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Litvenenko Dirty Bomb

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posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 06:46 AM
this may seem little bit out there but this is just a theory, but what if Alexander Litvenenko the former russian spy who was allegedly "murdered" in london a few weeks ago.

Could he possible have been involved in plans to build a dirty bomb that would contain polonium 210 but not just him lots of other people to what if it was being constructed on behalf of the main uk terror threat whether you believe that is MI5 or actual islamic extremists to form the basis for a terror attack to get yet more liberty defying laws passed.
This may seem a little bit far'fetched but think about it, and tell me what you think

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 06:59 AM
I did read about the possibilities of this in the Mail on Sunday last week.

It is possible that an explosion could create a dust that would be inhaled but a vast number of people.

What is also a distinct possibility is that he was indeed murdered, but by the people he was attempting to sell the stuff too.

He may have been drawn into the open by attempting to sell the polonium to an secret service agent.

Who then did him in!!

Anything is possible.

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 12-12-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:18 AM
Yah definate possibility !

It just makes absolutely no sense that a Russian Agent would assassinate him using this material that is traceable to point of manufactor.

If a Russian agent was infact the killer they would use a good old fashioned silenced pistol or dose of some other poison not this traceable polonium 210.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Yah definite possibility !

It just makes absolutely no sense that a Russian Agent would assassinate him using this material that is traceable to point of manufacture.

If a Russian agent was in fact the killer they would use a good old fashioned silenced pistol or dose of some other poison not this traceable polonium 210.

Although I totally agree with you on that

There are a couple of other possibilities as to why a trail could have been laid.

Either distract us from the wider plot or to frame who ever the trail leads to.

Either way, there is a growing danger to the UK and in particular London... as a Londoner I am, to say the least very vigilant at the moment.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 12-12-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:37 AM
Yes perhaps a wider plot, plays into the specualtion of a Christmas attack by the Islamofascists ....

It is certainly a dangerous and scary escalation to Britains national security woes that such radioactive material has found its way to the streets of London.

Vigilance is something you Londoners are getting very cosy with lately unfortunately.

If i was a Londoner id definately have a Gas mask and some Potassium Iodide in stock!

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 09:39 AM
it all seems to make sense i mean the reason i came up with this theory is that the current saga of events seem a bit too hazy for me like there is some big link that has not come out yet almost like the media are simpley writing the story as they see fit if you see what i mean

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:55 AM
A threat of this nature may be realized:

POLICE forces have been told to buy anti-radiation masks for their 100,000 frontline officers to protect them in the event of a “dirty bomb” terrorist attack
Sunday Times December 10, 2006.

From what little I know of polonium 210, use of it in a dirty bomb would be highly plausible; however, Polonium 210’s half-life is very short at 138 days. If there is a plot afoot using this radioactive isotope in a dirty bomb, its’ maximum potential is diminishing daily.

The sheer amount, as reported to be near 100 times the amount needed for a lethal dose, Litvenenko is said to been exposed to leads me to think that there may be a possibility his exposure was possibly unintentional. Especially since the street value of his contamination alone has been estimated near €30 million.

Very real motives exist for those opposed to Litvenenko, but the method of a single assignation by this means seems a bit askew from reality.


posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:05 AM
i agree completely dude and the more i think about this the more plausible it seems may this was the christmas terrorist threat that the government were blabbing on about

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