posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
I'm just wondering here, but why would this alleged UFO be so interested in a civilian airport?
This is a very good question and I would like more information on this too.
I mentioned before that because it was up there for more than 15 minutes in restricted airspace over that airport whereby potentially jeopardizing
hundreds of lives, we cannot rule out that just by being there, its message was one of HOSTILE INTENT -- perhaps a message of warning or perhaps even
as a power tactic to show that our governments' rules and regulations about flying in such area's mean nothing at all to them!
If they wanted to appear more benevolent where we would not be forced to make those conjectures I mentioned above, then why didn't they just fly over
some place like an NFL game?? -- in short, some place with a lot of potential witnesses that was NOT LOCATED IN RESTRICTED AIRSPACE -- a restricted
airspace, btw, that also just happens to be one of the busiest airports in the world! It was not like it flying over the restricted airspace over and
around the White House, for example, where there's hardly any air traffic at all; it was flying in very hazardous sky's.
We should be very concerned and not ignore that perhaps there was a deeper message being conveyed by 'them' by flying over that airport like they
did last Nov.
[edit on 28-1-2007 by Palasheea]