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Can anyone tell me...

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posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 01:30 PM
...Why there always seems to be more evidence in favor of 911 being an inside job than there is against?

It's not just ATS im talking about here - eveywhere I look there seems to be significantly more analysis and hard work involved in proving the government wrong.

The authorities simply come back with their version of events which have a somewhat basic scientific undernote, but are quickly ripped to shreds by much more credible counter suggestions.

So much hard work has been put into these conspiracy theories, and not enough work by the government to supply evidence against them.

As I read somewhere online afew years ago, conspiracy theories can not generally be proven. Comprehensive conspiracy theories can, however, be tested -- just as scientific theories can be tested. This is generally accomplished by employing what is referred to as the `scientific method' -- observing to see whether predictions drawn from those theories prove to be valid predictions.

If the predictions, or hypotheses, prove to be valid, then it can be concluded that the results lend support to the theory.

This certainly does not prove the theory, but does support it ... which is about the best that can be hoped for.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 01:40 PM
The answer to what you are asking is not a simple one. There have been so many contradictions during the course of the "Official" investigations; there are many unanswered questions (building7 and the Pentagon); many people believe the U.S. Gov't to be withholding evidence from the people (i.e., clear photo's or video's of an airplane either heading towards the Pentagon, or crashing into it).

truly the list goes on, and on......

2 cents.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by morgansolutions
The authorities simply come back with their version of events which have a somewhat basic scientific undernote, but are quickly ripped to shreds by much more credible counter suggestions.

If you would care to show me the NIST report getting "ripped to shreds", I would be glad to see it.

So much hard work has been put into these conspiracy theories, and not enough work by the government to supply evidence against them.

They don't have to provide anything against them. Did it occur to you that maybe a lot of people with a lot of knowledge in stuctural engineering etc. don't think that these theories even warrant a response?

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 03:26 AM
To put it simply, it is because 9/11 was an inside job. At this point in time i don't see the point in speculating whether it was or was not. The answer to that question is beyond doubt to anyone enlightened with the ability of thought. Even the answer to the question Why? is obvious, greed for money and power.

It was a shortcut to a goal i understand, by carrying out the 9/11 attacks these leaders have gone against their own beliefs and have destroyed their own future. We live in a world controlled by our leaders rulers. Their goal is one world government which i believe should be our goal as well.

With a few tweaks to their plan we can take away all their power and form a world government controlled by us, not a government in the modern form but a global conscience. They are relying on human apathy to remain until they have full control. Once they obtain that power you will have a choice to make, rise up or lie down.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
The answer to that question is beyond doubt to anyone enlightened with the ability of thought. Even the answer to the question Why? is obvious, greed for money and power.

Another possible explanation (that is currently under analysis) is that evidence/proof of corporate/political crimes is being destroyed/erased. I can't say too much else about this one because I don't have much to offer (yet), beyond my general impressions.

It may or may not be related to a bit of a "spy war" going on too...Remember the news about certain people coming under charges for "leaking" the ID's of undercover agents? This seems to be the "public eye view" of something a lot more serious going down.

[edit on 5-12-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]


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