posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Hopup Dave
Hopup Dave, I also read that book by Paul Hill over 10 years ago and it blew me away. What I didn't realise at the time was what an advanced
scientist he was and how much real experience he had working on experimental craft for decades. That's really interesting. You've got to hand it to
that generation of scientists and engineers, they were willing to stick their neck out (perhaps at that time it hadn't quite evolved into the
'crank' science it's assumed to be now-although he did only publish the book after he retired). The characteristics of UFOs, especially the
ionisation of air and 'cloud' effect plus lack of sound and rapid start-stop movement could not be explained by any propellant based craft or craft
depending on airflow to provide lift. This is something Paul Hill figured out immediately and being an engineer he was well placed to come up with
good hypotheses. While we might say it is jumping the gun to say for sure it employs a field I think it is not too presumptuous. As Paul Hill said
himself, it doesn't break any laws of physics. What we simply lack is a small energy source that could create a massive energy field around such an
object to control every molecule within it's reach (read Michio Ikaku's Hyperspace, energy of a star?). If my memory serves me right he proposed a
way of manipulating a electromagnetic field to create the desired propulsive effect which also included rotation and ionisation of the air around it
(thus emitting light, generating static effects such as may interfere with electronic starters and also interfering with the light emitted which
results in the above 'cloudy' effect).
The other reason for cloudy effects could simply be a cloaking device, in fact these devices are almost certainly in the process of being employed in
the latest stealth aircraft in the US (1st gen. an array of LEDs mimicing both the light reflecting from earth and also from sky above, 2nd gen. would
simply bend the light ways around the whole structure). The object observed over the airport was very similar to the cloud layer around it as
described by Eyewitness and in the photo online. Perhaps it's cloaking device experienced a slight error that time, realising it was visible it left
quickly leaving an obvious hole in the cloud layer. And yes, advanced civilisations would have cock-ups too, it's all to do with the law of entropy
(direction to disorder), meaning unless you are an omnipotent God you and your stuff is going to screw up from time to time no matter how far ahead
your civilisation is!
We don't have all the answers yet but a directed field must almost certainly be involved. We have an increasing capacity to control fields such as in
the LHC, surely it's simply a matter of technological evolution and concentration of power source, after that was acheived the physics have already
been figured out!
[edit on 24-9-2008 by ManInAsia]
[edit on 24-9-2008 by ManInAsia]