posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 12:06 PM
The US or UK responce to such an attack would be Bio, Chem or Nukes, in kind and you think we wouldnt nuke a middle east country i think you need to
think again as we would HAVE to send a responce in kind and a message not to mess with the best.
Also i personaly think if such an attack happened and lots people died etc etc, we would nuke the middle east terror support countrys in responce for
this situatiuon as they would be blamed for such an attack being able to be happened, i think low yield nukes as to keep radiation down maybe those
fusion bpmbs they had during cold war that were armed and ready to desimate an Russian attack against NATO through Germany, that would nuke area and
be ok for our troops to go into about 24hr later.
You have to think REAL WORLD in our responce, as in we wouldnt just go and say oh well we better not use our WMD against them as it might hurt inocent
people also we would be the ones retaliating and not doing a sneak puss attack, im sure our subs would be launching quite few nukes towards middle
east and even N.Korea, in fact all hell might break loose.
options are for responces
1)we nuke, bio, chem them back to stone age.
2)we bomb them with normal weapons and bombs and we dont stop bombing them till nothing left standing.
3)we do nothing?
4)we unleesh a new WMD against them and show them just how advance we really are.
5)if not attack a country we sure will take out all support infrastrutures ie countrys, and other supporters, then we would in war against terror use
bio, chem and mini nukes against terrorist hide outs, shelters, the war would change and it would change in our favo big time as soon as we deploy
bio, chem weps against them but this wont happen unless they attack first with the said weapons.