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Actress Aishwarya Rai faces court action over kiss!

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posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 11:46 PM

* A kissing scene from a movie starring Bollywood actors Aishwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan has irked a lawyer who has filed a criminal case against them, accusing them of obscenity, he said on Sunday.

Are you kidding me!!?? Actors have been kissing in indian cinema since yesteryears. A lot more is shown in Bollywood movies these days which can be considered 'obscene' by Bollywood standards. Indian culture has a lot of growing up to do. Kissing is number 1 way of expressing love for someone. I do not see why it is considered so obscene.

* Shailendra Dwivedi of Indore, near Bhopal, the capital of central Madhya Pradesh state, said the scene from the movie, titled "Dhoom 2," lowered the dignity of Indian women and gave an obscene message to youth. "Bollywood actors are conveying vulgarity in the society," Dwivedi told Reuters. "These films cannot be watched with our families, they are so vulgar at times."

Im guessing the western population would find this news extremely funny but this is how it is in India. People still live in the backward times where 2 people in love cannot express their feelings to each other in public. It is highly frowned upon.
And considering the population of India and their views on sex, 2 words come to mind, Double Standards. Its surprising how the talk of sex is a big no no in indian culture. Things are rapidly changing. The new generation is very different but the 'oldies' still follow the old indian tradition. Even though if you look at ancient India there are naked paintings and sculptures everywhere. Indian literature is full of such 'vulgar' acts. Not to mention K-Sutra.

I do not understand Indian culture at times even though I am from same background. I do not understand their 'shyness' with talk of sex, public expression of love like holding hands or kissing, etc. and also the whole arranged marriage thing. I have seen people leading very unhappy lives because of it. People emotionally force themselves to love their spouse who they have never met before and have to spend rest of life with even if they are not at all compatible. Its all about luck.

When will India grow up?

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 05:54 AM
I was able to google up hundreds upon hundreds of bollywood movies. Many had sex scenes. Most that I saw had romance as a main theme. Bollywood pumps out movies faster than most of us can sneeze.

The fact is that India has many cultures and subcultures. Some are open and expressive and some are conservative. Some are religious and some are not. The country has a vast and diverse population. Those who wish to be conservative have a right to do so and not to have to conform to Western views about sex – unless there is a crime involved (such as rape and/or beatings) and then that is a whole other discussion. Those who wish to be open about sex are the ones making the movies and watching them.

Frivolous lawsuits abound in the West, and especially here in America. There is no reason why India would be different. There have been lawsuits here by people getting fat from eating at McDonalds every day. Does that mean that the entire country of America is living backwards and needs to grow up? No. The same goes for India. Just because one person brought a lawsuit does not mean that it is a legitimate law suit. The complainant may be conservative religiously and believe he’s doing the right thing. But then again he may be just following the western trend of frivolous law suits. We don’t have enough information to judge this case and this one case certainly doesn’t speak for all of India in any way.

Originally posted by half_minded
When will India grow up?

Oh the hypocrisy.
If anyone exposes negative things about radical Islamics you get yourself all needlessly upset and go on a rant about how people hate all muslims. But here you are, trashing the Indian culture and it's okay?

I do not understand Indian culture at times

So you trash a culture that you admit you don’t understand???

People still live in the backward times

That’s your opinion and you are welcome to it. But don’t’ get upset when people point out that many Islamic countries live in ‘backward times’.

I have seen people leading very unhappy lives because of it.

Yes? And the world sees MANY Muslims leading very unhappy lives because of Wahabbism and radical Islam. The beaten and raped women of Islam who have to endure it because it's not only allowed, but encouraged - they are all 'uncovered meat and asking for it' afterall.

Seriously .. if you are going to pick on India and say that the people there are living in backwards times and that they are unhappy, then you should really not get upset when others point out the same exact things about the poor people, especially the women, who are stuck in strict radical Islamic cultures and countries.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 06:14 AM
Take this the right way

Since you have TERRORIST/EXTREMIST on your sig why don`t you go and blow them up.Maybe you strap it to yourself.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 07:39 AM

And oh yeah, I know you love the muslim bashing thing, but this thread is not about that at all, so take ur hatred somewhere else. Stop making assumptions about me or my beliefs coz u dunno ****. I cannot have an intelligent argument with you because you just don't get it. Hence, im using the tone which works on you.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by half_minded]

mod edit: removed swearing

[edit on 6-12-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by half_minded

And oh yeah, I know you love the muslim bashing thing, but this thread is not about that at all, so take ur hatred somewhere else. Stop making assumptions about me or my beliefs coz u dunno ****. I cannot have an intelligent argument with you because you just don't get it. Hence, im using the tone which works on you.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by half_minded]

mod edit: removed swearing

[edit on 6-12-2006 by UK Wizard]

You really don`t get life do you.We respond to your weird views not assumptions.You haven`t demonstrated any intelligence to be able to have a disscussion.Flyersfan is writing and making complete sense without throwing his dummy out of the pram.

I suggest you go take a pill, chillout and find something more constructive with your time.Maybe introduce your hand to the joys between your legs

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 09:16 AM
Well, I just watched a movie clip of her on youtube, and imo she should be charged with Malicious Intent To Inflict Emotional and Gastrointestinal Distress. What a lousy actress!

Seriously, though, Indians have the right to determine their own values, and it does seem like this is cherry-picking which issues and cultural values offend someone. No consistency here.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 09:24 AM
Seriously? Making out in movies is now obscene over there huh? Wow the person who complained needs to get laid, and bad. Maybe thats the whole problem.... jealousy maybe?

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 12:29 PM
There are lots of movies that come out of india that can be raunchier than expected, however, the mainstream movies are still pretty tame. I've noticed that what would be a kissing scene in the US is a weird 'necking' scene in bollywood movies.

Whenever a big actress has a scene that involves kissing, it becomes something of a controversy.

The person suing is a lawyer, and he is charging that the movie is obscene. Obscene is a subjective term.

Lets keep in mind that this is a country where women who wear pants can still get weird looks.

Kissing is number 1 way of expressing love for someone. I do not see why it is considered so obscene.

The new generation is very different but the 'oldies' still follow the old indian tradition

This is how it is pretty much anywhere. The older generation is shocked at the younger generation. In India, its over kissing scenes. IN the US, we have britney spears spread eagle without panties. People in other parts of the world probably feel more justified when they look at the west, and see how 'debauched' it is, and want to prevent things from moving in that direction in their country.

The people in the film are pretending to be in love, and they are taking whats normally considered an intimate and emotional act, going through the physical motions, and showing pictures of it to lots of people.

What a lousy actress!

Who cares what her acting abilities are.

Wow the person who complained needs to get laid

Indeed. And the ironic thing is that, when people do surveys in situations like this, they find that the men want their wives to be complete virgins, BUT that large numbers of the men use prostitutes to satisfy themselves. So there's a demand for public prudishness, and in private, people just want to rut around in the mud.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Wow any chance see could become a member here

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