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Project Bluebeam and What ATS Cannot Become

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posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 12:44 PM
No,but i do find it wierd why nobody even bothered to read my post.

The ones who are taken when the REAL christ arrives,wont have to decipher between fake lights and sounds,because they will be far away from earth where any thing could possibly hurt them.But on the other hand,if your the stranger thats left in the field after christ comes...then youll be the one who's seeing all the fake signs and miracles instructed by the false prophet and the beast.which i mentioned above.

When will you people learn...there is always a way out..and all it requires is faith.You dont need to stock up on supplies or get plane tickets to tibet...all you need is jesus..he is the savior.he is the one you should rely on.Your car,your money,NONE OF THAT CAN SAVE YOU!!!!!!!


In reality the ONLY way to be safe would be if you could leave the i right?

well jesus is the ticket off the planet..but you fools are too busy worried about some stupid blue beam garbage to even care.

You guys are suckers.get your minds right.IM WARNING YOU

Mod Edit:
No I'm warning you!

Use some courtesy and respect other members when you are posting in this forum. Calling them fools and suckers is against the Terms & Conditions of this forum.

I suggest you read them ASAP.

[edit on 13-12-2006 by TheBandit795]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan
No,but i do find it wierd why nobody even bothered to read my post.

Well I did, you obviously just didn't bother to read my reply. We're not talking about Jesus here and your story is well long anyway. Start another thread about it and link to it from here.


posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 02:25 PM
I am posting this after almost a year of forum silence..... WHY?

Because I grew tired of thread derailments, circle argumantation, pointless smart *** comments, and basicaly because I made a list of "posible" government agents in ATS whose purpose was introduce "noise" lateral themes and misinfo that made the whole ATS experience a drag.

14 months ago UFOS were aired in National T.V. in Mexico due to the fact that Mex Airforce had this tape and it wa sleaked to the T.V. news.... it was very exciting watching comentators saying these were UFOS straigh up in National coverage at prime time TV.... afterwards HUGE Silence, even forums here took the matter seriously and out of nowhere came a ton of "expert debunkers" who filled the forum (in Mexico) wth crap, later the forum software would crash and the info...mmm lost...

For me that is proof enough that power that be want to keep a lot of us in the dark and if that is not possible they will bombard us with Miss information, false leads or whatever it takes to DILUTE KNOWLEDGE.

So my stance has been to read ATS and watch an dread and make my own conclusions... Last week Thread by Dark Knight was an example of such attacks to a perfectly valid point and beliefs of somebody (Iam not saying I believe him), but he was willing to go the 10 yards and have a moderator check his background!!! heck thats a surefire way to kill NAYSAYERS...but heck.... they wanted his head, his name, almost his bank account numbers... result...derailment of the whole thing...

When I see a thread lik e that I flag it inmediately, because maybe big bro is watching and when someone walks towards the truth, they intercept him/her...and shut it down, blast it or do whatever to cover it....

ATS should TRY to cover all posibilities even if some Loony makes threads about a comet that will take our souls..time will come and it will be exposed and discredited and admins shouldkeep records of such bad info spreaders... BUT what if one that put a thread about something shocking but true? We should PROTECT those users that have consistently shown good research, good info and willing to read and ask the though questions, in that regard a lot of the Moderators in the last year have been in my 'list" of guys to watch for...
Just as there is a WATS there should be like a track of those who make this place a hell...

my .02 and I hope this thread and the one by DK will open again because ..they are very interesting...

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 03:52 PM
not only was the mod going to be invited to my home town, but they were going to be shown what myself and my wife do for a living, why it is important for the wife not to have her frineds father named (but the mod would get the full back ground and alot of other stuff thats never going to make it onto ATS)

Believe me, if I thought for one second even 1 % of what i say is not true, then i would not expose myself like this on a public web page. But I believe what I have been told, and yes, after doing some more reading behind this project blue beam, and that there has been sucessful levatation of living animal matter using sound, I am 110 % convinced.

Heres the rub. I am so convinced, and so are the others, that after taking a good hard look atv things, we have decided to reopen the thread, spill every thing we can without comprimising any one, and leave this one last warning for every body to see.

Because after 2008, your on your own. We are leaving the building.


posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:06 PM
Thanks for the answer, I really look forward for more info (even if its scant because you cant say it/or wont).

For me 9/11 was the wake up call that there is more going on than it meets the eye, but guess that a lot of our fellow humans do not care or are very happy living with eyes closed...

Maybe Ill make some choices and assumptions based on the info I have got and make a Mistake, nut it will be my mistake, not Ill be following the herd just because its the confortable way to go...

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan
No,but i do find it wierd why nobody even bothered to read my post.

The ones who are taken when the REAL christ arrives,wont have to decipher between fake lights and sounds,because they will be far away from earth where any thing could possibly hurt them.But on the other hand,if your the stranger thats left in the field after christ comes...then youll be the one who's seeing all the fake signs and miracles instructed by the false prophet and the beast.which i mentioned above.

When will you people learn...there is always a way out..and all it requires is faith.You dont need to stock up on supplies or get plane tickets to tibet...all you need is jesus..he is the savior.he is the one you should rely on.Your car,your money,NONE OF THAT CAN SAVE YOU!!!!!!!


In reality the ONLY way to be safe would be if you could leave the i right?

well jesus is the ticket off the planet..but you fools are too busy worried about some stupid blue beam garbage to even care.

You guys are suckers.get your minds right.IM WARNING YOU

Just because nobody took the time to acknowledge your post doesn't mean it wasn't read.

I would also like to let you in on something that i have learned, you might not believe me, but that is perfectly fine, as it is just my experience.

People are always waiting for someone to come save them, expecting someone to do it for them. It is up to us to save ourselves. We have been shown the way, the path of love, the path of friendship, yet too often we choose to ignore this. We lie in wait thinking that one day our almighty someone will come save us, that's not the case. We are here to learn and grow, we aren't put here just so someone or something can wisp us away when hard times come. We are here to learn how to keep those hard times from coming around.

It is within you.

Jesus is not the only way. Following Yeshua's path is most certainly a way to achieve enlightenment, but far from the only way to what some call "salvation". This isn't about placing our lives in the hands of someone else, that's why they are our lives, they are our responsibility. Once we see this, once we lose our fears and then start realizing that everything we do is our responsibility, our actions, then we can begin to love.

Together we are capable of doing things that most can only dream about. We the people (that is the "common" people, or non-elitists) can turn this planet into anything that we wish. We just can't seem to find it within ourselves to put being are childish and primitive ways of fear and discrimination, so that we may all realize that we indeed are all the same.

Sit back and imagine the most "hellish" earth you can think of, because if we continue to live in fear this is where we shall end up. Now, take the most beautiful colorful earth that is full of life and laughter, this is what we could achieve through love, acceptance, and forgiveness; but no, we are too stubborn and too fearful to even think that this is possible.

There is a new generation among us, with members from every age group, that will not stand idly by while the world goes under. It is nowhere near as difficult to accomplish this "utopia" as some would say, than we would make it seem. Times are changing, people all over the planet are waking up and seeing with their own eye for the first time.

We will not run from this place when times are hard, but rather we shall stay amongst our people and help them through the hard times. This planet will not be oppressed, and subjected to genocide any longer. We are sick and tired of this, and we will help guide those that are confused and scared, showing them that there is indeed nothing to fear.

The rein of fear will not last.

Change is coming, and no matter what happens, millions if not billions of people will stand together and say ENOUGH!

We will cower in fear no longer.

The day draws near, when all will understand how powerful love is.

I love this planet, and i will not stand by and watch it die, nor will i run away and leave my people here.

Sorry everyone for going on like this, but it just burned so passionately within me that i couldn't stop. I'm not trying to derail this thread or anything.

Peace and love,


posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
Together we are capable of doing things that most can only dream about. We the people (that is the "common" people, or non-elitists) can turn this planet into anything that we wish.

Times are changing, people all over the planet are waking up and seeing with their own eye for the first time.

Change is coming, and no matter what happens, millions if not billions of people will stand together and say ENOUGH!

You have good points there, and I agree with the ideas but for some reason I cant see them happening. People don't seem to be that willing to participate in mass activities these days, even if it's to better the world. They'd rather just sit in and watch someone else do it on TV.

I think that 9/11, Iraq, etc are just examples of this, everybody knows that there's something fishy going on in the government but everybody is too scared/lazy/not confident in their beliefs to do anything.

The government has us wrapped around their little finger because no matter what they do, the worst that will happed is a few people will rant on an internet forum then forget about it after a week! I mean look what happened with that video of the 'plane' hitting the Pentagon that was just released. A few people got angry because they believed it was fake, but they would never actually stand up and do anything, and by now they've probably stopped caring anyway.

I like your idea of millions of people standing up for something world changing, but I just can't see it happening in this day and age

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by malganis
You have good points there, and I agree with the ideas but for some reason I cant see them happening. People don't seem to be that willing to participate in mass activities these days, even if it's to better the world. They'd rather just sit in and watch someone else do it on TV.

You're probably right, malganis. People don't have the willingness or motivation to work cooperatively these days. It would be great if some of the 60's attitude came back but it's unlikely. But all is not lost. Although that would be the ideal, just getting these alternative points out to people is far more important than we may believe. It is a hard fact that when the poop-hits-the-fan people DO tend to band togther. The key for us is to disseminate this 'alternative' information to as many people as possible. Then, when something DOES happen, they will be able to say, "You know, I heard about this...".

Looking specifically about the theme of this thread, there are (supposedly) going to be celestial events made to LOOK like some supernatural/alien/apocalyptic event. These are specifically made to look like things heavily woven into our cultures and mythology. Most people, lacking any alternative explanation, will fall for it. If it were to happen, the ONLY chance we have is for enough people to realize that it is not real to be able to blunt the events effects.

Think back to the Orson Wells 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast. This was made o sound real (for dramatic effect) and because people bought into it there was panic and actually murder/suicides. The power to question what we see/hear is exactly what 'they' don't want.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 08:15 AM
Iagree with Kix,9/11 was a wake-up call for me also.And a BIG thank you to D4rk Kn1ght for having the courage to warn us all about the info that was shared with him,thanks bro,I for one am taking this warning and preparing me and my family for it.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Why did Dark Knight just post his evidence?

Did he really need to make drama?

Do you all believe his statement that if he didn`t post here he would feel guilty for not trying to help somebody?

Please just another person writting a story.Interesting sure but written for all the wrong reasons.

Only Drama.

Not all if any of the 2012 predictions will come to light.

Maybe the govt are reading this and gonna bring it forward to 2007.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght

Heres the rub. I am so convinced, and so are the others, that after taking a good hard look atv things, we have decided to reopen the thread, spill every thing we can without comprimising any one, and leave this one last warning for every body to see.

DK...are you saying you are going to request your original "guilt" thread be reopened or are you going to just continue to post on this thread? I believe the other thread is still closed. mentioned bugging out to "high altitude" in your other there a particular reason for this?

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by zeed85
Why did Dark Knight just post his evidence?

Did he really need to make drama?

Do you all believe his statement that if he didn`t post here he would feel guilty for not trying to help somebody?

Please just another person writting a story.Interesting sure but written for all the wrong reasons.

Only Drama.

Not all if any of the 2012 predictions will come to light.

Maybe the govt are reading this and gonna bring it forward to 2007.

The world is what we make it, what the people allow it to be. The people in control want total control, they want all of the riches, all of the power, they are greedy. They will do whatever it takes to remain in that top spot, and if that means staging such an event, then they will do it.

You say that not many (if any) of the 2012 predictions will come true, i agree with that in a sense. People really blow this whole thing out of proportion, saying that we are all going to die etc, etc. I don't believe the world is going to end, maybe the world as we know it with the oppression and genocidal tendencies of the war machine (a very profitable business for corporations i might add), but the world will still be here, possibly different though.

There are people out there who are willing to stand and fight, you just don't here about them all that much. They like to keep to themselves, and they rarely go on about subjects like i do. I am trying to open people's eyes, let them know we are here. Others keep quiet because; why draw attention to yourself so that you may be stopped, why not pretend to be a part of the body until the time is right, then you strike, infecting the system like a virus, from the inside. There will come a time when people show their true nature. Also, i would like to add that i will not forget, and i will not stop being the way i am until one of two scenarios happen.

Yes, there are millions that just don't care about what's going on, because they don't see how it affects them. That's what I'm trying to fix, trying to show them what's going on. I let them know that it's not about what affects you, that's a greedy way of thinking, only being concerned for yourself. Once people see what we are willing to do, then they realize that something serious is happening, and they become interested. Once they start to think for themselves, that's all we need. Free thinkers are dangerous, and as long as we have people that are wise to what's going on, there will be free thinkers. They don't want us thinking for ourselves, we are shown how to think by the TV.

We are told what is desired, we are shown how to live. Some of us actually feel closer to those characters on TV than we do our own families. Well guess what, this world needs to wake up and realize that it is just one big family (obviously not in a genetic sense, but a sense of friendship.).

Just because we don't talk doesn't mean that we aren't here. I used to not talk either, but i have gone through some real deep changes over the past year or so. Now I am very passionate about what i believe in, and i am going to do what i can to help this place.



posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 03:03 PM
What 7Pan says is important. IF this power grab by the elite materializes they are going to need a huge number of regular people to keep it going. No matter how powerful or wealthy that small group is they need to control the masses and they need LOTS of regular people (police, military, etc.) to pull it off and keep it working. By getting to people now and planting these seeds it will improve our chances of eroding the plan if it were to happen.


posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 03:04 PM
One guy who used to work with me at Apple computer in the 80´s, used to be part of a big push in people awareness and preparation for large earthquakes.

He used to have vey important info along with hard data and statitistics that supported the ssumption that a large earthquake would occurr in Mexico any day...
They never let him speak to the media, the seismographers and early warning sistems were postponed for 3 to 4 years".... then in 1985 there was the largest quake ever registered in the zone 8.3 for 87 seconds.... the result at least 10 thousand dead )officialy but real numbers put it at 45k)...they guy worked at apple because he could not keep his sanitty working as a geologyst/seismologist...guilt cinsumed him...

When you have knoldedge of a certain impending danger, you naturaly want to share call it guilt or whatever...would you have kept your mouth shut if you knew about 9/11 ?

I guess not..

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 08:59 PM
I want to also offer my support to Dark Knight (spellings wrong i know).

To me, it doesn't matter whether YOU believe him or not, it is that he has total conviction in what he is saying and he had the guts to get it out in the open.

It is obvious that if you are going to make such claims that you would take flak, but he did it anyway because he believed it had to be done.


posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
I want to also offer my support to Dark Knight (spellings wrong i know).

To me, it doesn't matter whether YOU believe him or not, it is that he has total conviction in what he is saying and he had the guts to get it out in the open.

It is obvious that if you are going to make such claims that you would take flak, but he did it anyway because he believed it had to be done.

Very well said,I'll second that.

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