of awakening that millions have experienced and will experience. Jung said it would take 1000 years to understand the kundalini.

AA said he doesn't even have to practice any of the methods he's outlined as he can reach the stream without them. The truth is he would reach the stream no matter what he does as his kundalini serpent is awakening.

It's interesting that the only life the astronauts saw in space was a white serpent swimming through space. There was an astronaut on TV here years ago describing how he watched the white serpent swimming through space.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:38 PM
Well hank,
Did you try the very last instructions set or not?


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:39 PM
PBG. No offense, but you are just as vague and non-proof giving as AA is. Its not that I dont believe what you are saying, per se, but dont your alien friends know that us humans are skeptics to begin with?

If its against the "law" as you put it for aliens to give humans information, arent you and AA puting them in jeopardy by having us try to contact them? I've been to the stream, as you guys put it, I've seen the blue orb with the bright white light, I've asked for help, heard voices, seen VIVID symbols. Cant I ask for help, and tell them that you guys are leaking contact information? Wouldnt that get them in trouble? I mean this all sounds rediculious. . . but seriously. If its against the law, then why the hell is AA trying to put us in contact with them?

I thought I was lost before, but now I'm literally on another planet.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:40 PM
AA. . I see you are on now. Can you please address my question from one page back?

Thanks bro

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:43 PM
Yeah, it's me. I've stayed out of this for good reason but hasn't this gone on long enough? Is there a good reason to let this continue? Do we need to let this get to 60+ pages of NOTHING before we shut it down?

Just asking.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Yeah, it's me. I've stayed out of this for good reason but hasn't this gone on long enough? Is there a good reason to let this continue? Do we need to let this get to 60+ pages of NOTHING before we shut it down?

Just asking.

Hey Intrepid. You're right. . cant believe you haven't chimed in sooner.

Do you mind me giving AA one last chance to address my question from one page back? It was a huge bombshell he claimed he was going to lay, and I want him to address it. If not, rest assured I'll never post in his threads again and claim he's just a points whore. (can I say that?)

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