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German 'Counter Strike' gamer announces an amok run in his school for today 06 Dec 2006 [update]

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posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:09 AM
Translated Summary... A German Internet Gamer has announced that today on St. Nicholas Day, he will run amok in his school in Baden-Würtemberg (Germany). The warning came from two pupils of a secondary/junior high school from Rheinland-Pfalz, who meet this individual while playing a violent shooter game online (Killerspiel). The individual has made it known that his intentions are serious. The police, teachers, pupils and parents are on high alert. The police have been unable to identify which school so far.


original news source:
Das Kultusministerium in Baden-Württemberg hat alle Schulen im Südwesten über einen Verdacht auf einen Amoklauf an diesem Mittwoch unterrichtet. Die Warnung bezieht sich auf Informationen von zwei Realschülern aus Rheinland-Pfalz. Diese hätten bei einem Onlinespiel im Internet Kontakt mit einer anonymen Person gehabt, die einen Amoklauf an einer Schule in Baden-Württemberg angekündigt habe. „Die Sicherheitslage ist unklar“, sagte Kultusminister Helmut Rau (CDU). „Wir können nicht ausschließen, daß die Ankündigung ernst gemeint ist.“

Polizei will Präsenz zeigen

Der Minister forderte Eltern, Lehrer und Kinder zu besonderer Wachsamkeit auf. Die Eltern sollten ihre Kinder aber auch den Schulleitungen anvertrauen und sie nicht zu Hause lassen. Die Polizei werde vor Ort Präsenz zeigen und deutlich sichtbar sein. Wie viele Beamte zusätzlich im Einsatz sein werden, wurde jedoch nicht mitgeteilt.

Die beiden Realschüler hatten sich nach Darstellung des Innenministeriums in Stuttgart über ihre Schulleitung nach einigen Tagen an die Polizei in Rheinland-Pfalz gewandt. Die Polizei konnte bislang weder die Person identifizieren noch den Schulort herausfinden.

It would appear that this type of social behaviour is increasing at an alarming rate and that the online egos of unbalanced people is starting to flow of the screens and into the streets of reality.

Comment: I had this submitted to ATSNN but I can't wait hours to have it checked.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by aob982]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:12 AM
You mean they're planning another Columbine like school shooting or something?

Not sure exactly what you're saying

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:16 AM

The police are now looking for a missing 18 year old. The police believe he may be armed. Many local schools have been searched while others have reamined closed.

A police statement has confirmed that the 18 year old has been missing since before midday without any trace. They are now searching the school of the missing student in Offenburg, in case he may have smuggled in weapons.

Other news sources have reported that the game in question was 'Counter Strike'. Link to that article.bild

Comment: These links are in german for the time being. I cannot find any english sites reporting this. I suppose we'll see that if someone gets shot.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by aob982]

[edit on 6-12-2006 by aob982]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
You mean they're planning another Columbine like school shooting or something?

Not sure exactly what you're saying

At the moment it just looks like one person. The point is that the threat has been made and that the authorities and everyone else are taking it very seriously.

And yes... a school shooting.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:30 AM
Ok, thanks for the clarification

I pray the authorities will catch him before he can hurt anyone, especially children.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 07:39 AM
It looks like the police have found a body in an area near the missing 18 year olds parents house. Police belive this to be the missing person and will be giving more information and details about their findings at 15:30 GMT+1.


It looks like it will start another debate here in Europe as to the psychology of young people and violent computer games. 8 killed last month, this one could have been a suicide but that remains to be seen.

Whats your opionon, do computer games make you aggressive or do you know someone who is like that??


[edit on 6-12-2006 by aob982]

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