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The Misconceptions about White People

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posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Recently, I watched (again) Dave Chappelle on Inside the Actor's Studio. (I highly recommend it if you can catch it.) I have a great deal of respect for him and I think he's pretty funny, too. One thing he said got me thinking. I know it was said in semi-jest, but I believe there's a mindset about white people that I would like to address.

What he said was (paraphrased) "White people have therapy to deal with their problems. Black people just have liquor stores and weed." Now, he said this in relation to his previous use of marijuana, which is neither here nor there.

What disturbs me is the ease at which many black people seem to categorize white people as having more access to programs or more specifically as having such an advantage or being 'entitled' to the good things in life, whereas black people have to resort to drugs and violence or crime just to get by. It's almost like these people blame the white people for their station in life.

Now, I don't agree with this assumption, and I do understand that I may be mistaken that many black people have this mindset. I'd like to open this up for discussion and really try to get to the bottom of this mindset that I at least fantasize exists.

My suspicion is that black people (speaking generally here for a moment) either have no clue about white poverty or discount it in some way. Because really, the people who have access to therapy are those who can afford it, regardless of their race, not white people. There are tons of white people who can’t afford therapy and resort to liquor and weed to deal with their issues in life.

Frankly, it bothers me when black people say things like this about white people. It a race-based statement and it isn’t any truer than any of the number of race-based statements made against black people. I guess it’s the “assumed privilege” that black people think we have. I want to correct that assumption of privilege.

It’s not white people who are privileged; it’s WEALTHY people who have these privileges. And frankly, it’s an insult to me as a white person when I hear black people say that white people are privileged. I worked my ass off to have what I have. It wasn’t dumped in my lap. And seeing as how the majority of wealth is in the hands of such few people, the vast majority of white people got what they have the same way I did, as did the successful black people. We worked our asses off for it.

Another aspect of this that I find interesting is that usually when a black person becomes wealthy or famous or successful, many black people ‘disown’ them as being too white or selling out. They seem to equate wealth with white and that’s a misconception. That’s THE misconception I’d like to address. Dave Chappelle, however, is still loved by the black community. Why is that do you suppose? Is it because he makes fun of white people? Is that what makes him ‘ok’ in blacks’ eyes? He still puts down ‘the man’ and holds white people as responsible for the plight of the black man?

People like Oprah, Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman are all seen as selling out because they tell people to take responsibility for themselves and their circumstances in life. They no longer buy the idea that white people want to keep black people down. They fought (just like everyone else) to get where they are. But you don’t see them using the N word or putting down white people for being white.

Lots of subjects covered here, I know, but these are just some things that have been on my mind. I hate racism and I care very much about working to eradicate it as much as possible, so I think these subjects need to be discussed.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 11:33 AM
I am a Chappelle fan also!

I don't think the comment (joke?) about white people going to therapy was made in regards to white people being able to pay for it, more that they are quick to see a shrink to help them deal with their problems whereas black people don't really do that sort of thing.

But you may be onto something
Definitely gave me some food for thought.

I don't have Inside The Actor's Studio, is it avilable on DVD ?

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 11:44 AM
Here is some info on the very show. Some videos, too.

Inside the Actors Studio

Here's the DVD!.

Highly recommend it!

[edit on 6-12-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
What he said was (paraphrased) "White people have therapy to deal with their problems. Black people just have liquor stores and weed."

I saw it.

He also said "I've been dancing for white people for ___ years". (I can't remember the number of years).

I don't get why he said that. Hasn't he just been dancing .. or dancing for people ... for those years??? Why'd he have to say it like that - "Dancing for white people."

I found that odd. Sorry.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:13 PM
A guy I wokk with has a usless brother (black) robbed a gas station and didn't try to get away. 47 years old 3rd time drug / alchol problems no prison if he goes to lockdown rehab for 90 days. OK fine state pays for it better than 3 years in prison. The family has to deliver him to rehab at noon so they take him out ALL NIGHT partying!!!! Gets to rehab drunk they check him in and get a call 4 hours later that he's on his way to jail then prison for about 8 violations in 4 hours. The whole family is again upset because "THEY" (white people) TURNED HIM IN. I could only respond that at least he's off the street. I had to explain that it wasn't a white / black thing it was just stupidity on several family members part.


posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 01:26 PM
I know I couldn't affoard therepy if I wanted it, which I don't, but even if I needed some help it would most likely come from a bottle.

He makes alot of crude jokes, not just to whites but also to blacks, I personally don't like him but watch his show every now and then. Watched it last night where one line was something like "It's ok that your penis is small, at least you rule the world"
Carlos Mencia is better if you ask me.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:15 PM

posted by Benevolent Heretic

Recently, I watched (again) Dave Chappelle on Inside the Actor's Studio . . I believe there's a mind set about white people that I would like to address . . he said "White people have therapy to deal with their problems. Black people just have liquor stores and weed" . . What disturbs me is the ease which many black people seem to categorize white people as having more access or more specifically as having such an advantage or being 'entitled' to the good things in life, whereas black people have to resort to drugs and violence or crime just to get by. [Edited by Don W]

Gosh, B/H, are you so far “disconnected” from the black white dichotomy that you think blacks have equal access to medical care as whites? You have got to know 70% of blacks live in poverty and only 30% of whites are so lucky?

It's almost like these people blame the white people for their station in life.

“Almost?” Come on, B/H, you’re trickin’ me? I mean you start from below ZERO in 1865, then you get whipped, beaten and hanged until 1965; you have been red lined, blue lined and black listed since then, and you wonder why a black person “thinks” whites are the major cause for his 3rd class status?

My suspicion is that black people either have no clue about white poverty or discount it in some way.

Yes, they do discount it, because white poverty is not color based. Black poverty is.

Simple to identify but impossible to get redressed. That’s because it is whites who are the R&Fs, the Movers and Shakers. Why should a guy who drives a Lexus SUV, lives in a 5,000 sq ft house in a gated community, give a dam if a black family lives in a worn out public housing project in a neighborhood long ago surrendered to gangs, drugs, gambling and prostitution? This situation does not make you a happy camper.

It bothers me when black people say things like this about white people. It a race-based statement and it isn’t any truer than any of the number of race-based statements made against black people. I guess it’s the “assumed privilege” that black people think we have.

If “assumed” is the operative word, you need to do some much deeper and more fundamental analysis on this topic vis a vis real life.

I want to correct that assumption of privilege.

I do to. Let’s begin by re-affirming Affirmative Action. Let’s go on with Set Asides. Let’s tear down every public housing project over 50 years old, and re-hab every one over 25 years old. Let’s talk 2000 square feet for families of 5-6 people. Hey, anyone who wants to see poverty up close can take a drive around the “kingdom” as we whites formerly and condescendingly referred to bank enforced black neighborhoods, and you can find 8 houses out of 10 in desperate need for rehabilitation. I could spend as much money as we spend in Iraq - $2 billion a week - in America doing things that would impact us and maybe the world too, in a favorable way. But since when did the R&Fs ask us? As for taxes, it’s pay up and shut up!

Yes, B/H, old wooden houses shrink. They get smaller around openings. Windows and doors. It’s the plight of most blacks to rent and not to own. That’s an issue all its own. But I was thinking about how much it costs to heat a house that is in effect open to the outside. A $200 heat bill for a black family may look extravagant when a white person in a new insulated house of 2X the area, can heat that for $100. Blacks just waste their money?

Dave Chappelle is still loved by the black community. Why is that do you suppose? Is it because he makes fun of white people? Is that what makes him ‘ok’ in blacks’ eyes?

Hey, it’s this: if you ever stop laughing, you’ll start crying!

People like Oprah, Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman are all seen as selling out because they tell people to take responsibility for themselves and their circumstances in life. They fought to get where they are. But you don’t see them using the N word or putting down white people for being white. [Edited by Don W]

It’s the system. For a variety of reasons not the least of which is a special talent born into one person and not to most others, those people who are accidents of birth can get ahead in our money grubbing world. Believe me, 99.99% of blacks know that. It’s just that whites use the success of a very small number of blacks as an excuse to let the overwhelming number of them sit in the slime of poverty. In almost every case, exploited by white companies or landlords or money lenders or booze sellers. And etc. Believe me, it is no accident and that’s’s what makes black mad.

It’s the American system. It’s reinforced on tv. The new for Christmas USPS tv commercial featuring the talking deer and package on the door step. The black voice is always the dumb, uniformed voice, while the white voice is always the informed, hip voice. The oreo cookie ad. The 2 women asking a question about Aleeve. It seems not to be chance that whites are 3, the blacks are 0. It's odd to me how all these ads portray the black vis a vis the white. I dunno.

Down here in Florida we are so much concerned about our fellow man that we send notices out on tv telling the homeless to come to shelters to get out of the cold. Not one homeless person in 1000 has a tv, so who is that costly ad really aimed at? Hey, ‘tis the season to be jolly! The homeless get 2 big meals a year, the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Say goodby till next year. And all that from the richest country on earth. Which can find $2 billion a week to spend on blowing up another far off country. We have no plan and we don't talk about a plan to improve life in America. A lot of the R&Fs "volunteer" to work the soup kitchens arund the holdays. Big Deal! See you again next year! Love, and God Bless.

Who sets those priorities anyway? I can tell you this: Priorities do not set themselves.

Foot Note: RENO - About one-third of the nation's cities have less affordable housing than they had a year ago, according to a survey released Thursday Four out of five housing directors in more than 1,000 U.S. cities of all sizes also said the value of homes and rental costs have increased significantly, putting severe financial strain on families, according to the survey released by the League of Cities at its annual meeting. In addition, one-third reported predatory lending was increasing, and more than half indicated it was a problem in their cities.

Leaders said they hope the new Democrat-controlled Congress will provide more money for their priorities, especially addressing an increasing lack of affordable housing. Henry Cisneros, secretary of housing and urban development under Pres Clinton, said part of the problem for cities is that only 2.2 million new affordable housing units - primarily rentals - were built during the 1990s, compared with 5 million in the 1970s. four of five local housing directors reported severe financial strain on families as a result of significant increases in house values and rental costs. From Yahoo.

[edit on 12/7/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:23 PM
When your business is comedy your statements have only to elicit a laugh, not stand up to scrutiny.

It's a funny line on the surface, but most white people can't get therapy any easier than most black people because of most HMO rules, for those who have health care, and for those who do not, therapy is a luxury in most cases.

Still, in all, for those who need mental health services acute illnesses, such is available, even it is heavily time limited.

Taken at another level, the statement is just more of the tired old scapegoating and blame-shifting that has been de rigueur for too long.

[edit on 2006/12/8 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 07:49 AM

posted by GradyPhilpott

Still, in all, for those who need mental health services acute illnesses, such is available, even it is heavily time limited. Taken at another level, the statement is just more of the tired old scapegoating and blame-shifting that has been de rigueur for too long. [Edited by Don W]

Why is it then, that I hear regularly, that 1) most homeless people are mental cases? 2) That homelessness became an American phenomenon when the Courts said you cannot confine a person unless you treat them and the states opened the doors to the hospitals because they did not have the money to treat the “inmates.” 3) That I have heard reliably public mental hospitals use many times the dosage level per patient of tranquilizing drugs? 4) To my best knowledge, long term mental health care is not offered by private insurance companies.

Seeking mental health in America is still a taboo amongst a large part of the population.

As to the racial aspect, I rely on my 70% blacks are poor, and 30% of whites are poor. If that difference is not due to skin color, then what is it due to? The scapegoating belies the fact this undesirable condition is older than anyone posting on this board. Or any board. And America has no plan to change it. I am still confused over a society that would rather pay $45,000 a year to confine a man than to find him a job at $30,000 a year.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:38 AM
Don, all I'm saying is that the difference is poverty or income, not race. The way the situation is presented too many times is that white people automatically have money and black people automatically don't.

It's MONEY that is the deciding factor, NOT race. Instead of saying, "white people have access to blah-blah-blah" it's wealthy people. There are plenty of poor white people (who don't have access to therapy) but there are NO wealthy people who don't have access to therapy.

It's too convenient to generalize here and say that whites = wealthy. Yes, most wealthy people are white, there's no argument there. But their race isn't what makes them wealthy.

Most rapists are men, too, but it's unfair and untrue to say, "men are rapists". A larger percentage of black men are prisoners than white men. But it's unfair and untrue to say, "black men are criminals". To make these racist and sexist statements is the same as saying, "whites have access to therapy, but blacks don't".

Do you have a source on your 70%/30% statistic regarding poverty, please?

- Among people who reported the single race of black in 2002, 24.1
were in poverty
The official measure shows poverty rates did not change for
non-Hispanic single race whites (8.0 percent)


US Census Bureau Poverty Table

According to the poverty table above, from 2003 to 2005, 10.6% of white people lived in poverty and 24.7% of black people lived in poverty during the same time. Granted, the black number is twice as big as the white number, but it's nowhere near the 70% that you mentioned.

And there are SO many factors that determine that 24.7% that to attribute it to race is simplistic not to mention highly innacurate and incomplete.

[edit on 8-12-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by donwhite
Gosh, B/H, are you so far “disconnected” from the black white dichotomy that you think blacks have equal access to medical care as whites?

Where did I say that? You're making assumptions that I didn't intend.

You have got to know 70% of blacks live in poverty and only 30% of whites are so lucky?

No. I don't know this. Please shoe me.

I mean you start from below ZERO in 1865, then you get whipped, beaten and hanged until 1965; you have been red lined, blue lined and black listed since then, and you wonder why a black person “thinks” whites are the major cause for his 3rd class status?

I know the history and I'm not making any claim that everything is equal and I resent the implication. But it's my opinion that we need to start talking about today and dealing with the problems today and the first step is to let go of the past. Not forget it, not forgive it, but let it be the past. As long as we hold onto it as if it's still happening today (instead of 40+ years ago) our actions and thoughts will be driven by it. That feeds racism.

Yes, they do discount it, because white poverty is not color based. Black poverty is.

What does make white people poor, then? If it's not race, what is it? Are you saying that white poverty is based on something else like laziness, mental illness, heredity? Whereas black people are poor simply because they're black? Are you saying that the same REASONS that white people are poor cannot possibly apply to black people?

Why not?

Why should a guy who drives a Lexus SUV, lives in a 5,000 sq ft house in a gated community, give a dam if a black family lives in a worn out public housing project in a neighborhood long ago surrendered to gangs, drugs, gambling and prostitution?

:shk: Maybe because he has a heart. Maybe because he's not a cold, heartless, white SOB who cares nothing about anyone but his own selfish desires for power and maney. Right? Shame on you, donwhite. Do you live in such conditions? I know rich people do, but do you? I don't. NOBODY I know lives like that.

It’s the plight of most blacks to rent and not to own.

I imagine it's the plight of most whites as well.

Blacks just waste their money?

Who said that? Your attempt to make me out to be non-caring isn't really working.

It’s the system. For a variety of reasons not the least of which is a special talent born into one person and not to most others, those people who are accidents of birth can get ahead in our money grubbing world.

Are you implying that Oprah, Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman are "accidents of birth" and that's the only reason they 'got ahead' in life? Man! I'm sure every black successful person would just love to hear that it's not the blood, sweat and tears and talent, drive and persistence that got them where they are, it's just an "accident of birth"...
And I suppose successful white people got there by being white?

In almost every case, exploited by white companies or landlords or money lenders or booze sellers. And etc. Believe me, it is no accident and that’s’s what makes black mad.

I'm sure Oprah would love to hear that she's like the world's richest woman because the white people let her be.

The black voice is always the dumb, uniformed voice, while the white voice is always the informed, hip voice.

This is NOT TRUE. You're just seeing what you're looking for. I can show you tons of commercials where the white guy looks like an idiot. You just don't see those, DW. You don't see them because of the color of the glasses you're wearing.

Hey, ‘tis the season to be jolly! The homeless get 2 big meals a year, the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

Hey, I've been there. I've been homeless. I know what it's like. I'm not just talking out my ass here. I'm not sitting in a gated community looking at my Lexus and waiting for the maid to arrive to clean up after me. I can't even tell you about the situations I've been in in life. You'll just have to trust that I speak from experience.

Poverty knows no race. Hunger does not discriminate. This is a wealth/poverty issue, not a white/black one. That's too simplistic. Too easy to wrap up and blame one group (of course, the whites).

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
The black voice is always the dumb, uniformed voice, while the white voice is always the informed, hip voice.

It's just the opposite in the movie (cartoon) Lion King.
Same with the kids movie Dinosaur.

Isn't the voice of Darth Vader from a black man? He rules the Galaxy. Yes, he's evil, but he's smarter and more talented then all the white storm troopers combined.

Hitchikers Guide has a black man being the guide to a totally clueless white person. And the black guide is smarter than the (white) ruler of the galaxy.

I'm sure if I tried I could come up with more, but honestly I don't pay attention to what ethnicity a voice is in a cartoon or commercial. It's just a voice.

[edit on 12/8/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Ugh! you people will never friggin learn will you!

you cannot attribute flaws or qualities based soley on race! you are only perpetuating ignorance!

dave chappelle blabs about because, well, let's face it, if they didnt make racial jokes, a good 50% of their jokes are of this nature. Most people ignore them.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Ugh! you people will never friggin learn will you!

Who people?

you cannot attribute flaws or qualities based soley on race! you are only perpetuating ignorance!


if they didnt make racial jokes, a good 50% of their jokes are of this nature. Most people ignore them.

Who is "they" and "them"?

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:43 PM
I saw that interview too.
One of the best I've seen.

But I have to say I believe he was just going for the giggle.
Most comedian's fodder is based on stereotypes, of all kinds.
White people have plenty of access to weed, and the liquor store too.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFanIsn't the voice of Darth Vader from a black man? He rules the Galaxy. Yes, he's evil, but he's smarter and more talented then all the white storm troopers combined.

James Earl Jones was the voice but, if you recall #3, it was a white man under the all black get up.

I think it was maybe Chris Rock who did the bit about his uncle or father telling him the white man was always making the bad things black. His examples were hysterical and then he brought up bowling. Using a black ball to knock down all them white pins. Now there's a sport the black man should be good at. Something like that.

Chapelle was using a sad truth for laughs. The sad truth aspect is the (mis)conception that blacks use drugs and alcohol as a means of dealing with their pain. Topical comedians will always base their routines in some truths. What makes them funny is, as homer would say "it's true." that's not to say that all blacks do this and all whites seek psychiatric help. That's b.s. Tom Cruise will attest to that.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
Down here in Florida we are so much concerned about our fellow man that we send notices out on tv telling the homeless to come to shelters to get out of the cold. Not one homeless person in 1000 has a tv, so who is that costly ad really aimed at?

There is a street culture with it's own justice system. It is harsh, but robust. We used to use it in our favor when I worked at the homeless shelter. Word travels fast on the street. It is true that most homeless don't have televisions, but they do have access to televisions. They see these commercials and pass the word. Their families see the commercials and pass the word.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 07:09 PM
How can dave chappell honestly say that white people go to therapy and blacks turn to alcohol and weed. Last time I checked most of the booze they drink are developed and manufactured by white people. These same white people have got to know a thing or two about alcohol consumption on a personal level.

White people own, run, maintaine, and develop and grow just about every notable strain of weed that is in the US. sure the shwag is grown by latin americans in their respective countries and shipped over to the US. But chronic, OG kush, NYsour diesel. White mans invention, and I think there are more of them runnig around enjoying the ganja than the blackman.

Not that i would know from experience or anything ....uhhh yeah.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 07:30 PM
Good thread BH.

So even if we go with your research, we can still see that blacks are more likely to live in poverty as whites. This we can agree on.

I am reminded of that most racist of movies, Gone With the Wind, which dramatizes the South and which portrays the black slaves, recently released, as dolts. The man says to them, "We're gonna give you freedom, twenty acres, and a mule!" ...and the spokesman for the confused newly released slaves says, "Twenty acres and a muuuuule?" as if he has no comprehension of what is offered to him. Of course what the makers of the film are saying is that "No slave would know what the hell to do with land and a mule, and anything we gave to them, we got back anyway." ...At least that how I read that scene. Feel free to give me your opinion of that movie because I think it relates to the topic very well.

As for access to programs, I think that the programs which are offered are a sort of tainted milk, and addiction to them is like eating soylent green. Better to address the causes in society (and the people who prevent us from fixing these causes) than to worry about who gets to take advantage of Uncle Sam's polluted social programs.

All of America is in slavery. It is a citizen slavery and the cottonfields have been replaced by cities, but nevertheless, the social programs which you mention, are at the complete whim of the US power structure and in my opinion they are failing bth black and white Americans. Anyone notice the recent "improvement" to medicare drug programs? It's designed to control, not to heal.

Black Americans should look past their blackness and concentrate on understanding how money moves and how cultures survive. The American culture is one which blacks have a enormous claim to, having built much of the country. I wish they'd encourage more patriotism in their culture because the ultimate cohesion of America depends largely on black folks. BTW, I'm white but I have native american blood.

[edit on 8-12-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:00 PM
You said some incredible things in your post (as usual) and I'd like to highlight a few things.

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Feel free to give me your opinion of that movie because I think it relates to the topic very well.

I have actually never seen the movie, just some of the more famous clips. I have been called 'Miss Scarlet', however, because of my views on race, and I know who she is.
Perhaps it's time I rent it...

Better to address the causes in society (and the people who prevent us from fixing these causes) than to worry about who gets to take advantage of Uncle Sam's polluted social programs.

Absolutely! Racism is a systemic problem and the social programs (affirmative action, etc) are just bandaids handed to people who are bleeding from the neck. Bandaids over a festering and infected wound just aren't going to fix it! There needs to be some internal work. Let's talk about antibiotics!

Black Americans should look past their blackness and concentrate on understanding hom money moves and how cultures survive.

I cannot tell you how much I agree with this. I'm not advocating giving up one's race or history or culture, I'm advocating looking beyond it to their humanhood and dealing with their problems as Americans instead of blacks-with-a-background-of-slavery.

Excellent post, peeps!

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