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Area 51 is nothing

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posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32

Originally posted by Blitz
There is really only one theory on Area 51, So why not have an alternate theory.

"Area 51 is nothing"
Copyright © (Blitz Theory)

I like that. Okay everyone stop giving this guy a hard time.

His theory is just about as good as any other. But I am curous, do you have a theory on what or where the "real" secret stuff is taking place?

You must have something to base your theory on. I am willing to listen.

That information is classified

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Ya'll, he registered YESTERDAY.

So, by saying that, you mean he/she shouldn't have an opinion, or theory?

Even new members might have valid theories. It may just be the reason why they register. To voice their theory, or opinion.

Sorry Lex, but everyone deserves to be heard.

That's what denying ignorance is all about.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Blitz

That information is classified

I was going to ask you this earler..Well,it's not really in question form,but you will get my point

I am assuming that you must have some "inside" information if you are going to make your claim stand. Although,I don't know what kind of information you could have regarding this issue since there have been numerous people who work at the site of area 51 who have already made themselves known.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Shadowhawk
Do you think the government is spending millions of dollars on an elaborate sham?

Sure do. They call it "The War in Iraq"

If Area51 is a "distraction", though, I could see spending money on it to keep it looking active just to keep the distraction working.
No-one's going to believe top-secret research is being hidden on an empty, deserted lot.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

I was going to ask you this earler..Well,it's not really in question form,but you will get my point

I am assuming that you must have some "inside" information if you are going to make your claim stand. Although,I don't know what kind of information you could have regarding this issue since there have been numerous people who work at the site of area 51 who have already made themselves known.

Im sure I dont know any more about Area 51 then you do. Its just a thoery of mine that Area 51 is nothing more then a distraction.

I have seen people on TV who claim they worked at Area 51, personally I think thats bs

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 10:03 PM
I'm not sure what Blitz means by "the real base."

The Groom Lake facility (once known as Area 51, so we might as well just use that terminology) is the nation's premier test site for cutting edge aerospace technology. It is as active as it ever was and continues to grow (new hangars, runways, etc., over the last several years).

It has nothing to do with UFOs or extraterrestrials, but it has everything to do with supporting the warfighter with the most advanced and survivable aircraft and weapon systems available.

I don't get my information from television shows. I have spent over two decades making observations, studying aerial and satellite imagery, collecting documentation and interviewing people who worked there (test pilots, engineers, base commanders, support personnel, security, contractors, etc.).

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 03:17 PM
just becoz everyone knows that the base exists doesnt mean that we will ever know whats going on inside it....

its one of the most secure places in the United States, i dont think the government cares that we know that it exists, as long as we dont know whats INSIDE it

deny thine ignorance lol

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by AndSadnessWillSear
just becoz everyone knows that the base exists doesnt mean that we will ever know whats going on inside it....

its one of the most secure places in the United States, i dont think the government cares that we know that it exists, as long as we dont know whats INSIDE it

deny thine ignorance lol

Seems your reply is similar to most on this thread, " i dont think the government cares that we know it exists"
Of course they dont care, because nothing is there. People want to believe in Area 51, because its a government secret made public. There are satellite pictures and so much believable information.

I wonder who on earth let these satellite photos be seen by the public.

Who on earth released all this information about a secret base called area 51 to the public.

Wow it all most seems like someone is trying to get everyone to focus on this base.

Who could be doing this?

Open your eyes, the government wants you to focus on area 51, they want you to believe its there.

When in fact nothing is there.

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 11:10 PM
Actually, the government would like the public to forget about "Area 51," but they know it's not going to happen.

It's the media that wants us to focus on this "secret" base. Melodramatic television "documentaries" and "news features" get great ratings. Articles about UFOs and secret airplanes sell newspapers and magazines.

This publicity brings tourists to the test range boundary, making it hard for the Air Force to accomplish their work. Believe me, the AFFTC commander was not at all happy when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine published annotated satellite images of the Groom Lake facility.

You keep saying "there's nothing there," Blitz, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I think the hundreds of people who work there would think you're delusional.

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 11:10 PM
I totally agree with you, like common there is no other reasonable explanation. Like for example, how did we find out about this place in the first place, and why? It think its just an area to draw our attention from somewhere else, say some like Alaska, cause you never know. and the underground thing sounds very real, like they probably just use some mono rail or something to get to wherever it is. Personally, I think it makes perfect sense, so Blitz, I am backing you up on this topic

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 07:15 PM
If Area 51 was created to stray our attention away from something else, Then project blue book would be fake, because it multiple times, mentions area 51 and the buisness that goes on there. It would not have guards that shoot people on sight if they breach the perimeter. Multiple people have told story's, of seeing inside Area 51. Area 51 isn't nothing, The spy plane SR-71 black bird got developed there during the cold war. There may not be any secret E.T. activitys going on there, but there certanly isnt nothing.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 08:05 PM
I guess thats true, but it still does'nt make sense, why would the government allow this footage/pictures on the web? It makes no sense. Personally, im still going with Blitz on this, Area 51 is only a distraction from somewhere else, or it doesnt even exist at all.

Its just to weird, if it does exist, why would they have it in a desert? would'nt somewhere like inside a mountain be a more ideal place for there situations? anyways yah, your probably right Hex, and i agree with you to, they probably use area 51 for military reasons, but no others.

[edit on 19-12-2006 by Nyte Angel]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 09:53 PM
The reason the government isn't doing anything about the pictures and videos on the internet, is no matter what they do, People will still be able to share them, with things like Limewire and Morpheus. The reasons its in the desert is that it was just an out of the way area, with a dried lake bed, which makes it easier to land planes.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Nyte Angel
I guess thats true, but it still does'nt make sense, why would the government allow this footage/pictures on the web?
[edit on 19-12-2006 by Nyte Angel]

For starters not all web servers are in the USA. The American government has no control of things that are located outside the US.


posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 11:23 PM
First, the title is rediculous; "Area 41 is nothing"

What do you mean it's nothing? It's not Area 51 of the Department of Engergy? It's not Watertown Airstrip where the U2 and SR-71 was tested? It's not the place where the Nighthawk was tested and the area that the federal government keeps buying more land around? Why on earth would the federal government continue to expand this base and the land around it if it's nothing?

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 01:12 AM
Here is what is laughable to me. Some of you kep saying, "The government doesn't care that we know about area 51." Really?
Again, I guess that's what accounts for the governments' denial of its existence for not years, but decades. Trust me, whatever the gubment is doing there, they didn't want us to know that it existed. BELIEVE that.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Ill explain again, when I say its nothing I mean Area 51 is nothing important, Its just a physical distraction.

Im not trying to prove any of you wrong believe me, Area 51 exist there is no doubt. The physical Area 51 on the surface is just a distraction.

I believe the actual base is located underground miles away from the location everyone believes to be Area 51.

Oh yea and as for the people who have come out and said they worked at Area 51, remember one thing those people worked for the government, and it is in there nature to tell misconceptions.

[edit on 20-12-2006 by Blitz]

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:11 PM
Maybe he's right. Maybe they really do nothing at Area 51 and that is the big secret.

It's kind of like this:

Consider a room.

Are the walls the room? no.
Is the chair in the room the room? no
Is the air in the room the room? no

What actually composes the room is NOTHING.

And maybe nothing is the secret of the universe.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:20 PM
Moreover, when they say that Area 51 doesn't exist, maybe they are being truthful.

You can't even prove that you and I exist, or not.

Area 51 does not exist, nobody(there's another consideration)goes there, and, therefore, nobody does nothing(sounds like a double negative, but it's the truth).

I imagine the original author was doing a whole lot of nothing when he started this thread.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 05:25 PM
Maybe Blitz, Nyte Angel and c3hamby are really government disinformation agents who are paid to say things like:

"Don't look at Area 51. There's nothing happening there. the real base is hidden undergound, miles away."

It's been done before with equal success: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

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