posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 10:25 PM
From this point on im not just speaking to DarkNight but im speaking to everyone,because the time is now!
The CHRIST is returning,it will be an event seen throughout the world.Just as the sun shines on the east coast,and at the same time,it shines on the
west coast,so will it be when the CHRIST returns.
Jesus said.."For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west,so will be the coming of the Son of Man"
but how and why does this have to do with darknights prediction?
Ok,this is the point were i might lose some people,but if you are brave enough,bare with me.
CHIRST is and e.t. of the highest since of the word..he is the LIGHT,.He is one of the high preist of heaven,and is involved with the Anuunaki
Elohim.The Anunnaki travel inside a planet called Nibiru,Ishtar,Zion,or the Kingdom of Heaven.From what i know when it appears from earth its around
the same size as the moon,but im not sure on the actual size.It glows a bright white color.The Anunnaki created the Human race starting in
Africa.Blacks came first,then so on and so forth,just follow the pyrmaids and youll see how it spread out.
There is no sense in me trying to explain ever last detail about the Anunnaki,but i will tell you that any storys you hope to find about them can be
found in the ancient myths of the doesnt matter if its greek,egyptian,sumerian,nordic,hindu,islamic,it all belongs to the Anunnaki.You call
also find more written in the bible and koran,and both were influnced by the Anunnaki.
Mostly anything youll read on the internet about the Anunnaki is half true,the reason is because ceratin someones dont want you to know that really,
the Anunnaki are the good guys,the very ones who will save you from a global holocaust,so to speak.They are the God that most everday christains pray
too.I am not kidding.They have specifically have shown people in the past(via time travel) excactly what would happen in the the future,(end
times),when & how they would return,and all the events that would take place before and after.
They showed enoch,daniel,jesus,and john just to name a few of them.They used prophets to warn the ancient people, when they would no listen to the
prohets then the Anunnaki would destroy the people themselves,or have them kill each other,This was because they were disgraced because of how the
ancient people acted,they were not doing according to what the Anunnaki had taught therm.When they destroyed cities,it would be like us throwing away
a piece of paper,or a shrit because it got ruined,thats how they felt.but in a different sorta way.
Since the Anunnaki were spending all there time on the mothership nibiru,they rarely had time to keep watch over everything the humans did,so they set
up "religons" which would guide the people to a holy living,but certain people,saw how the religons were bringing people together,so they were
corrupt and starting seeking power and control of people.The Anunnaki started the religons to keep us holy,its not some b.s mind control like stupid
websites would like you to believe..remeber i told you those websites are 98% false,unless its from the ancient myths or bible and koran its more then
likely a lie,or half -truth.The Anunnaki are not just reptillan..but they are a collective of races all united to help less advanced races to become
more evolved.If you read a story about them that is for the most part negative,then you should discredit it.Its not true.Then youll see how hard it
really is to find the truth,on a internet full of negative dis-info.
They have warned people of impending disasters in the past, and have even rescued familys,like noahs,and Lot.,before the people around them were
tragically destroyed.There plan again is to rescue more people soon,before this whole war on terror/iraq/iran/north korean nuke thing blows up in all
our faces.
We are now in what the Anunnaki call the Tribulation,a 7 year period of distress.
The start of the 7 years began in 2001,and each year after 2001 has been another year,until 2007 when the 7th year of the tribulation is complete.
The Book of revelation explains all the events from 2001 all the way until 2012,the year christ will reign as King on earth.
Before the tribulation is over..Jesus is written to return,but the twist is,this time with the Anunnaki mothership.Nibiru.
I can only speculate that this will happen directlly after some kind of terrorist or pre=emptive attack on some country.It could be america or over
seas,but whatever it is that happens will alter the world forever,there will be no holding back any longer,the Anunnaki will show themselves
SOON..there planet/mothership will emerge in the sky,moving!!!!!
Every one will see it and panic like hell..tell me,would it scare you to see a gaint planet moving across the sky at night? what are the odds? well
im telling you now the odds are very high as the heavens.
futhermore while all the panic is taking place on earth..inside the mothership there is a BIG ceremony being held for jesus,he is standing at the
throne of the ruling elohim(Anu)...and has just taken the scroll from him.And then an angel is told to blow a trrumpet..and at that moment,a huge
multitude of people on earth are "beamed up" to the mothership.And from then on they will live with the Anunnaki in peace forever.
Jesus said..."At that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky,and all the nations of the earth will mourn.they will see the son of man
coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory,and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call,and they will gather his elect from
the four winds,from one end of heaven to the other"
Everyone who is "beamed up" will be given white robes..and stripped of there unclean earthly clothes.
John said "After this i looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count,from every nation,tribe,people and language,standing
before the throne and in front of the lamb(jesus).they were wearing white robes and holding palm branchs in there hands.
John later ask's one of the Anunnaki,were did all these people come from,and how did they magically get into the mothership.
The Anunnaki later explains to him that everyone he sees in the robes was taken/abducted/harvested/delivered from the earth and brought to the
mothership because they trusted in jesus to save them,and with all there hearts,souls and minds they believed it,they had the most faith of everybody
on earth.and now they are being rewarded for what they believed was real.
the most vile of humanitity will be left behind to run around earth like chickens with heads chopped off.There will be so much confusion and
panic,people will be searching for any hope at all.But once the mothership leaves them behind,there is no escape,only thru death.
all the fake sounds and lights will be part of a cover up to really hide whats going on.It will last for a part of 3.5 years starting in 2007,just
like darknight stated.Theese are the fake miracles and signs the false prophet(pope benedict) and the beast(kissinger) will decieve the world
with.Rome is evil,they killed the christ.Its the throne of satan's power.
Jesus said.." To the angel of the church of pergamum write: You did not renounce your faith in me,even in the days of antipas my faithfull
witness,who was put to death in your city--where satan lives"
Pergamum is in ROME! were satan lives.
People will be tricked left and right.Not knowing who to trust or where to go.Global disasters and terrorism will lead to WW 3 and then eventaully to
armageddon,somewhere around 2011.
Your only esscape is faith in CHRIST jesus!!!!
Anyone who denys him,will be denied infront of the Anunnaki.and they will not spare you.This is your only chance.
Ill leave you with this,until another time...
And jesus said.."When the son of man comes in his glory ,and all the angels with him,he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.And all the nations
will be gathered before him,and he will seperate the people one from another as a shepherd
seperates the sheep from the goat,he will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.Then the king will say to those on his right ,Come you
who are BLESSED by my father take your inheritance,the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world"
Do the RIGHT thing and find your faith in CHRIST,it might not be to late to be SAVED.