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Where on Earth?

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posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Hey guys,

Soemthing im really keen to get some feedback on from this site,
mainly because there's such an array of intellegence, and experience out there on all forms of events around the world.

Q: What places / events on Earth, are the most significant in terms of the way mankind is today.



Im looking mainly for man-influenced events which have moulded us into todays society.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:08 PM
The entire western world their views and ways of life can be traced back to one place. The place you ask, the Jutting edges of Thermoplyae, where the whole world learned that the few can stand against the many, that there are few things more galliant than fighting and dying for freedom, that when you come across a few spartans sitting around a camp fire combing their hair you should probably turn around and go the other way.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 08:30 PM
History is an interconnected web of an uncounted number of small trivial events, each influencing the other but not one determining the course of the future on its own.

Having said that, how about the Battle of Poltava? If the Russians lost that battle, Russia would have never had open access to sea trade and would have remained a weak impotent nation for another several centuries. Quite possible the Soviet Union would have never formed, altering global 20th century events by 180 degrees.

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 09:15 PM
I know it's a modern event so it's relevance to overall history is limited in scope... I would say,

JFK assasination. I don't mean as a conspiracy theory...more to the impact of one life lost.
- Loss of innocence for a generation and country.
- Global impact - Johnson's escalation of involvement in Vietnam, escalation of arms race, cold war.
- Cynicism - I look at JFK's death as the well spring of distrust ifor the American govt.

You have to wonder what the world would be like had we limited our involvement in Vietnam.

like I said, JFK's death has had very little impact on overall history, but I truly believe it will reverberate as a very important event for a long time to come.

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 12:41 AM
Hey Perfect!

A response i can use!

I heard there's a white X spray painted on the road where he was shot?


Id also have to throw into the Mix, the apollo launch pad at Nasa

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Hey Perfect!

A response i can use!

I heard there's a white X spray painted on the road where he was shot?


Agit8dChop, Yes, true...I am originally from Ft. Worth TX. and yes you can even see it from google earth if you know where to gets repainted several times a year...though by who is a conspiracy in itself...

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 09:11 PM
Wow no kidding, thats awesome.

Theres an alterior motive here,

for the past week ive been out on the streets near my apartment quizing unsuspecting locals.

Next year ive bought a 1 way airfare to Japan, where im going to start
hiroshima is destination number 1, ive got about 200 at the moment..

I intend on takin some quality photos from different angles of specific locations that have altered man kind...
really big photos some times panoramic, maybe some in black and white, at night, day ya know what ever REALLY gives the ultimate idea of its surruondings today.

Spend mabey 3-4hours reading different texts of peoples versions of what happened at that spot on that day get my own feeling, and then write a page speel aout the enormit o that piece of land.
get an equal photo ( if possible ) from back in the day when it was occuring, put it all together. ad youve got a book which shows how many got to where it is today, and why we are the way we are!

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by JackJuice
The entire western world their views and ways of life can be traced back to one place. The place you ask, the Jutting edges of Thermoplyae, where the whole world learned that the few can stand against the many, that there are few things more galliant than fighting and dying for freedom, that when you come across a few spartans sitting around a camp fire combing their hair you should probably turn around and go the other way.

Yes, Spartans combing their long flowing hair and doing calistenics is a bad thing, a very bad thing. It means they are pumping themselves up mentally, phyiscally, and spiritiually for a battle they may not walk away from...but neither will you...a lot of you and your fellow warriors. A Spartan is worth 300 of any other soldier...that's 1 Spartan worth 300 other warriors.

A Spartan was supposed to come home from battle with his shield in hand, or dead upon it.

Think about that, before you cross a Spartan.

[edit on 23-12-2006 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 01:42 AM
The Garden of Eden fruit eating incidnet perhaps if you were of a Christian persuasion as this is the land mark event that we ( Alledgedly ) fell from gods grace and began to experience misery ?.

[edit on 23-12-2006 by mazzroth]

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 09:40 AM
Stonehenge the UK, its where man first contactd our Alien neighbours and still is the most important site on earth today.

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 10:26 AM
i'd say that, IMHO, the way the european powers split up their former holding in the middle east has the greatest impact on where we are well as both theirs and US policies since then. iraq is a perfect example: taking three distinct groups of people who have been at each other's throats for a millenia and putting them all under one roof.

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 10:37 AM
Menlo Park - Thomas Edison's lab. Think where we be without him.

The Trinity site- Where the power of the atom was first unleashed.

Mainz Germany- I believe this is the location where Guttenberg perfected his printing press.

Mesopotamia and Egypt- the places where mankind first started forming cities and nations.

[edit on 23-12-2006 by pavil]

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 08:47 AM
Hastings, 1066... The world was never the same.

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