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DoubleTree Motel Footage Finally Released

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posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

But if there was nothing to hide, then why go through the trouble of taking the video from the hotel, then hiding it for 5 years. If they knew right away that there was nothing on the video, then why not let everyone see it?

Why did they take it? Because they were gathering all the possible (emphasis on POSSIBLE) video evidence. Hiding it? Sorry but seriously doubt it was a case of hiding it. More likely it was a case of someone cataloging it, watching it, seeing that nothing of evidentiary value was on it and then storing it away.

For your last question, some FBI agent watched it, typed his report and sent the tape to evidence storage. What was he supposed to do? Call CNN and give them the tape (and in the process get fired for violating the law)????

It wasnt a sinister plot, no one was hiding anything, hell Im kinda irritated that they spent taxpayer money to dig a video tape out of storage just to give a bunch of conspiracy theorists more to argue over.

So you feel that it's ok for the government to withhold information from us? Maybe there was nothing on it, maybe they found that out and cataloged it, but why did it take so many years of people asking for it before it was finally released. I could understand your reasoning if nobody was asking for it, but that's not the case.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
It wasn't a sinister plot, no one was hiding anything, hell Im kinda irritated that they spent taxpayer money to dig a video tape out of storage just to give a bunch of conspiracy theorists more to argue over.
Of course they were hiding it, they were asked lots of times to release it, I think they even used the "national security" excuse.

Also, didn't they say that this showed conclusive proof that a plane hit a few months ago?

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Flyer

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
It wasn't a sinister plot, no one was hiding anything, hell Im kinda irritated that they spent taxpayer money to dig a video tape out of storage just to give a bunch of conspiracy theorists more to argue over.
Of course they were hiding it, they were asked lots of times to release it, I think they even used the "national security" excuse.

Also, didn't they say that this showed conclusive proof that a plane hit a few months ago?

Yes, they did say something along the lines of everything will be laid to rest regarding the conspiracies. Am looking for the exact quote now...

Funny how things work themselves out.......................

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 04:17 PM
There was talk of some tapes being released for this last election. Nothing came of it, but it has me thinking. Does anyone think the Republicans would release some tapes to go with the next Presidential election?

At this point in time, Democrats are looking good to take the White House in 2008.

A release of 9/11 tapes could install some fear in the general public and sway some votes? Maybe?

I'm not American so I am only speculating. An opinion of an outsider.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 01:42 PM
I thought it was clear the kind of plane that crashed in to the Pentagon!.
if you click on the first link and watch the video "flight 77 did not crashed into the Pentagon" one point the camera was going at a very slow speed you can see a small plate with !white, red and I believe blue!? crashing into the building.

at first you see everything happening at full speed BUT DEEP IN THE VIDEO YOU SEE THE PLANE ON SLOW MOTION CRASHING. first the reporter from CNN is talking how there is no large tail section or part of the plane any where which indicates that the entire plane crashed on the side of the pentagon. right after they show an image of the plane hitting. small plane gray, red and blue. It looks like a United Airline to me.

I don't think I'm seeing the whole video. it was a very small plate. pause the video when they are showing the impact and you can clear see the plane, the size.

I do believe 9-11 was a cover up, conspiracy but the Pentagon, you can say a military pilot was flying it and then is a cover up.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by citykitty
at first you see everything happening at full speed BUT DEEP IN THE VIDEO YOU SEE THE PLANE ON SLOW MOTION CRASHING. first the reporter from CNN is talking how there is no large tail section or part of the plane any where which indicates that the entire plane crashed on the side of the pentagon. right after they show an image of the plane hitting. small plane gray, red and blue. It looks like a United Airline to me.

That "plane" was not real. Author of this vid put it there by himself to show how it should look like...

[edit on 9-12-2006 by STolarZ]

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