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What is the point of Psychic / Paranormal powers?

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posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
I do believe that many who claim to be psychic are not, but also believe that sometimes unusual things can occur - things for which we do not yet have "rational" explanations.

Agreed but just because we have no rational explanations don't mean that their isn't. It could be we don't have the knowledge at this time.

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
I think that to say that a psychic must see every important event might not be the way to look at this. (As in: if a psychic didn't see 9-11 then they aren't psychic.) That would be like saying that there are no such things as baseball players, because a real baseball player would hit the ball one hundred percent of the time.

Yea but I can see him hit it when he does I agree a psychic cannot be expected to know every event before it happens...information overload.
My contention is that a major event would have a larger affect on "other" realms and be more detectable. Thing is people came out of the woodwork soon after in hindsight stating they foretold it...

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
Could it be possible that just because we don't know the point in something doesn't mean that there isn't one? Could it be that just because something seems pointless isn't enough to prove that it doesn't exist?

In nature use it or lose it. The appendix, gall bladders etc seem to be artifacts from our past we are evolvng from. Perhaps so with psychic powers? If they exist could paranormal powers be something from our past we are evolving from, rather than some higher order or realm that some would believe we are aspiring to?

Thanks for your input

[edit on 3-1-2007 by something smells]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
I totally understand why people get frustrated on both sides of the fence.

Frustration. Thats what I feel.

Frustration from total non believers who have not experienced anything of the paranormal so "flat earth" believers are wrong.

Frustration from believers who presume that I know nothing, usually with a superior air.

Originally posted by mrsdudara They -at first - desperatly seek what the skeptics seek, physical proof. Then some of them try desperatly to either ignore it or reason it away, because they are afraid that they are going insane. After a while they finaly just accept it. They have seen too much proof for themselves to believe otherwise. They know it is real. They have seen the proof.

I come from a different perspective. I have experienced things, in the past, I now believe them to be a creation of the mind. I could not just accept it. I accept no-ones word on anything totally and I know the mind can be manipulated or invent its own reality.

Originally posted by mrsdudara
Fact of the matter is, the people who have the gifts, are simply tired of trying to prove it to others. They know as a fact that it is true. They have seen it, they have had to deal with it, and they know they are not alone. When it comes right down to it, thats all that really matters.

Why the persistence to prove it? Just carry on doing your bit and ignore the sceptics. This is part of what I see on these boards. Instead of a "Yea whatever" response you get stuff thrown at you as "evidence". Evidence with no tangible proof.

Believe me I did believe. Part of me would like to again but I doubt I will.
I really believe there is something else going on.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Vidmaster

So what if no Psychics saw 9/11 coming, that's certainly not their fault.
Maybe by the time they had figured out what the images meant, it was too late to stop anything from happening. I've had that happen to me before, and that's REALLY frustrating, but it is possible.

That you can't choose what you see and that the information can take time to be interpreted is kinda my point. What is the point of paranormal powers?

Its like being given the lottery numbers in a cryptic format after the event. No use whatsoever. Why would a so called higher mind / universal consciousness bother transmitting out of date information? Or is it that psychics are picking up the precursor of the energies that create the events?

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by masqua
There is more to this than meets the 'third eye'

If there is nothing to psychic ability, then I suppose all prayer is useless and all visions by the prophets are lies.

I like the third eye quip.

I see some parallel with psychic ability, prayer and prophet visions. I feel that they are all pointless.

I have no belief in prayer, except as a sort of positivity tool to focus a mind. Visions are only relevent to those that get them IMHO. Producing some dodgy script after an event and stating it to be a vision is nonsense.

My understanding of visions is that there is no tangible timeline. You could pluck any statement and at some stage in the future it may come true.

I could state: "A man with a beard, will eat curried goat on mars" With no timeline I could state it aint happened yet, so I am not wrong, am I?

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mistr_b2I wanted to crush a spider on a wall that was sitting there for god knows how long.When I thought about doing it the spider suddenly took off like lightning.It felt the danger from me but I never even moved.Totally Amazing!

Like I said earlier in the thread, maybe it is something we are evolving away from...if paranormal powers exist.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:01 PM
Lets assume that psychic abilities are of no extrinsic value. I can think of a list of other things which fall into that category. Playing video games. Reading this forum. Heck ~ even learning to read, actually...almost everything we do as humans hold no extrinsic value. That being said, does that mean they are all pointless? Is all self-exploration and personal growth pointless if it doesnt serve some grand universal goal?

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Sometimes so called "psychics" are sensitive enough to only get pieces of incoming information. And when they realize what it meant, and it was too late, they often feel overwhelmed by guilt of knowledge before hand, but they did not know how to act upon their little piece of information.

Interesting point. If there is paranormal powers and someone did realise that they could have prevented something, they would indeed feel gutted and possibly guilty.

If these powers exist then maybe we filter out bad news at an early age...we humans don't like bad news...and there endeth the gift for most of us....

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
Those who claim they don't exist, are just those who don't recognize them, haven't been aware of them. Their are too troubled in their own mind, there is no order in it.

Too troubled or too busy? Todays lifestyle and life choices don;t allow many the time to meditate and ponder.

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
God is paranormal, God is psychic...............

The best 'psychic' power, is the power of healing. imo

I have even less belief in any god than I do paranormal powers.

Healing is possbly the greatest power, but I do not believe it to be is at most positive power enforcement.

If the psychic stuff were true then if we were all in balance with the universal consciousness then surely there would be no illness to cure?

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Questor It certainly is an experiential thing. If you can experience it, you're a believer. If not, too bad for you. You stay a nonbeliever until you become an experiencer.

Once upon a time I experienced some stuff. I kinda believed. But now I think, did what I experienece really happen.

Thats the problem I have. The believing part of the mind is the same part that can invent the experience..or at least interpret it in many ways.

Where is the truth.

If belief is my truth then I can not believe.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Assuming psychic abilities exist or could potentially exist, there exists the possibility that this could be a random mutation that occurs within certain individuals. If that's the case, then it doesn't necessarily have a "point." Being human beings, however, individuals who manifest that hypothetical mutation/trait would have the ability to invent or create a means of utilizing it for their own betterment or the betterment of others. Whether they succeed at that or not (which appears to be what is at issue) is entirely separate from either 1) whether the mutation/trait has intrinsic value or purpose, or 2) whether they consciously decide for themselves to attempt to give it a purpose.

Could alleged psychics be self-deluded or misguided? Yes. However, there exists the possibility that they are not, and the latter would not necessarily require a "point" or purpose in order to be true. If what is really at issue is whether, should such abilities exist, their users successfully better themselves or the lives of others through their use or not, then that is a valid conversation or debate. However, it wouldn't be much different or more relevant than debating whether someone capable of holding their breath for an hour, or standing on one foot indefinitely, is making the world a better place successfully by exercising those traits or attributes, in my opinion. Is it simply that psychic "powers" just have a more epic ring to them that invokes the expectation of something grandiose, or something?

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by something smells

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
Those who claim they don't exist, are just those who don't recognize them, haven't been aware of them. Their are too troubled in their own mind, there is no order in it.

Too troubled or too busy? Todays lifestyle and life choices don;t allow many the time to meditate and ponder.

- I know, I was a bit rough on that one.. -

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
God is paranormal, God is psychic...............

The best 'psychic' power, is the power of healing. imo

I have even less belief in any god than I do paranormal powers.

- I better meant, what they refer to in the Bible as God, they must have meant the paranormal realm, even then what is this? the matrix, which contains all information? with informtion being frequencies, frequencies being the light? the light = God as referred to in the bible, we as lightbeings in a material body, being part of God?

what is is that when you connect with your mind into this paranormal realm, or as you can say, when you talk to God, when one interacts with him, you get replies. You get to know all the He knows, and He is all therefore sees all, therefore knows all.

All that you ask for is given to you.

the problem is with this earthly realm, is that we get so much pushed away from our goal, they excuse me for my language fck up yourself by making you want things you don't even need by advertising and commercials. That's why so much of us our heads don't equal to our heart anymore. It's like some form of pollution. A sin, with a sin being something that blocks you from seeing God, seeing what you are truly here for. with a sin being something that makes you look for things other than Him, or things He don't prescribes you. I could explain it like this. -

Healing is possbly the greatest power, but I do not believe it to be is at most positive power enforcement.

If the psychic stuff were true then if we were all in balance with the universal consciousness then surely there would be no illness to cure?

- What's your reason for not believing in psychic stuff? I'd like to go in a debate with you on this. -

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:46 PM
I could not agree more. If any given person truly had the power to make a blind man see or a crippled person walk then that person would be renowned worldwide after wiping out blindness and Multiple Sclerosis.That person would not heall a few folks at a tent revival then pass a hat.
The mind truly is a powerful and dangerous thing. Too bad so many are so easily fooled by snake oil salesmen.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:41 AM
I personally don't understand why African shamans spend years doing paranormal work, learning how to levitate, disappear. The people are starving, how about conjuring up some water and food. There seem to be few practical reasons for these powers other than to help people are subject them.

[edit on 17-7-2007 by Amelie]

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 03:39 PM
ok how do I put this in a way retards can get this...

Well first of all for all of you people who are more of the "its scientifically impossible" kinda people well then someone hasn't done their homework, because it is, and the whole 9/11 thing, look do you think this is some kind of cinimax movie, in other words do you honestly think that people will believe some chick or dude saying that Sadam is ganna bomb the empire state building*answer* NO, they would throw them in jail for a false alarm and disrupting the peace, and anyway while im still on the 9/11 thingy, everyone in the higher ups knew it was going to happen, they knew who Sadam was in 12 years ago we have gotter threats that this was going to happer 12 friggin years ago, anyway i could go on and on about politics but this is not politics now is it

For all of you skeptics who just refuse to believe what we put out there, your just friggin hard headed, I could show you a flair 25 times and you would wonder where the mirrors are or where the lights are coming from; flair-a visible psi ball, so for people like that its just we have grown tired of trying to prove to y'all that what were doing is real(i blame ignorant parenting) so really its not you alls fault you all are closed minded its yo mamma's_javascript:icon('

And you know what to all of those people who claim to have these "powers" as you people like to call them and you know who you are, ya your the ones at vennece beach going "FREE READINGS" stop your emberising your-selves

And another thing(im on a roll here_javascript:icon('
')) its not really that complicated most people can do it anyway, its like GOD, I could smack you over the head with a skillet and if you've never seen one before you people would be like that didn't happen or that didn't hurt

i dont know i guess what im getting at is look up stuff before you critisize and judge but you probibly wont do that either because of your close minded-ness, huuh whatever

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by something smells
That you can't choose what you see and that the information can take time to be interpreted is kinda my point. What is the point of paranormal powers?

Because with practice one can become better at it, and hopefully at least try to prevent something awful happening.

Though I did shut myself out from the Precog thing long ago, those who have decided to go on and learn it may very well be better at it than I was before I stopped practicing.

The point? Because we can. And you never know when you might get exactly the images you need and know what to do to stop an event from happening. That's happened to me before too.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by CallonMe
Lets get into reality forestlady.

There are no psychic powers, anywhere in this world.

Hmm, but yet the US military and the CIA invested millions of dollars into Psi research along with SRI, a massive government research contractor. Not to mention various universities and even the Sony corporation who admitted an anomalous phenomena exists but couldnt find a profitable use for it. 90% of the military files on Psi Phenomena are still classified even today.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by something smells

Originally posted by forestlady
Yes I believed that I had seen things, felt things. I believed I knew the future. But with the mind/brain interface you are dealing with something where belief is all. This whole site is full of paranoia caused by belief of NWO, Alien abduction, you name it its somewhere and its got a label.

Well some of that is true, but in reality you can't have a different opinion on here, because in effect it's against alot of the people feel here. Most people are obsessed about the downsides of many things on here that glorify the bad things associated with those things. I've read about so many people who i don't know, just totally screw up the whole abduction thing for me and focus on the bad things. we know nothing on these aliens, but yet we wildly speculate. people on here that are so scared of astral projecting because of all the dribble these morons put into there head. And for the reference, no one can die in the astral ok! People that are scared of the big depression that might be coming and who is part of the nwo, while were at it you mother's might be apart of it! Although most people have no brain and a serious discusion is needed on here before anyone is called ignourant. We need something more then topics titled "indian women in india get raped in india dribble". We still don't know about the pheonix lights, and the o'hare incident and we don't even search deeper for it. And don't get me on the entire website arguing and getting angry at each other for bringing god. You people are no conspiracy theorists, no researchers, and idon't know why the term alien even came into your minds. I am appalled at how this site it coming along. But i'll just be told to shut up or that so many new guys are coming on ats. bs!

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:04 PM
phsycic powers are definately real, christ could do it, said we could do it too, and I have had two experiences in my life where it was definately a psyschic experience I witnessed future events before they actually happened it was not a coincidence, trust yourself.

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