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Christianity is brainwashing kids.

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posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 07:43 AM
Wow. I never thought that I'd see the day when kid's are being brainwashed with such simple means of propaganda. Blatant propaganda that 'just so happens' to be Christian orientated.

Players are ordered to convert or kill to advance to the next level and remodel America as a Christian-controlled state, and establish its world vision of Christ’s dominion.

Quite frankly, I don't care what the christmas sales figures are. I am disgusted.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:32 AM
I don't agree with any organised religion as I believe it serves only to make sheep of people but I must agree that this is absolutely despicable. Certainly won't be on my Christmas shopping list!

[edit on 9-12-2006 by LovingSoul]

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:38 AM
But honestly, when has Christianity not brainwashed kids? Thats their M.O. They've been doing it for 1900 years or so.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:38 AM
If New York gets nuked as it does to start the game, I doubt that a pack of crazy Christian fundementalists waving bibles and looking for someone else to do the dirty work as they always do, will be anyone's top concern.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 11:21 AM
Christianity has definitely been "brainwashing" people since the beginning, (of Christianity), as has basically every religion/cult/government/organization/corporation. There's a fine line between brainwashing and teaching. I think Christianity definitely crossed that line a long time ago. This piece of propoganda is quite interesting, though. I'm guessing it's only the start to a full-scale campaign that targets the youth. They're finally taking a hint from the tobacco companies!

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
They've been doing it for 1900 years or so.

That's exactly what I was going to say. Why do you think it's so important to Christians (or any religion) to raise their kids in a Christian home.

After all if someone came to you out of the blue at say 25 years old and told you the story of the bible for the first time, claiming an immaculate conception, miracles, crucifixion and ressurection, the rapture, revelations, heaven and hell... You'd likely tell them they're insane!

But telling, no instilling the child with these stories from the time they can understand what you're saying makes them much easier to control with the fear of the wrath of God and hellfire...

Yeah, brainwashing is nothing new to the major religions of the world.

But also, making a video game of it is pretty sick.

World domination ain't just for Islam anymore, people!
(I know that will likely be taken wrong and I stand ready for the flaming)

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 12:21 PM
It depends on what you describe as "brainwashing". The primary part of most religions is to convert others. In fact, this was one of the last things Christ said before he ascended to heaven. He told his disciples to go to all the world and tell them the Gospel. Other religions, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, place even more emphasis on witnessing to others.

I don't really have a problem with the game. I was a fan of the Left Behind series. In addition to that, other violent games don't bother me so why should one in which people are killing the servants of the Antichrist? I'd have to see how graphic it is, excessive gore and all that, before I really had an opinion about it, but it sounds very interesting. It just goes to show that people will cry for censorship against anything they don't like. If we censor this game, it will open the door for governments and politicians to censor any game that they feel society shouldn't play. Do we really want to give that kind of power to government?

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
But honestly, when has Christianity not brainwashed kids? Thats their M.O. They've been doing it for 1900 years or so.

Raso,let's be fair here. All three of the world's predominant religions have brainwashed people. Hell,look at Islam,there is no better example than that. Let's not assume that this is exclusive to Christianity because it is not. This is a perfect example of why I follow my own path... I don't need some organized religion telling me what to and what not to believe.. Don't need it.

[edit on 9-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 9-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
It just goes to show that people will cry for censorship against anything they don't like.

Where do you see people crying to censor this? I don't see that at all.

SpeakerofTruth, you are right. It's not just Christians who practice brainwashing.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:54 PM
This is not surprising to me at all, brainwashing, that's what religion does, it thinks so you don't have to.

The thing that gets me is that most "christians" who see this game will say it's ok, but let the muslims make a Jihad game and suddenly it's evil. They are both the same, brainwashing our children; I saw a video about how they are teaching children at very young ages about "jihad", and what they are teaching them isn't even what Jihad really stands for (Anti-christ anybody?).

@Southern cross

You say you have no problem with a game that says kill the agents of the Anti-christ? When the kids have this in their minds from a young age, and they become older and willing to do just that, who is it that gets to define who the agents of the Anti-christ are? I've been called things similar to that simply for trying to show the world what's going on, what we can do, and trying to get people to realize that love is the answer, not fear.

Would you be ok with me being killed? It would be ok after all, seeing that i'm an agent of the anti-christ. Just like the children in the middle east who are taught about Jihad, they are taught that it's ok to kill jews because they are born of pigs and apes, therefore it's not murder.

It's ok to have violent games that are FICTITIOUS, but not about things that occur in real life, any game that has a made up story (well, at least one that millions of people haven't been fooled into believing) can kill all of the people it wants, but when you have a game that deals with a term that can easily be used by those wishing to carry out genocide, that's not cool.

Think about Grand Theft Auto (a very violent game), nobody can come along and say to the kids that play it "Go kill this group of people because they are prostitutes" because kids aren't that stupid, it's when they are brought up thinking that there is an Anti-christ that is a powerful physical being that has an army and is coming for their souls that things can get a tad bit out of hand.

@speaker of truth

You nailed it on the head with that one. Free thinkers are dangerous

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
It depends on what you describe as "brainwashing". The primary part of most religions is to convert others. In fact, this was one of the last things Christ said before he ascended to heaven. He told his disciples to go to all the world and tell them the Gospel. Other religions, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, place even more emphasis on witnessing to others.

Actually, Christianity is really the only religion that makes the conversion of others a priority. As a matter of fact, most religions don't care what those who practice other religions do, as long it doesn't interfere with them.

And Jehovas witnesses are christian BTW, just a funky kind of christian.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 03:46 PM
No, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. The theology of Christianity is based upon the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the belief that he is the Son of God. This is what separates Christians from Jews and Muslims, among other things.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the divinity of Christ.

As far as the game, yes, people are trying to censor kids. No country should have the right to "ban" a game, however hateful it might be. Next thing you know they'll start banning religious books because they encourage violence. The Bible itself would be high on this list due to some Old Testament verses that can be interpreted as a form of Jihad, though this was confined to that particular time period. I highly doubt, however, that the Qu'ran would be censored, as in this day Muslims are gaining more and more standing in society while Christians continue to be ridiculed at great lenghts.

Most games involve shooting people. It's not really a big deal. You mention that kids playing Grand Theft Auto won't go out shooting hookers or gang members. Why then, would they go out and shoot servants of the Antichrist? It's just a way to make the game exciting.

I suppose you think this is much worse than the situation in Iran, where it is an honor for children to be sent to martyrdom camps, where they learn the value of becoming a martyr (aka suicide bomber or terrorist) and eventually learn the best methods for carrying out such attacks. They send their kids to these camps, which encourage real-life death, while we send our kids to Scouts and they play video games about death (not real life).

Which scenario would you rather have?

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
No, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians.

Belief Net

Christian Denominations:


Assemblies of God


Friends (Quakers)

Jehovah's Witnesses

Latter-day Saints



I think a lot of people don't want Jehovah's Witnesses to be considered Christian because of some detail differences in their belief system, but they're Christians. Trinity is NOT a requirement for Christianity, Christ is.

But this is off topic. Sorry.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 05:16 PM
Ahhh, southern cross, you misunderstand me. I am not saying that kids that play this game will go out looking for agents of the anti-christ, I am saying that there is a wide open door for someone to use things like this into turning our children into exactly what we claim to be terrorists. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the game in itself, I am all for free speech and free everything, but this is flirting with a very dangerous topic. It can definitely be seen as a form of brainwashing, because someone can come along in the future (and keep in mind that turning a nation like the USA that was originally formed into one of "holy war" (or even what we've become now" is a very sensitive and gradual process.

I'm not saying that this game is bad, I am saying that the idea of teaching children to fight holy wars is not good, because there's no such thing as a "holy" war. If anything does happen, it most likely won't be the next generation (although they will have the ideology that is required to begin a true fascist nation and/or dictatorship. Basically, we already live in a fascist nation, it's just not in full force yet, but give it a few generations, and we won't even know what rights are (much less the constitution).

So no, there's nothing wrong with the game, but what is wrong is the direction things like this can head very quickly. It's always about the children, if you can instill your ideas in them, then soon enough nobody will know that there ever was a world that was different than the one being lived in.

What I'm getting at is the fact that war is a Very profitable business, and what better way to have an everlasting supply of war, than to teach the children that they are doing god's work?

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:47 PM
I suppose I can agree with most of that. I'm certainly not in favor of "holy wars" though I do support retaliation, even if it falls in that category.


As far as I'm aware, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. I did not say the "trinity", I rather said the divinity. JW's may believe that Christ existed, but then again, so do Muslims. The key point of Christianity is believing in his divinity, and not merely that he existed. It's therefore my personal opinion that JW's are not Christians, because they reject the fundamental basis of Christianity. I seem to remember that they also reject much, if not all, of the New Testament. This is what Christianity is based on.

Really, they're much closer to being Jewish, but with some other peculiarities. For example, they celebrate no holidays, not even birthdays. I knew a boy when I was in school who was a JW, and he was very polite and firm in his beliefs, and was always willing to answer questions about his religion. He certainly did not fall within the boundaries of Christianity.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 09:37 PM
do not worry, one person using reason is more powerful than ten thousand using faith.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 03:17 AM
Tell that to the victims of the Spanish Inquisition. Or to the those killed by either the Crusaders or Islamic Jihadists. But to get back on point, yes most religions do tell their young to follow a set of either values or behaviors in furtherance of that religions ideals, but so do schools of philosophical thought, political parties, and bowling leagues (think I'm kidding about the bowling leagues? just try and ignore league rules during a tournament and see where it gets you).

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
The primary part of most religions is to convert others. In fact, this was one of the last things Christ said before he ascended to heaven. He told his disciples to go to all the world and tell them the Gospel. Other religions, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, place even more emphasis on witnessing to others.

IMO, this type of game crosses the line. Now the big question: Where, precisely, is the line between "preaching" & "brainwashing?"
You say that Christ told his disciples to spread the Word & teach the Gospel: How does that include the "brainwashing" it took to begin the Crusades & the Inquisitions? To me, "The Line" defines the difference between teaching & brainwashing.

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
All three of the world's predominant religions have brainwashed people.

Precisely. There is another "Line" I've drawn: This is the line that defines the difference between "religion" & "organized religion". I see nothing wrong with a religion that "spreads the Word", but to attempt any kind of force (brainwashing is, essentially, a forceful conversion of a person's thought-patterns) in the spreading is what I have against any organization, be it religious, political, commercial or whatever. In the case of a religious organization, how can anyone justify committing violence in the name of a God who commands us not to kill each other?
This has been the same problem faced by clergymen in service of the military...

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Most games involve shooting people. It's not really a big deal.

And this is an example of how deep the brainwashing really goes, isn't it? Kids get toy guns for Christmas, kids play on the internet "multiplayer FPS" games to shoot each other...If Santa Claus is dead, he would be spinning in his grave with this thought. What is really being said about this? It says that the whole of society says that it's ok to brainwash our kids into becoming soldiers!
And then we wonder why there's such a big hoo-rah when the news talks about guns in our high schools...Then we shake our heads & wonder where we went wrong while raising our kids?
Actually, the big hoo-rah about this particular game (compared to any other game) is simply the fact that religion is the theme on focus here.
Whatever happened to the concept of "committing random acts of kindness? Isn't that what Christianity (and the underlying ancient religion of the Hebrews) should be trying to teach? Isn't this supposed to mean what "following God" is all about anyway? IMO, any God-following religion that doesn't teach this is not a religion that truly "follows God."

Originally posted by Zeratul
do not worry, one person using reason is more powerful than ten thousand using faith.

Tell that to the (nearly uncountable) souls of the dead who've been killed in any conflict between religions or even teh unjust dead from the Witch Hunts...Not just Christianity, but all religions that have ever sought to "convert by swordpoint."
Stop & consider: Religion was the motivation behind the building of the Giza Pyramids in Egypt...Religion was the root-cause of nearly every single war throughout human history.
When one stops to consider the powerful emotions that "religion" can dredge up, "reason" doesn't merely come in second place: Reason doesn't even qualify to run in the same race at all. Try reasoning to a pack of slavering wolves preparing to rip you to pieces...The analogy is quite similar.

[edit on 10-12-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 07:07 AM
It's suprising that no-one has brought this up:

They pit battles between the paramilitary Christian Tribulation Force and the grey, faceless, Global Community Peacekeepers of the Antichrist, said to be modelled on the United Nations.

Forget the United Nations part. What I find disturbing is the fact that you are actually encouraged to use violence against people trying to maintain Peace.

Southern Cross:
You claim to be a fan of the books. Would you mind enlightening me as to why attacking a peaceful community is considered a good thing?

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Jehovah's Witnesses

Latter-day Saints

That only goes to shows what I know. I always thought Jehovah's Witness was Latterday Saints...

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 07:31 AM
Everything from the social mileiu is a brainwashing.
Religion is an organized form of belief to help shape the society in which we live.

As suprising as this game is, its only a manifestation of what is already at the heart of the matter...just now technology is caught up for people to play out their dreams, and when they are older, they can play the dreams out as leaders...



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