I have recently discovered something which is in fact one of the most breathtaking revelations of our time.
One documentry which stands out through all the rest is what showed me this theory.... it is a theory of everything.. a theory that explains how
aliens travel such great distances and how ufos work...
We owe our creation to stars... or light.
New Photon Model
Consider, in dynamic equilibrium, a photon formed by two particles whose electric charges are opposed, and for this reason they attract each other.
This attraction is equilibrated by the centrifugal force generated when rotating one with the other. By rotating electrical charged particles, a
perpendicular magnetic field is generated, also perpendicular to a stationary observer.
Charge: Planck constant:
Speed of light
in vacuum: Coulomb constant:
Following are definitions of the considered photon:
DISTANCE BETWEEN PARTICLES: It is exactly the wavelength divided by pi (3.1416):
TANGENTIAL VELOCITY: Coincides tangential velocity with the translational velocity, and in a vacuum equals:
PARTICLE MASS: It is relativistic; in other words, it depends on its frequency. Individual particle mass is equally spread. Otherwise, an unbalanced
pattern in their trajectory will be obtained. Individual particle mass:
PARTICLE CHARGE: Is calculated equaling centrifugal force to the electrostatic attraction force.
This charge if 16.558 times an electron charge.
SYSTEM ENERGY: Is the sum of translational kinetic energy plus rotational kinetic energy.
Home New Theory of Light | Abstract | History of Light
Current light Model | New Light Theory | The Light Experiments
Proofs | References
So I in turn ask.... why hasen't this been studied??
I have never heard about anything like it until watching that documentry entitled
"above top secret" movies series 1-2
copywrite 1990 I think
This also leads to the question.... why is the government so bend on hiding the truth from humanity?