posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 08:34 AM
Ok, there are way more logical reasons for not recieving signals from other life in the universe. Lets get started.
First off, there is no rule that says that life outside of earth is advanced enough to signal at all. Nothing says that a life form has our mental
ability. It is likely that there is life as advanced or more advanced as us, but we have all had the same amount of time to evolve from the
Second, The universe is enormous compared to our standards. It is nearly incomprehensible. Radio signals and light signals that we are advanced
enough to pick up....only travel at the speed of light. Most stars are thousands and thousands of light years away. That puts signals from other
civilizations at a minimum thousands of years into the past. Maybe the signals havent reached earth as of yet.
Third of all, there is no rule on how alien life has to exist. One of the things that amazes me the most is the strong resemblence of peoples ideas
of aliens, to creatures from earth. The universe is huge, there are nearly infinite posibilities on how life may exist. Maybe there is highly
intelligent life on a gasy planet. It could be a blob with no eyes or arms. It doesnt have to have ANY RESEMBLENCE to ANY CREATURE on earth. Its
goals out there on its own planet might not be the same as ours....who says it needs to eat, or reproduce. We dont know anything at all about what
other life may be like. So how could we know what a signal from another planet would be like. Just because something is intelligent doesnt mean that
it thinks like we do.
It suprises me that people dont give that idea more thought. Especially after seeing the way people criticize the human race saying it is
primitive....and that alien life must be further advanced and more peaceful than us. Wouldnt it be possible that what is a signal to another life
form, has no recognizeable pattern to us??
[Edited on 12/31/2003 by Seapeople]