posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 07:48 AM
I remembered my own ant-story the other day I passed this page.
But the interface then started to change, everything became unstable, new skin was being implemented... no connection.
Mine was down for 15 hours.
Found back to your ant-story, and what amazes me is - which I knew nothing about - that ants get attracted obviously by some affects of voltage
activity. High molecule frequency and the ionizing of atoms. Maybe they can feed on energized particles in the air.
Had a laptop for about a year. Used it in this tropical climate I'm in. Early I did see some activity of ants around where I mostly had it placed. I
better make clear, these are the very smallest ants, only 1-2 mm, the most numerous and succesful creature on the planety, I think.
As long as you can keep them out of your food they're no problem. If nothing to feed on, they'll just move on.
And that's what I thought they did, because what would they eat in a computer.
I seemed to had scared them off until a day I saw eggs being caried through the vent holes on back. Chemical warfare made there terminal
For the next months my laptop went slower and slower.
Some times the screen would flip and I had to fidle settings to get it up again.
There was never any causes to blame, just how it felt when you powered it in the morning.
One night, after a very slow and time consuming download, the screen just scrolled in black. I watched it, maybe the 1½-2 secs it took, not too quick
before it was all black - and sadly never have returned to light again.
On every part of the inside there were stains and streaks from their presence. It was hard to say whether it was etched or otherwise eaten.
It is very convenient with a laptop, but think twice about the enviroment you're gonna use it in. But I still miss my Acer Notebook.