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Glowing blue eyes in the woods. Need info!

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posted on May, 24 2015 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: Scharfshutze

I've had much paranormal experience in my life like hauntings.

But blue glowing "eyes" in the woods. It turned out to be just glow worms...

Yea, me and my cousins were once walking around in the woods torches off (yes we're crazy!)

And we saw two glowing blue that's like a small orb, when we got closer, we trained our torches to them and saw they were worms!

This critters are common in cold and damp climates or high up the mountains where it's cold and often damp due to clouds or fog.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Scharfshutze

Hello friend. i just had this experience just today. let me explain my encounter. i live in the united state in texas, south texas very close to the mexican border. i live in a small town named roma. about 10 thousand people. i was in my house around 9:30 and i received a call from my friend saying he wanted to go hunting for wild pigs at my ranch using high powered led flashlights. so off we went to my ranch about 5 miles away from my house and we parked the truck in my aunts house. (she lives in the ranch) my aunt has 2 chihuahuas loose so they accompanied us on the walk. we decided to walk so we wont scare off the pig,s if there was any. my ranch is about 100 acres big so yea we had a good walk ahead of us. my friend had his 17 remington sniper rifle and i had my 444 marlin wich is a bullet that can literally kill elephants so i wasnt scared of facing anything. we walked and using the spotlight to try to see if we could catch a glimpse of any pigs but nothing. we approached my deer blind (where a hunter stays and waits for deers when hunting) and we heard the owls screeching and i knew they invaded my deer blind. we shinned the light and we could see 2 and my friend shot and killed 1 and injured the other which surely died as it flew elsewhere. at this point we were half way through the walking trip so it wa time to circle around then head back to the truck. but as soon as we started our trip back my friend was kind of scared of the owls and kept looking back lol but as he was looking back my eyes adjusted to the dark and i stopped just to look around to see if i could spot anything. the moon was half lit so we had a good visual of our surroundings even with the ights off but with no possibility of the moon light reflecting or making anything glow since the clouds were out. as i stood i saw a blue light in the distance. i asked me friend if he saw it but then it disappeared. as we looked for it it popped up again this time on the same road we were in and he told me yes i see it. we stood there wondering what it was. it vanished again then as before appeared again but even closer, this time revealing 2 eyes kind of in oval shape moving towards us around 30 feet away. remember our lights were off so our eyes were adjusted to the dark and i couldnt distinguish any body shap at all and the dogs with us didnt bark or show any reaction to these eyes. ( the eyes would appear for about 3 seconds then close making them disappear for another 3 seconds and they would show again) as we saw the first pair, off in the distance we could distinguish about 4 other pairs. these couldnt of been fireflies because we saw the pair of eyes, plus they were blue. and the were not stationary, they moved towards us. then as those first eyes reached the 30 feet range between us we got freaked out and started to speed walk and take another route back to my truck. as we speed walked for about 200 feet we stopped on a small hill and looked back. which at a total of roughly 300 feet( the detour made us walk about 100 feet one way then the 200 down the road) between the eyes and us. we could still see them. if the lights were some type of insects or bioluminescent plants i dont think we could see them from that distance. my friend and i agreed that we didnt wanna stick around to find out. we got to my truck and we left my ranch at around 1130 pm. the landscape of m ranch is mostly small tress and shrubs since we live in a desert type of environment. small mesquite trees and other similar trees no more than 10-15 feet tall (all trees in the region are no more taller than this) so this is my experience. id appreciate it if anyone knows what is going on, what those things were.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:06 AM
Last time the thread starter was on ATS was in 2006....... just FYI

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:54 AM
i dont really care im just sharing my experience i know the thread is from 2006

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Scharfshutze

how did the photos you took turn out, suitable to post in the thred?

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:08 AM

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: ElmerRamirez

Hey there, been a while since I last posted but am always reading ATS stuff and am currently into bigfoot phenomena...and so just happened to connect the dots
This may not be the case in your encounter but there were many reports in the past about glowing eyes in bigfoot encounters. Usually they are red in color but green, amber, blue and others colors were also reported...just for the record.

Oh and killing an Owl is a bad omen. Your friend really shouldn`t have done that. Pretty certain that unpleasant feeling your friend had afterwards wasn`t coincidental. Might also be related to the eyes encounter who knows. I`d recommend getting IR camera next time and film it all.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 11:24 PM
You think it could've been that many bigfoots in one place? Never herd of anything close to Bigfoot reports here where I live.
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

Green and blue tend to be dogs. Yellow would be owls and red wolves. Cats tend to have yellow as well when flash is used or bright light hits their eye. And humans well ours turn red. Along with apes as well assuming Bigfoot was similar to us they would probably be red as well.
edit on 6/25/15 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 05:20 AM
for what its worth, my dog's eyes reflect blue. creepy as # when you drive up and he is lying in the dark! just seeing these blue eyes staring at you!
edit on 26-6-2015 by orgncpndmc because: speeeeeling *facepalm*

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 08:41 AM
Have you found a solid possibility to what these are? I saw it myself a few days ago, not outside but standing next to my bed.... correspondence would be much appreciated, thank you. a reply to: Scharfshutze

posted on Nov, 9 2017 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Scharfshutze

Hey.. I just saw the exact same thing as you have described. I too have woods in front of my home. I came out of my house to get some air when I saw it. I saw something like blue led light but it was blinkning. At first I was seeing it from the side so I saw only one light(actually there were two eyes blinking blue). I thought that it was some sort of electronic device that somebody has dropped there. But after 20 seconds it started moving and I figured that it's an animal(looked very close to a black cat) and it was not one light ,they were two lights and were the eyes of that animal.I think it saw me so it started moving away from me and kept on turning back to see if I am still watching (the eyes were still blinking blue).I called my housemate out and he too saw that but he could only see the blinking light not the animal as it went deep in the woods. After some time the animal disappeared in the woods but I could still see the eyes blinking. Few minutes later it was gone. I could no more see the light. And this happened 5 minutes before.
Immediately I searched the internet and found this post. I know that dogs' and cats' eyes reflect light and looks green but they never blinked continuously. This is new. Can anyone tell me what it was?
edit on 9-11-2017 by strangebuster because: (no reason given)

My best guess is for what I saw today: It was a police robot in the shape of cat with silicon skin and artificial fur used for surveillance. I have a police station also, 200 mts from my home. Now the question arises how can it walk and look exactly like an animal. So for that just check out MIT's cheetah project where you can find an animal shaped robot who can walk,jump, climb acclivity just like an animal do.
edit on 9-11-2017 by strangebuster because: Additional information

posted on Nov, 29 2018 @ 05:43 PM
The blue eyed creatures were either djins or angels . You said you could tell it was intelligent which is a characteristics of a djin . I don't know if they are good or evil tho. When you said that they were the same height as you and your brother it sounded it like they were mimicking you an a physical sense. Which again sounds like a djinn. I don't know a whole lot about blue eyed angels tho.
Also I remember having a dream about a boy my age ( I was 13 at the time) who had glowing blue eyes . Even when the light went out due to a storm I could see his glowing blue eyes . And he was unnaturally fast. He dressed in black with black hair and pale skin.
There was also an incident where I was napping and my twin brother ( I am his sister in case you didn't know I was a female) was in my room with me . I remember waking up to him being super close to my face like he had been watching me and yelled "oh my God your eyes were blue!!!" I just sat confused and we never really spoke about it. ( I am black so there is no way that my eyes would turn blue naturally)

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 07:50 AM
I really don’t know. But glad you all are ok. Could have been an animal like others suggested. Reminds me of how my cousin once ran out of gas at the cemetery near my grandfather’s house as a teenager (he was riding a four wheeler). At some point he saw a pair of glowing red eyes. He was terrified! I can’t remneber the details of the story but I’ve heard it a couple of times.

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