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9/11/01 September the 11th 2001

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posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 09:01 PM
It was a day that we will NEVER forget. It was the day we first witnessed "mass murder execution" in front of our eyes. It just had to be the "terrorists". But what if it was because PNAC wanted a way to start their plan for a new american century? What if they wanted to trick us by hijacking 3 differen't planes during the same time(which is unheard of being done by a terrorist. It's easy for the captain to close his door 1/3 time's. What if these people were sent to the army base, landed and executed, including everyone on vacation and flying. Then the air plane "turn's around" as they want us to believe and slam's into the tower's with amazing accuracy! and what's the mysteroious thing we hear next. "It's a military plane!" BOMMMB. Yes it was probably a drone military plane. They could have also easily had a pilot pull a auto pilot and jump out of the air plane while its setting off for towers. There's no doubt that bombs were planted inside because there were indeed reports of people talking about foulplay going on in WTC before the attack, or the mass murder execution hydrogen bomb blowing everything to smitehrenes including bones, and faces, and legs, all vaporised and people running from the debrie like rodent's consuming the city filled with rat's and immigrant's and its such a horrible part of America... Why don't we blow it up.


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