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How would you like to be approached by aliens?

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posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 09:54 PM
in my last thread I asked what would you do if you were approached by aliens, and most responses were of violence. so now I am asking if there were peaceful aliens that simply wanted to help, how do you think they should go about it to avoid violence and distrust and ultimately be welcomed.

the good aliens want to know

[edit on 2-12-2006 by ufotimetravel]

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:07 PM
a powerful intervention of sorts could be a possible way to show the masses their friendly intention. -- like a 'fix' to a serious problem we have, like a 'gift' for mankind; something that everyone regardless of religion, beliefs, etc. could plainly see this offering of help.
i think that could be a great start.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by zooplancton
a powerful intervention of sorts could be a possible way to show the masses their friendly intention. -- like a 'fix' to a serious problem we have, like a 'gift' for mankind; something that everyone regardless of religion, beliefs, etc. could plainly see this offering of help.
i think that could be a great start.
sounds good so far, anything in particular, I am thinking cures for diseases maybe, I cant think of anything too good myself right now, maybe the truth about all the conspiracies, but that would be a conspiracy itself, but anything specific?

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:16 PM
Well you didn't specify whether this was for personal contact with an individual or mass contact with everyone. If it's personal i would first recommend comming during the Daylight atleast if i were approached by the unknown i would feel safer during the day, thats just natural for humans. Also an alien wouldnt want to force contact. Perhaps landing near the individual and then letting the human approach towards the craft before coming out for contact. If the person runs then you know they don't want contact.

Now if its for mass contact the first thing that should be done is to get people to believe in aliens, if all these UFO reports are real or even a fraction of them then i think that is the stratedgy. Then the next step would be to get the information out in the world that microbal life exhists on another planet in our solar system, this allows us to cope with the thought of alien life without pushing us into panic of some external threat to our saftey. After a proper amount of time with us dealing with microbal life then I would think we would be ready for some sort of radio contact. But make the radio contact seem to come from a civilization that is technologically on par with ourselves and also make it seem like the civilization is unaware of us. Let earth digest that a bit and then make full contact.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by JackJuice
Well you didn't specify whether this was for personal contact with an individual or mass contact with everyone. If it's personal i would first recommend comming during the Daylight atleast if i were approached by the unknown i would feel safer during the day, thats just natural for humans. Also an alien wouldnt want to force contact. Perhaps landing near the individual and then letting the human approach towards the craft before coming out for contact. If the person runs then you know they don't want contact.

Now if its for mass contact the first thing that should be done is to get people to believe in aliens, if all these UFO reports are real or even a fraction of them then i think that is the stratedgy. Then the next step would be to get the information out in the world that microbal life exhists on another planet in our solar system, this allows us to cope with the thought of alien life without pushing us into panic of some external threat to our saftey. After a proper amount of time with us dealing with microbal life then I would think we would be ready for some sort of radio contact. But make the radio contact seem to come from a civilization that is technologically on par with ourselves and also make it seem like the civilization is unaware of us. Let earth digest that a bit and then make full contact.
actually both individual and mass contact.

the "if the person runs" theory is great!

great response!! I like it!

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by ufotimetravel

Originally posted by zooplancton
a powerful intervention of sorts could be a possible way to show the masses their friendly intention. -- like a 'fix' to a serious problem we have, like a 'gift' for mankind; something that everyone regardless of religion, beliefs, etc. could plainly see this offering of help.
i think that could be a great start.
sounds good so far, anything in particular, I am thinking cures for diseases maybe, I cant think of anything too good myself right now, maybe the truth about all the conspiracies, but that would be a conspiracy itself, but anything specific?

I think contact itself would be a better gift than anything they could physically do for us. Although cleaning the atmosphere would be nice, also disabling all nuclear weapons comes to mind however i fear that would actually cause more wars than it would prevent.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by ufotimetravel

Originally posted by zooplancton
a powerful intervention of sorts could be a possible way to show the masses their friendly intention. -- like a 'fix' to a serious problem we have, like a 'gift' for mankind; something that everyone regardless of religion, beliefs, etc. could plainly see this offering of help.
i think that could be a great start.
sounds good so far, anything in particular, I am thinking cures for diseases maybe, I cant think of anything too good myself right now, maybe the truth about all the conspiracies, but that would be a conspiracy itself, but anything specific?

i think health or energy solutions would be a sincere gift. more so on health. health and life is a powerful thing. at the end of the day, that's what matters most i think is the uber most fundamental item of LIFE.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by JackJuice

Originally posted by ufotimetravel

Originally posted by zooplancton
a powerful intervention of sorts could be a possible way to show the masses their friendly intention. -- like a 'fix' to a serious problem we have, like a 'gift' for mankind; something that everyone regardless of religion, beliefs, etc. could plainly see this offering of help.
i think that could be a great start.
sounds good so far, anything in particular, I am thinking cures for diseases maybe, I cant think of anything too good myself right now, maybe the truth about all the conspiracies, but that would be a conspiracy itself, but anything specific?

I think contact itself would be a better gift than anything they could physically do for us. Although cleaning the atmosphere would be nice, also disabling all nuclear weapons comes to mind however i fear that would actually cause more wars than it would prevent.
what type of contact? I am thinking they are going to take over all airwaves (TV, radio, telphone, internet, wireless routers, etc) and deliver the message, perhaps of true reality. but thats mass contact, for an individual, I think a simple phone call might work for me at this point.

Originally posted by zooplancton
i think health or energy solutions would be a sincere gift. more so on health. health and life is a powerful thing. at the end of the day, that's what matters most i think is the uber most fundamental item of LIFE.
I agree, those are both important indeed, perhaps to add to that new ways of using resources like ways to make lighter and stronger metal that hasnt been invented yet.

[edit on 2-12-2006 by ufotimetravel]

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 01:11 AM
I think the daylight thing is preferred, or if not, some forewarning would be great.

Personally, I think it would be very easy to begin with a mode we're familiar and comfortable with; i.e., email or instant messages.

Instead of showing up in the dead of night, swooping in with their highbeams on, jumping out and accosting us, an email or instant message to "break the ice" would be preferred. Unless they're just awkward in social situations, then swopping in would be the daylight...

Seriously, I think more people would be receptive to a subtler approach, as most of it up to now has been nighttime abductions, or otherwise startling, intimidating encounters.

If there's one piece of information I would pass on to those ETs wishing peaceful, beneficial contact it is not to scare the living crap out of us by dropping SWAT style at three in the morning. It's a little disconcerting...I'm serious by the way. Using a mode and time frame that we're comfortable with will produce optimal results.

UTT, I don't want to put you on the spot, but I read your post, "My Abduction & Time Travel Experience." I actually followed the link and read your experiences and the follow up posts (196 pages I think..took a couple of hours).

I'm slightly confused (and it looks like you were/are too - I say that half joking), but were your posts fictitious, or do you believe you had those experiences? It was hard to tell, because of the 05-05-05 stuff and the word "hoax" was used, but it wasn't all clear...

The read, although very stream of consciousness, was compelling. I read all the way up to the point where you're speaking out against those sinister individuals who now run things from behind the scenes and the whooping they're going to receive...

I'm curious about this, because I had an interesting experience this past week. I was reading a thread called, "Love is the Ticket" in the Aliens & UFO's section, and believe I received a sign (as I type this I'm recalling all the times I saw the crazy homeless person in the movies saying, "I SAW A SIGN...."). I had just started reading that post, and the original poster, smallpeeps, was talking about 2012, etc.

I was engrossed in that thread, but had to break away to go to a friend's. So I head out with the posts swimming in my head; and the phrase, "those with eyes to see and ears to hear..." On my way to my friend's there was one car on the road in front of me. It's a short trip, so usually I'm alone. That night, when I pulled behind the car, I saw the license plate was B** 2012. Anyone reading my brief post there will say, Big deal. I would say that too, but I had a very palpable "moment" when reading 2012 on that plate.

So my question to you is, after reading your experiences and thoughts, what do you think will happen over the next six years? You seemed to think something might happen in 2008 (you mentioned this in your story and the proceeding posts).

You've been on ATS a short time, but you're really posting heavy - not that it's a bad thing, but I wonder what you're up to. And I say that in a totally sincere and curious way.

If you say your story was real, do you have any updates on your story? Do you feel you're in any danger?

You created a thread called, "why are YOU here?" where two posters, theRiverGoddess and mikesingh write very strange responses to your question.

theRiverGoddess wrote,

I am here to keep an eye on YOU UFOtimetravel and report on anything you write to the higher ups...........I am watching you.

mikesingh wrote,

I'm from Project Black Orion. Can't give you guys any further details. So I've been sent to snoop around and find out if anyone here on ATS is getting too close to the truth for comfort! I have a couple of guys in my sights already. Unfortunately, they may have to be terminated either like this [sniper graphic]...OR, like this...[guillotine graphic]..So ufotimetravel, which method do you prefer??

I probably read too much into those messages, but if not, it would be pretty creepy to see people who post here a lot all of a sudden start acting, well, creepy toward someone posting ufo stuff in know, ufo forum...would make you wonder what sinister individuals have insintuated themselves onto these boards and what their real purpose is...Like, UTT, are you "outing" agents/plants?

I just see you appear with a lot of interest in the subject, and a possibly interesting backstory...By the way, I am NOT on a government or other institutional payroll, I am NOT watching you, and I have NOT been procured to terminate you. Just curious about your story...(I know amongus was put off by a statement of yours in the story - lol - but I got past that and read the entire thing....hahaha - not laughing at you, just amongus' complete shut down at the phrase you used...actually laughing at the phrase itself offense...sorry, sidetracked... You know, people involved in the phenomena and those wishing to be involved take it seriously and at least as a seemingly profound phenomena, so I can see how your statements seemed out of line, but I still read and was interested...)

Ok, there you go. ET, please email or IM first. It's only polite. You can even text message. I'm sure this technology is available...and if not, Cingular's got some great deals goiiiinnngg...

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck

You created a thread called, "why are YOU here?" where two posters, theRiverGoddess and mikesingh write very strange responses to your question.

Apparently it was a bit of humor, at least that is how I read into it. Just as you had done at the bottom of your post....

Ok, there you go. ET, please email or IM first. It's only polite. You can even text message. I'm sure this technology is available...and if not, Cingular's got some great deals goiiiinnngg...

2 cents..

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 02:25 AM
"fear not for a moment, please i beg you. i mean you no harm. fear not for just one moment. i approach in the nude, armed only with my truth, and the truth of my people. i approach you now to see if you will judge my truth, to see if it is compatible with your truth, that is all. be not afraid, fear not for just one moment. i approach slowly, gently, and true. please, i beg you, be not afraid.

i have made many friends, and my approach is a flawless one:

1) can you acknowledge me?
2) can you recognize me?
3) can you accept me for who and what i am?
4) can you love me for who and what i am?

here, hear, here is my truth:
"you are not alone, and you are not a loan!"

they call me "som".
som knows things."

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by ufotimetravel

now I am asking if there were peaceful aliens that simply wanted to help, how do you think they should go about it to avoid violence and distrust and ultimately be welcomed.

the good aliens want to know

Everytime I read or hear something about "them" wanting to "help" us I'm reminded of this Video.

Save The Antelope

I'd like to think that if there is a "them" they would likely understand that "helping" really isn't going to "help".

[edit on 3-12-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 03:10 AM
I want them to land, an they give me and uber light show, and they have an uber system and their bumping some mad beats. Then a ramp pops out in 50's ufo fashion and they robot dance their way down the ramp towards me.

Then we robot battle dance and then they're like, Damn that was pretty good thar guy.

and I'm like chea.

Then theyre like so, since your so fresh, perhaps the freshest evar, join us, and I'm like okay.

We leave earth, travel across the universe, expanding our minds with exotic mind altering substances, and we shag some hot alien babes.

But before I leave my solar system I carve You Suck, into the moon so that it's visible with the naked eye on earth.

edit: cuz I care, because you care.

[edit on 3-12-2006 by Lysergic]

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 06:34 AM
Well, I certainly wouldn't want it to be waking up in the middle of the night to find a few of them surrounding my bed. I'd wanna be awake, so I could see them approaching.

Of course, I wouldn't wanna see them approaching me as they emerge from the dark hallway leading to my living room as I'm sitting there alone with the lights out watching TV at night.

As long as they're not too sneaky about their approach, I think I'd be OK with it. Maybe a little mental telepathy message like, "Hey Michael, look out your window.". Then of course I'd look out my window maybe to see one or more standing outside or something. Just as long as they don't sneak up on me.

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 08:16 AM
I think most people feel the same way: they don't want aliens to appear sneakily when they are alone.

Possibly the worst possible thing they could do, for me at least, would be to all crowd around my house and press against the windows looking inside. I think I would probably have a heart attack at that point. Well, except suddenly appearing INSIDE, that is even worse.

The main things that I would want in an encounter if it had to occur would be that it was out fairly in public, and that I was with at least one good friend and not alone. Also if they were truely only looking for peace, they wouldn't have to use all that crazy technology to stop car engines, create missing time, etc.

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 09:42 AM
I've heard that some approach you thru dreams, i would choose that option because:

1- it is safer for my well being
2- i most probably wouldn't be terrorized by the Aliens
3- they can't abduct me forever

Another option would be in public surounded by people, either people i know or not, but in public.

Any other type of approach would be aceptable if they forewarn me of the visit otherwise i might have a heart attack seeing them in my backyard approaching the house

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 02:53 PM
I would certainly prefer NOT to be contacted by aliens. I enjoy reading about it in these posts although sometimes i get the chills by doing so and meeting one face to face wouldn´t be much fun.

The idea of them approching the masses by using a gift is a very good idea, preferably i would like the gift to be "something" making people to be nicer to each other in general. However, i guess that is something we gotta figure out ourselves...

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
UTT, I don't want to put you on the spot, but I read your post, "My Abduction & Time Travel Experience." I actually followed the link and read your experiences and the follow up posts (196 pages I think..took a couple of hours).

I'm slightly confused (and it looks like you were/are too - I say that half joking), but were your posts fictitious, or do you believe you had those experiences? It was hard to tell, because of the 05-05-05 stuff and the word "hoax" was used, but it wasn't all clear...
I would be lying if I said I did not believe more than I do.

05-05-05 originally posted in the "time traveler" section, meaning he considered himself genuine, the post was then moved to the hoax section by moderators since he never directly responded to anyone, cause they were mostly hecklers. then he responded to me immediately then disappears for a year, comes back on the anniversary 05-05-06 to specificly only give me a message again ignoring the other posters.

The read, although very stream of consciousness, was compelling. I read all the way up to the point where you're speaking out against those sinister individuals who now run things from behind the scenes and the whooping they're going to receive...
well its more of a warning, I wouldnt want anyone to say I was being unfair, no one likes being treated like an insect and being lied to as well as manipulated.

'm curious about this, because I had an interesting experience this past week. I was reading a thread called, "Love is the Ticket" in the Aliens & UFO's section, and believe I received a sign (as I type this I'm recalling all the times I saw the crazy homeless person in the movies saying, "I SAW A SIGN...."). I had just started reading that post, and the original poster, smallpeeps, was talking about 2012, etc.

I was engrossed in that thread, but had to break away to go to a friend's. So I head out with the posts swimming in my head; and the phrase, "those with eyes to see and ears to hear..." On my way to my friend's there was one car on the road in front of me. It's a short trip, so usually I'm alone. That night, when I pulled behind the car, I saw the license plate was B** 2012. Anyone reading my brief post there will say, Big deal. I would say that too, but I had a very palpable "moment" when reading 2012 on that plate.

So my question to you is, after reading your experiences and thoughts, what do you think will happen over the next six years? You seemed to think something might happen in 2008 (you mentioned this in your story and the proceeding posts).
in 2012 there will be a mass landing, the world will be given a chioce to accept the truth or not, that simple, the "mass part" is simply for safety.

in I think late 2008 (late autum) there is going to be a concert that gives the world a glimpse of the future, it will initially be percieved as "magic" or "hocus pocus" but people come around to realize reality.

I also responded to that thread "love is the ticket" I believe that at this point very strongly, on my myspace profile i had the phrase "LOVE IS BETTER THAN HATE" up for a while, I understand that now.

many will be forgiven, when it comes to those sinister people, but unfortunately some will not be.

You've been on ATS a short time, but you're really posting heavy - not that it's a bad thing, but I wonder what you're up to. And I say that in a totally sincere and curious way.
I am up to spreading my message, that a new reality approaches, wake up, do your research, make your choices on wha you believe in. I went from shaking before I went to sleep, fear of ridicule from trying to vent to people about what I believe are my experiences and at this point I dont care, it's time. the time is now, the chosen few make their own choice my friend.

reached the text limit, TBC


posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Why would WE be the generation of this visit of affirmation?
The masses are not ready for this kind of information yet!

If they were to approach me, I hope they send a card first
to let me know of the impending visit
So,I can have refreshments and such prepared

We are not alone in the universe..
But make a reservation please, for any upcoming visits!

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
If you say your story was real, do you have any updates on your story? Do you feel you're in any danger?
yes I am working on the second version 2.0 now as far as updates.

do I feel in danger, yes and no, yes if you read my book I mention I was supposed to die a few times but i did not, I started another thread called "do you think abductees are protected?" becuase I am starting believe many are, including myself, but danger is always near too.

I may have said it in my book but the way I see it, if I have to look over my shoulder, the ones I am looking for need to look over their shoulders as well, that simple.

You created a thread called, "why are YOU here?" where two posters, theRiverGoddess and mikesingh write very strange responses to your question.
I did not notice the mike singh post, that was indeed a punk post, I am about as scared as not at all, I meet hecklers all the time, I even went looking for it once and it was fun for a little while but gets old, I am unsure how the moderators here would handle my potty mouth.

I probably read too much into those messages, but if not, it would be pretty creepy to see people who post here a lot all of a sudden start acting, well, creepy toward someone posting ufo stuff in know, ufo forum...would make you wonder what sinister individuals have insintuated themselves onto these boards and what their real purpose is...Like, UTT, are you "outing" agents/plants?
I am not sure what you mean by "outing", if mean "smoking them out", I basicly have been coming to forums with the mentality they are here, like the thread "is ATS a playground for aera 51 people" (or something like that) so I assume they are lurking in these forums, mayne even following me, it is OK, trust me, I fear not at this point, they NEED to hear what I say. even if they are that punk talking about sniper and all that, all I can say is.....b*tch, please....bring it.

I just see you appear with a lot of interest in the subject, and a possibly interesting backstory...By the way, I am NOT on a government or other institutional payroll, I am NOT watching you, and I have NOT been procured to terminate you. Just curious about your story...(I know amongus was put off by a statement of yours in the story - lol - but I got past that and read the entire thing....hahaha - not laughing at you, just amongus' complete shut down at the phrase you used...actually laughing at the phrase itself offense...sorry, sidetracked... You know, people involved in the phenomena and those wishing to be involved take it seriously and at least as a seemingly profound phenomena, so I can see how your statements seemed out of line, but I still read and was interested...)
I am not interested, I am engulfed at this point, waking and sleeping to it.
as I sort of said before the secret gov or whatever you want to call them, need to hear this crap and I do not think they are ready to come get me, they would have already, they may send a clone, but whatever, I still find the guy in bushes first anyway, they may try and I am sure already tried.

BTW, you want to interview me on the phone? and I can record it and post it?

I want people to smile at least a small bit while reading my book as far as the bust a nugget thing.

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