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Project Bluebeam and What ATS Cannot Become

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posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 05:11 PM
I enjoyed the Dark Knight thread and was sad to see it go the way of troll bait, but that seems to be the fate of any thread too scary or too outside the accepted norms of what is a 'conspiracy' these days.

I hope Dark Knight continues to post, possibly in the Skunkworks or similar, where the moderation is geared more towards handling the intense feedback he was getting.

Having said that, I would have to admit to be on the side of anyone who would dismiss it. We seem to get a new thing to worry about every year and every time an arbitrary date passes another one will take it's place.

Am I confident nothing will happen post-2009, even as Dark Knight suggests otherwise? Pretty much. I have heard no scuttlebutt about anything other than notching the fear up another a notch. Apparently the terrorists aren't causing any more sleepless nights as much as they used to, so possibly a level-up to alien invasion or second coming may be needed. So through Bluebeam or such the technology exists to realise this.

I am confident that despite the trolls (who really are part of the process, GHU) the way ATS collects and digests information world-wide, no matter what is thrown our way, through our collective reasoning on this site, no bad can really come from it.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:30 PM
I have just voted both jtma AND DK a WATS.

Jtma for starting this thread and stating what needed to be stated, and DK for starting the other thread, which took GUTS.

I followed that thread with great interest even though I had not posted to it.

And I watched it descend into a prolonged attack by some who, instead of just leaving it alone if they didn't agree with it and go read something else, as they certainly could and should have, decided it was better to try and destroy it. This makes me wonder just what their agenda was? Were they really afraid of the information or were they trying to prevent the information from coming out?

I have seen a bit of this on ATS, and it HAS kept me from making some threads, even when I was aware of something that perhaps a few other people would have liked to have known about, but I only had my own word for it and no ABSOLUTE, CONCRETE, in your face 'proof'.

Does that not defeat one of the purposes of the site???

There is a handful of posters on this site that when I see a post from them, I won't even look at it because there's a very real chance that all they are doing is trying to derail someone elses thread. Geez, if you don't like a thread, NO ONE is MAKING you read it. Just go do something else for crying out loud.

And I've got news for you...there IS a Dark Knight, and that entity HAS been testing possible procedures for awhile now...and there are people who have been subjected to that testing without their permission...but I will say nothing more about it because there is just my word for it.

People better wake up before it hits.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:30 PM
In a way, if a detractor attacks someone else's info or theory, it forces both the original poster (& thread readers) to start going out for more info to provide either confirmation or denial...But that's a big difference to those who attack the original poster. If taken with the right attitude, even the most derisive attack on posted info can lead in a positive direction.

I've always seen ATS as a place where people from all over the world can attempt a "consilience" of knowledge: To explain a bit further...
I've read a book by Edward O. Wilson (preeminent Biologist of his time & he's still living) named "Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge." His book describes the ultimate goal of uniting all knowledge & finding the one core-truth that underlies all other knowledge about our universe. In short, it's the theory that, since everything is somehow connected to everything else (albeit directly or indirectly), there should be one single tidbit of knowledge from which everything has sprung...Sort of like describing how a scientist would try to find God.

Even though ATS needs to specialize a bit by keeping within conspiracy-related events, it brings together a wide variety of people from all over the world who can always add their own little tidbit of info to something they've seen someone else post (or to post something that's new to them). However, every little tidbit of research adds up into a pile, gets analyzed & scrutinized by a whole slew of others, some theory & evidence correlates with something else (but is still related in some way)...Eventually, a single truth comes out.

IMO, ATS is just one place (out of who-knows-how-many) that actually makes an honest attempt to achieve consilience...Especially when you have to realize that this is the only way to really get at any real truth behind the lies at the forefront of any conspiracy.
This is why I've been registered at ATS since almost the beginning of ATS & why I still keep coming back.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:46 PM
heres a very, very strange bit to add to this from a poster in another board backed up by a link.

2001 - a major player in the satellite communications world both mil and civ, gets called DARK KNIGHT by a very senior member of a firm...

Yes thats right - dark knight and he is into sat comms both mil and civ in a big big way..

Now, is this dark knight an insider wink wink like reference? or is it just synchroniity?

Heres the bit where he uses it...

David Bross, chairman of the Satellite 2002 conference, called Rusch an "iconoclast" who is not afraid to defy conventional wisdom. "I call him the dark knight," Bross said. "A lot of his forecasts are very gloomy but they turn out right."[/exe]

now its from here

and after reading a bit about blue beam and its satellite based nature im gettimg a little bit edgey around the edges so to speak!

as for that from JT - the black knight satellite pre sputnik....

Cheers for the links people and the pointers.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 07:28 PM

I have seen a bit of this on ATS, and it HAS kept me from making some threads, even when I was aware of something that perhaps a few other people would have liked to have known about, but I only had my own word for it and no ABSOLUTE, CONCRETE, in your face 'proof'.


Just consider this epistle as comment, not pertaining to anything in particular, and the theme of this thread in general along the lines of the quote above.

First, DK, you did absolutely nothing wrong, and certainly nothing that anyone of sound judgment should viciously attack you for. Trust me, there are quite a few thousand people who, like yourself, understand the tenuous nature of the world economy (among other things) and have taken like measures.

Secondly, Change is a Natural Law, whether the change has to do with normal growth or reconstructing one's world view based on Realities as opposed to Illusions--e.g.--the Truth---which brings us to #3.

In my short tenure on ATS, I have found that there are several categories of people. The two majorities are those who are looking for the truth of a particular thing, and those opposed to the Truth being found, at all, and that by continuing to support the Illusions. The close running third faction is the Curious. Among us is also the "masters" of either information or disinformation, and those who are so irrationally frightened by it all that, as has been stated, they lash out and anything that stands the remotest chance of causing them to reconstruct their Reality--or Illusion. "Bating" is the most often used tool regards that end. I guess it gives those people some feeling of power and accomplishment.

For myself, I just make offers up here in posts, and expect neither agreement nor disagreement nor debate. One of the best ways I have found to "Deny Ignorance" is to simply ignore it when and where I find it.

Yes, some want smoking gun "evidence" of Truth. There is a problem with that, though, and that is that a goodly bit of the Real Truth cannot be "scientifically proved"--at least not with the present state of technology. Much of the evidence is "circumstantial". That, after all, is why we call it "Conspiracy Theory and not "Conspiracy Fact". Yet some require Fact. That is just a product of Western Mind-set and educational systems, which serve to narrow, rather than open. the mind.

Whatever, DK, understand that you and your friends are certainly not alone in your view, and that there is nothing wrong with preparedness for any eventuality.

I'm done.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:02 PM

I've read a book by Edward O. Wilson (preeminent Biologist of his time & he's still living) named "Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge." His book describes the ultimate goal of uniting all knowledge & finding the one core-truth that underlies all other knowledge about our universe. In short, it's the theory that, since everything is somehow connected to everything else (albeit directly or indirectly)

Sounds interesting and very similar to Dean Radins books. Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox
I have found that there are several categories of people. The two majorities are those who are looking for the truth of a particular thing, and those opposed to the Truth being found, at all, and that by continuing to support the Illusions. The close running third faction is the Curious.

I agree that those 3 categories exist but not that the first 2 make up the majority of ATSers. I think that most people on here would fall into the 'curious' category such as myself.

I have a few points which I think relate to the bating/flaming/personal attacks from some.
They're also points which influenced my skepticism and standing on DK's thread in question, but didn't provoke me to flame, etc.

1. People who are most likely to dismiss your ideas or dis-believe them are the people who don't really see ATS as a place for learning and being open minded. People who just read these posts for entertainment or have small minds regarding predictions/supernatural/etc will make fun at the first opportunity because they don't take it seriously. Basically they are either childish or not as 'in to' ATS as the rest of us.

2. The post was out-of-the-blue. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, as most posts on ATS are of subjects that we've never considered before, but again for people that aren't really used to being open minded about possibilities and theories e.g UFOs/ghosts, trying to comprehend such issues such as your article can be hard to do.

3. People will always demand hard fact. Some people will only believe something if it is from sources that they trust (e.g. Fox News
lol, j/k), they won't even consider thinking about something that hasn't been told to them by a corporation. DK's source was a man that he trusted to be telling the truth and most of us respected that. But a lot of people (myself included) don't have someone in their life that could influence them with words as much as the man influenced DK, so it's hard to comprehend why someone would go to drastic measures without hard fact.

4. I don't really believe the things about people flaming because they're scared that you might be right. I was a fence sitter in DK's thread and I sat back and just followed most of it, occasionally thinking about posting. But if you were right about it I don't think denying you would stop the end of the world so what would be the point? I think that people that deny you are just too skeptical, not scared you might be right.

Anyway I could probably think of more but i'm going to bed lol. Just some things to think over, especially for you DK because they relate to your thread. These things don't represent me btw, i'm just trying to work out reasons why people flame and troll threads into being closed.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 09:06 PM
It's nice when people can just agree to disagree.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 10:25 PM
From this point on im not just speaking to DarkNight but im speaking to everyone,because the time is now!

The CHRIST is returning,it will be an event seen throughout the world.Just as the sun shines on the east coast,and at the same time,it shines on the west coast,so will it be when the CHRIST returns.

Jesus said.."For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west,so will be the coming of the Son of Man"

but how and why does this have to do with darknights prediction?

Ok,this is the point were i might lose some people,but if you are brave enough,bare with me.

CHIRST is and e.t. of the highest since of the word..he is the LIGHT,.He is one of the high preist of heaven,and is involved with the Anuunaki Elohim.The Anunnaki travel inside a planet called Nibiru,Ishtar,Zion,or the Kingdom of Heaven.From what i know when it appears from earth its around the same size as the moon,but im not sure on the actual size.It glows a bright white color.The Anunnaki created the Human race starting in Africa.Blacks came first,then so on and so forth,just follow the pyrmaids and youll see how it spread out.

There is no sense in me trying to explain ever last detail about the Anunnaki,but i will tell you that any storys you hope to find about them can be found in the ancient myths of the doesnt matter if its greek,egyptian,sumerian,nordic,hindu,islamic,it all belongs to the Anunnaki.You call also find more written in the bible and koran,and both were influnced by the Anunnaki.

Mostly anything youll read on the internet about the Anunnaki is half true,the reason is because ceratin someones dont want you to know that really, the Anunnaki are the good guys,the very ones who will save you from a global holocaust,so to speak.They are the God that most everday christains pray too.I am not kidding.They have specifically have shown people in the past(via time travel) excactly what would happen in the the future,(end times),when & how they would return,and all the events that would take place before and after.

They showed enoch,daniel,jesus,and john just to name a few of them.They used prophets to warn the ancient people, when they would no listen to the prohets then the Anunnaki would destroy the people themselves,or have them kill each other,This was because they were disgraced because of how the ancient people acted,they were not doing according to what the Anunnaki had taught therm.When they destroyed cities,it would be like us throwing away a piece of paper,or a shrit because it got ruined,thats how they felt.but in a different sorta way.

Since the Anunnaki were spending all there time on the mothership nibiru,they rarely had time to keep watch over everything the humans did,so they set up "religons" which would guide the people to a holy living,but certain people,saw how the religons were bringing people together,so they were corrupt and starting seeking power and control of people.The Anunnaki started the religons to keep us holy,its not some b.s mind control like stupid websites would like you to believe..remeber i told you those websites are 98% false,unless its from the ancient myths or bible and koran its more then likely a lie,or half -truth.The Anunnaki are not just reptillan..but they are a collective of races all united to help less advanced races to become more evolved.If you read a story about them that is for the most part negative,then you should discredit it.Its not true.Then youll see how hard it really is to find the truth,on a internet full of negative dis-info.

They have warned people of impending disasters in the past, and have even rescued familys,like noahs,and Lot.,before the people around them were tragically destroyed.There plan again is to rescue more people soon,before this whole war on terror/iraq/iran/north korean nuke thing blows up in all our faces.

We are now in what the Anunnaki call the Tribulation,a 7 year period of distress.

The start of the 7 years began in 2001,and each year after 2001 has been another year,until 2007 when the 7th year of the tribulation is complete.

The Book of revelation explains all the events from 2001 all the way until 2012,the year christ will reign as King on earth.

Before the tribulation is over..Jesus is written to return,but the twist is,this time with the Anunnaki mothership.Nibiru.

I can only speculate that this will happen directlly after some kind of terrorist or pre=emptive attack on some country.It could be america or over seas,but whatever it is that happens will alter the world forever,there will be no holding back any longer,the Anunnaki will show themselves SOON..there planet/mothership will emerge in the sky,moving!!!!!

Every one will see it and panic like hell..tell me,would it scare you to see a gaint planet moving across the sky at night? what are the odds? well im telling you now the odds are very high as the heavens.

futhermore while all the panic is taking place on earth..inside the mothership there is a BIG ceremony being held for jesus,he is standing at the throne of the ruling elohim(Anu)...and has just taken the scroll from him.And then an angel is told to blow a trrumpet..and at that moment,a huge multitude of people on earth are "beamed up" to the mothership.And from then on they will live with the Anunnaki in peace forever.

Jesus said..."At that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky,and all the nations of the earth will mourn.they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory,and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call,and they will gather his elect from the four winds,from one end of heaven to the other"


Everyone who is "beamed up" will be given white robes..and stripped of there unclean earthly clothes.

John said "After this i looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count,from every nation,tribe,people and language,standing before the throne and in front of the lamb(jesus).they were wearing white robes and holding palm branchs in there hands.

John later ask's one of the Anunnaki,were did all these people come from,and how did they magically get into the mothership.

The Anunnaki later explains to him that everyone he sees in the robes was taken/abducted/harvested/delivered from the earth and brought to the mothership because they trusted in jesus to save them,and with all there hearts,souls and minds they believed it,they had the most faith of everybody on earth.and now they are being rewarded for what they believed was real.

the most vile of humanitity will be left behind to run around earth like chickens with heads chopped off.There will be so much confusion and panic,people will be searching for any hope at all.But once the mothership leaves them behind,there is no escape,only thru death.

all the fake sounds and lights will be part of a cover up to really hide whats going on.It will last for a part of 3.5 years starting in 2007,just like darknight stated.Theese are the fake miracles and signs the false prophet(pope benedict) and the beast(kissinger) will decieve the world with.Rome is evil,they killed the christ.Its the throne of satan's power.

Jesus said.." To the angel of the church of pergamum write: You did not renounce your faith in me,even in the days of antipas my faithfull witness,who was put to death in your city--where satan lives"

Pergamum is in ROME! were satan lives.

People will be tricked left and right.Not knowing who to trust or where to go.Global disasters and terrorism will lead to WW 3 and then eventaully to armageddon,somewhere around 2011.

Your only esscape is faith in CHRIST jesus!!!!

Anyone who denys him,will be denied infront of the Anunnaki.and they will not spare you.This is your only chance.

Ill leave you with this,until another time...

And jesus said.."When the son of man comes in his glory ,and all the angels with him,he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.And all the nations will be gathered before him,and he will seperate the people one from another as a shepherd
seperates the sheep from the goat,he will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.Then the king will say to those on his right ,Come you who are BLESSED by my father take your inheritance,the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world"

Do the RIGHT thing and find your faith in CHRIST,it might not be to late to be SAVED.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 01:50 AM
link just wanted to say I realize why you haven't answered my u2u yet DK.I didn't stop to think that people may have been berating you via u2u as well.No biggie.I'm just glad to see this discussion is being continued as I am very interested in what you've said,and have yet to say on the topic.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
I'm reaching here a little bit but in the theme of the original post and a possible Project Blue Beam link here are two sites that are talking about an event in the 1960's when a satellite not launched by the then nascent USSR and US space programs suddenly appeared in Polar orbit. It was named The Black Knight:

Black Knight

Black Knight #2

[edit on 11-12-2006 by jtma508]

Is it possible to summarize, putting in your own words, the information in the links above?
(as well as how it ties into Project Blue Beam, as this seems to take a different slant.
The first page doesnt seem to give much info, and the second says something about putting another reality onto someone else. The article really didnt flow.)



[edit on 12-12-2006 by dAlen]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan
From this point on im not just speaking to DarkNight but im speaking to everyone,because the time is now!

You could have started a new thread for this it's well long.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 08:10 AM

Is it possible to summarize, putting in your own words, the information in the links above?
(as well as how it ties into Project Blue Beam, as this seems to take a different slant.
The first page doesnt seem to give much info, and the second says something about putting another reality onto someone else. The article really didnt flow.)

I agree dAlen, these articles are a bit fragmented. I found some others surrounding the same topic but they were even more confusing. And yes, they are an entirely different slant. My line of thinking and reason for citing these articles was this:

DK's source was an elderly ex-military man that clearly heard/read/got this information from someone at some point in the past (clearly pre-internet). He also stressed that it was 'Knight' not 'night'. When DK mentioned that he had turned-up a reference to a 'Dark Knight' associated with the satellite industry I thought I'd see what else I could find in that vein.

'Black Knight' is described as a satellite of particularly large size that was suddenly found in polar orbit in 1960. This was a feat unachievable by either the US or USSR at the time (the only spece programs on the planet) due to the object's orbit and size. Further, HAM radio operators are reported to have received transmissions from the object that represented a star map (as it appeared 13,000 years ago) from the vantage point of earth. The satellite remained in orbit for 3 weeks and then disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

7mos later another object was photographed over NY by the Grumman Aircraft tracking camera in an east-west orbit (opposite the orbits used by both the US and USSR). In May 1963 Gordon Cooper reported that he saw an object (and verified that it was not the booster) approaching his capsule. The object was picked up by the Australian radar tracking station and was reported by NBC during their live coverage, They were not, however, allowed to ask Cooper about the incident after he landed and the extensive investigation into the mysterious satellites was never made public.

Another phenomenon associated with the 'Black Knight' was a phenomenon called LDE (long-delay echo). This is where radio and TV signals returned to earth hours and sometimes days after they were first transmitted suggesting that 'something' was recording and then replaying the transmitted signals.

The strangest (and to me most questionable) legacy of the 'Black Knight' events surround science fiction author, Philip Dick. He maintained that he received 'information' from the satellite over a period of years and chroncilcled this in a series of books.

Why include this in the current thread? DK's source got his information some time ago so this upcoming event has informational roots that go back quite some time. It concerns images and sounds apperaring in space that create panic, havoc and anarchy on earth thereby allowing some group to consolidate power on a global scale. The 'Black Knight' events suggest that there is some extraterrestrial entity that has communicated with the planet.

The DK scenario revolves around this cellestial multi-media show. Project Blue Beam is also centered on a space-based muli-media show that includes information beamed into peoples heads (sounds and information). Blue Beam seeks to use the religious prophecies assdociated with the 'Second Coming' to acheive its goal.

The Garabandal Prophecies include a celestial light show that will (allegedly) occur in the lifetime of one of the witnesses (now approaching age 60). So if it's true, it is imminent.

Again, DK's scenario is by no means unprecedented. As has been previously posted, Wehner Von Braun warned of related issues since the 1970's, Blue Beam has been discussed for over 10yrs. 35yrs since the Garabandal prophecies. Something could very well be going on.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Thanks. You did a great job in your summary of the links and tieing things together.
I appreciate it.



posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by dAlen
Thanks. You did a great job in your summary of the links and tieing things together.
I appreciate it.



Yeah...ditto that. Alot of information there that I didn't know about...specifically the Black Knight.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:09 AM
the 'black knight' was a secret british rocket invented in 1956. it was supposed to be the first test of a re-entry vehicle.

link 1

link 2

link 3

some info on philip k dick's 'valis' type experiences here. he was an amazing author
his 'valis' type experiences are similar to robert anton wilson's 'sirius' communications (only not as funny)

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by justyc
the 'black knight' was a secret british rocket invented in 1956. it was supposed to be the first test of a re-entry vehicle.

The 'Black Knight' you mention is an entirely different thing but was around at the same time. At the time of the 1960 detection of the 'Black Knight' satellite there wasn't a booster in existence capable of placing a satellite (that was then estimated to be 15 tons) in orbit. But it's interesting how the term Black Knight keeps correlating to space technology.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
If ATS becomes a place where people are afraid to post information because they fear being ridiculed if they cannot offer concrete ‘proof’ then our mission has failed. I for one would rather encourage ATSers to post information they learn if they believe it

The one problem for ATS is that the developed world is mainly made up of people who awake everyday get dressed go to work come home go out with friends go home go to sleep and do it again tommorrow.

They don`t think beyond there own lives.Media has seen to it that to believe there maybe a differant twist to life is crazy.

We are here because we have opened up to other possibilities.Our have we.Have we just become obsessed without thinking other than there has to be another twist.

Are we the result of Internet spread properganda.

Example People believe in Bluebeam do they then believe In ATS possibly being govt type Cointelpro operation.Nope.

There is no way ATS could be govt run is the response thats just crazy etc etc etc.

This is a site full of people with views.Are we all right.Nope.Do we get shoot down for our views.Of course.Should we stop.Nope.Should we all agree.Nope.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by zeed85

Example People believe in Bluebeam do they then believe In ATS possibly being govt type Cointelpro operation.Nope.

There is no way ATS could be govt run is the response thats just crazy etc etc etc.

This is a site full of people with views.Are we all right.Nope.Do we get shoot down for our views.Of course.Should we stop.Nope.Should we all agree.Nope.

Welcome to the site, Soon to Be Former Secretary Rumsfeld.

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:58 AM
First of all, THANK YOU to Dark Knight for starting a most interesting thread and to all of you who contributed information and positive responses in this and the other thread. I first heard about Project Bluebeam about 6 months ago or so. It was one of those things I didn't know whether to believe or not. So, Dark Knight, when you posted your thread, I found it utterly fascinating. Now here is something else I just read after googling "Black Knight satellite":

Great Britain
1971 Oct 28
satellite: Black Knight 1
rocket: Black Arrow
launch site: Woomera Australia

What this is, is a web page listing some of the launchings of satellites. Does anyone else find it very weird that it's called the Black Knight satellite and was launched on October 28, 1971? Exactly 40 years to the day from Oct 28, 2011, which is what DK originally told us was the "Black Knight"???

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