posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 01:20 AM
Is it you? It may be...There are quite a few people, at varying degrees that dont believe the Bible the way presented by Evangelical Christians, but
look at it from a scholary point of view.
Now based on comments in ATS, it may appear that it is more polarized...but even then, it may not be as polarized as you may think. Evangelicals come
across harsh, so the come back to some comments are typically as immature and harsh.
The Bible is an excellent book...but it is a compilation of books, and by no means exhaustive of the thinking in the time periods from which they are you can even go outside the "canonized" version to help put together pieces of the canonized Bible. (If your an evangelical, this wont
set well with you, but it is as it is. And if you Jewish you have even more canonized books, such as Zohar...a nice lofty volume sitting on my shelf
as I type collecting dust.
The book of Enoch, though not canonized in either Christianity or Judaism is interesting as it pulls out concept from "Beresheet"/Genesis and
further expounds on it for further thought and speculation.
In general, I have posted my thoughts on this throughout ATS, but the Bible is a launching pad...allegorical. And as I have mentioned, and Judaism
there are 4 levels of understanding of the Creation as is layed out in is not believed for one moment in Judaism that Adam and Eve eating
from the tree is literal.
so, yes, there are people out there that are not religous (as I am not religious in the normal sense of the word, but have come out of extreme
"orthodox" views), and who also see the Bible for what it some cool thoughts in it, and some hints as to whats going on in the world.