posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Ok, the whole time i was reading this, i was thinking of me and a friend's experiences in HIS woods.
Starting off, once, we were just hanging around his house in a neighboorhood exactly as you just described, and I caught something outside out of the
corner of my eye. I look and all I see is a WHOLE lot of hair fly past the window. I jump up and go "Holy siht, dude I just saw a #ing bigfoot!"
(sorry about the language) My friend gets up, and we run into the next room and catch a fleeting glance of it again, and this time he sees it too. He
gasps and we run to the backdoor and outside. Right as we get out, a shadow catches my eye and i look to my left and I see it has just hopped over his
wooden fence We run over and look over it but there is nothing in the neighboor's woods. We talked about it for days afterwards.
That wasn't the only thing that was strange in his neighboorhood. MANY MANY times have we seen, heard, or felt something strange.
Once, in the morning, I awoke to his mum pulling my toes to wake me up. I rolled over and said something like 'I'll get up in like 15 minutes" to
which 'she' responded by tugging my foot like she was trying to pull me out of the bed with a sudden yank. (by the way, it's a bunkbed) My friend
woke up when the bed shook and mumbled about how he's trying to sleep and I get up groggily, His mom wasn't there, and I got down and checked all
the other rooms to see what she wanted. She wasn't even home, I found out later. She had gone to work hours before this.
Now back to the woods. Often, my friend and I (Beau is his name) like to walk around the little neighborhood around the times of midnight and so
forth. So one evening, we are walking and as usual we hear the bark of distant and near dogs. However, we hear a loud crashing like trees falling, as
you also have stated. We walked down to the road it was coming from and we see a motion-sensor light from someone's back porch is on. We hear the
noise in the woods between two roads, so we are prowling around trying to get a good look. Suddenly, the streetlights go out. Not one, but 3 all at
the same time. We're looking around in the near dark and we are at the edge of the road, on the curb, right next to some trees. Suddenly it sounds
like something made a mad dash at us. We both readied ourselves, me and my bat, him and his metal pole (we never go out unarmed). Then it stopped. We
step back and the lights come on again and we hear what sounds like monkeys in his woods, with a bit of like...a strange noise that I cannot properly
describe..So we look around some more, but we don't enter the woods with no flashlights and mere bludgeons to potect us and venture back home.
We were perplexed ever since.
More on this place:
We've seen very large, larger than average wolf-looking dogs roaming around, always they are solid black.
Once there was what we thought was a very hairy man, until the bigfoot and this story were found, standing at the end of the road under a streetlamp.
We drove by, and turned around in the cul-de-sac and the whole time, it was as if he didn't turn at all, but we couldn't see his face. Like his back
was somehow always to us. And it looked like he was holding knives, but it could have been claws now that i think about it. I thought h was wearing a
fur coat, but...I think it was his own fur.
ALl I know, is that I beleive every word you said, because it has happened to us in the same fashion