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"Celebrity" posters incognito

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posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 01:10 PM
I believe that in addition to John Lear (who obvioulsy does not post annonymously) ATS counts among it's members several well known personalities from television, radio, and the print media.

I have my own theories regarding who some of posters might be based on some their viewpoints, phrases, debate style etc.

I'm just wondering if anyone else out there thinks there may be some "celebrities" among us, and who they might be?

I'll get the guessing started....I think Glenn Beck posts on ATS but I won't state my theory on his screen name just yet.

Also George Noory.

Anybody else?

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:18 PM
I've thought the same thing. You can't spend all your time attending lavish functions, spending flagrantly, and committing various acts of wanton debauchery. At least I couldn't. Probably.

I'd guess Charlie Sheen, Dan Aykroyd (you know he has webbed toes and his eyes are different colors), and Kevin Nealon as likely candidates.

Oh, and Gary Busey. He's gotta be here somewhere.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:23 PM
...but I am wondering just what, exactly, would make you think such a thing? I'm going to be very interested in seeing this purported "Theory" of yours.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:30 PM
Theres no doubt in my mind that members of the media/press will browse these forums. Weather they post or not is another matter, and unless they say it out right that they do belong to the press/media you'll never know for sure who they are. As for celebs i'd say definately too, this board is pure entertainment at times. Maybe even script writers have came up with a few ideas from the outlandish conspiracy theorys posted here

EDIT for spelling

[edit on 5-12-2006 by R1ghteous]

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
I've thought the same thing. You can't spend all your time attending lavish functions, spending flagrantly, and committing various acts of wanton debauchery. At least I couldn't. Probably.

Oh yes you could...if only you applied yourself

I'm not saying celebrities may or may not stop by but again as posted before Dan Akroyd makes sense, so does Richard Belzer or even say a dwight schultz.

But I find it hard to believe that Sean Combs and George Clooney level celebrities would be members.

Nothing against ATS of course, I for one enjoy my time here but I currently do not enjoy all the options and choices of bannable activities that a clooney or decpario level celebrity has.

Though it would be funny if Trent Reznor did actually turn out to be Trent Reznor.

Tom Cruise might be a member, that actually isnt too far out of the realm of possiblity.


posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj

Oh yes you could...if only you applied yourself

Yeah, given the opportunity, I'd probably make Uday and Qsay look like the Osmonds. So it's a good thing I don't have the opportunity.

Originally posted by Spiderj
But I find it hard to believe that Sean Combs and George Clooney level celebrities would be members.

Agreed. Of course if you do any googling, sooner or later you'll run into a link at ATS and from there, pretty easy to get pulled in.

Originally posted by Spiderj
Tom Cruise might be a member, that actually isnt too far out of the realm of possiblity.

Yes, I'm sure he could pay someone to read it to him.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:51 PM
Interesting how hollywood personalities came up. When I used the term "celebrity" I was thinking purely of radio/internet/print media types. Art Bell, Drudge, Limbaugh, Hannity, Franken, etc.

And Kozmo - It is now quite obvious that you're Glenn Beck!

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Agreed. Of course if you do any googling, sooner or later you'll run into a link at ATS and from there, pretty easy to get pulled in.

That's a good point actually, I'm pretty sure I got googled into joining ATS...probably could have worded that better.

Aside from Cruise I wouldn't actually be suprised if the COS had somebody from the Religious Technology Center keeping an eye on the board for anything they might consider defamatory.

IMO of course.


posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 03:27 PM
I'm a celebrity of sorts. People scream when I walk into a room. My picture is plastered all over the walls in some homes.

Translation: my kids scream when I walk into a room, as does my wife but for completely different reasons and no, it isn't with the same happy glee. My picture is plastered all over my own walls and my mother's walls and my mother in law's.
I'm a total loser.

If there are celebrities posting here, be it movie or tv stars, musicians, conspiracy folks etc, they have remained anonymous for a reason. Rather than root them out and, possibly chase them away, leave them be so they can enjoy their stay here, isn't that right SpiderCHARLIESHEENj?

Reminds of when everquest first came out. I think it was Curt Schilling who was an avid player and word got out, thanks to his own big mouth, about how he played and he even said which server he was on etc.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
When I used the term "celebrity" I was thinking purely of radio/internet/print media types. Art Bell, Drudge, Limbaugh, Hannity, Franken, etc.

Well, I tend to think that probably at least three of the names you mentioned skim through here once in a while. I am certain that Art Bell and George Noory are quite familiar with this site,whether they ever post here,I don't know. I would imagine that Drudge and Hannity pop in once in a while. Of course,Hannity probably views this as a "liberal" propaganda site,
so naturally he comes in just to see what we are discussing.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

I'm a total loser.

pshhhhttt. I'd have to attain a significant improvement to work my way up to total loser.

Originally posted by Crakeur
If there are celebrities posting here, be it movie or tv stars, musicians, conspiracy folks etc, they have remained anonymous for a reason. Rather than root them out and, possibly chase them away, leave them be so they can enjoy their stay here

Well, they'll have to identify themselves so that we'll know who to "leave be", won't they? I mean, God forbid any ordinary mortal attempt to converse with a celebrity!!! (I know what you mean. I'm just not particularly impressed with "the famous").

Originally posted by Crakeur
Reminds of when everquest first came out. I think it was Curt Schilling who was an avid player and word got out, thanks to his own big mouth, about how he played and he even said which server he was on etc.

I bet a significant number of members wouldn't even know who Curt Schilling was. Now, Kurt Vonnegut and you got something. (And yes, I understand your point. I'm just rambling until I can pack up and head home).

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Seems I recall that Peter Jennings used to loved to read this site when he was doing the UFO special.

Boy, I sure do miss him. He was my favorite reporter of all time.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 04:03 PM
yeahright, I agree with most of what you said. Especially the everquest players not having a clue who he was. I've had my share of dealings with some minor and major celebrities. They are a curious lot. I'm not much impressed by them either. On the contrary, what I have found is that they tend to be super nice and somewhat kiss arse-ish if they don't know who you are or how important you might be.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 04:08 PM
I've had an encounter or two myself (if Paul Newman and Bruce Springsteen among others, count). And I agree that they're just regular folks in a setting where they're not being hassled.

The "jerks" are the borderline celebs who get all churlish if you're not paying them some sort of homage. I could name a couple, but I won't.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 04:08 PM
Think about it. If you're a celebirty and you are into the things that are posted on ATS you can be sure that you'd keep your screen name a secret. Otherwise you'd end up in all the gossip rags.

So, with the membership that ATS has I'd be willing to bet that there are a few famous peeps here and you'll never know who they are.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Think about it. If you're a celebirty and you are into the things that are posted on ATS you can be sure that you'd keep your screen name a secret. Otherwise you'd end up in all the gossip rags.

Yeah they wouldn't want publicity or anything.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 05:35 PM

leave them be so they can enjoy their stay here, isn't that right SpiderCHARLIESHEENj?

That's the last video of denise you're gonna see for a while pal...actually the last I'll see for a while come to think of it.

As for celebrities and publicity, even in the entertainment industry a true and hard core belief in the paranormal is probably less accepted than we think.

I'm sure it's fine to make movies about aliens and to even say that you believe in the possibility of aliens but I think if a celebrity came out on a talk show and started talking about serious ufo topics they'd be skewered in the press.

Would it hurt their career, probably not they're only actors after all, but is it the kind of publicity they want, probably not.

Danny Devito showing up drunk on the view will have zero impact on his career and in the end his over all mainstream image, danny devito going on the view and talking about aliens and ufos and touching on things like area 51, roswell and black triangles...sober, I think would be more detrimental....maybe not though.

Seems though there are easier ways to get press, like forgetting to put on a pair of skivvies before you leave the house...what is wrong with the youngins.


No I am not charlie sheen

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 05:44 PM

You are absolutely right!!I mean look at the hubalub that the gossip rags had when they found out that Madonna practiced Kabbalah. Or at some of the "strange" beliefs of Drew Barrymore,although I don't know what they are and what is so "strange" about them. Oh God, and when it came out that Tom Cruise was a scientologist. :shk: My, God, they still haven't shut up about that one.

[edit on 5-12-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 05:53 PM
I have never heard of Glenn Beck. He can't be that famous.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 08:31 AM
Shirley maclaine's a little "out there" and it doesn't seem to have damaged her rep too much.

Just sayin'.

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