Well, perhaps the "avoid mass hysteria" excuse for non-disclosure may have been true when they first
used it, but...
Originally posted by MrChipps
Originally posted by Unplugged
Mass panic is not the reason why UFO info is kept secret.
Like everything else, its about money and power.
I think that after the initial release of disclosure, the majority of the earths population would experience a spiritual awakening.
...I think this is the
real reason why they continue with non-disclosure. If the "powers that be" are insistent on world control, then they
wouldn't want the masses to have any hope of a better life than the one they offer to us...That would really mess up their plans.
Originally posted by Scramjet76
It's not really that bad. Make the most of your time. I suggest buying a fast car. I'm not sure if you've ever owned a sports car, but they are
quite fun (although not as fun as a saucer I'm sure).
If you really believe this, try explaining your point of view to the cop who stops you for going over 200 mph...Or explain it to the judge before he
hits you with a fine bigger than your bank account (They
do fine you more according to how fast you were going).
Okay, the alternative...Quit the rat race & go live like a hermit in the wilderness, living off the land. At least if you find a long stretch of
deserted road, you may get away with speeding your sports car so fast.
But then, even in the wilderness, you should try to avoid planting too big of a crop field...They could pick it up on satellite, find you & start
nabbing you for breaking laws concerning "acceptable settlers". Of course, you'd also want to have a rifle so you could hunt for meat to supplement
you diet: But then if they
do find you, what's the worst they could do? Well, under the Patriot Act & the Victory Act, they could arrest you
as a Terrorist without allowing you any communication to family or lawyers, imprison you with no Rights (they'd strip you of your Citizenship) & no
Trail by Peers, then also torture you & kill you (Military Commisions Act). No, it's very difficult to actually
own your own land any
more...As a rule of thumb, if you have to pay property taxes, you don't really
own it. And even if you succeed in that, they could still grab
you for whatever reason or no reason...Even though all
you may want is to just be left alone &
And there's a whole plethora of other considerations I haven't even gotten into yet. Yep, go ahead & find out what it would
really take to
keep out of "The Man's" way...And still be set up well enough that you'd be self-sufficient. Then consider that your own individual psyche craves
contact with fellow human beings...How well could you get along with no human contact at all? Yes, some have the strength of mind to accept that kind
of life but it's rare.
Society has been
intentionally engineered so that it
won't be easy to quit the rat race. So in reality, we really are
forced to
live within it, as MrChipps has stated.
Originally posted by MrChipps
True we can make certain decisions to do things slightly different....but to vere to far form the way things ARE is all but impossible.
This still makes it sound as if there's very little hope...A lot less than actually exists: When our "national leaders" take Office, they
must swear an Oath to "preserve, protect & uphold" the Constitution (no, it's not
only the President who has to swear an Oath: All
Offices of Executive, Judicial & Legislative Branches on both Federal & State levels must take the Oath), even though they break that Oath nearly
every day their arses occupy their chairs. This is merely one point of leverage on them that's already being used.
Originally posted by seentoomuch
We would then get into a full out debate with me listing all the changes he could effect with his time and effort and here's just a few for
brevity's sake: support term limits (no more professional politicians, only concerned citizens), no lobbyists allowed to visit with our reps at all,
they should only be allowed to petition the same as the average citizen with no perks of any kind allowed), run for local offices for the changes
he'd like to see in our community, stay in touch with his reps on the changes he would like to see, write them, call them, help in the community
(education, homeless) , stay on top of proposed building projects and their impact on the environment, learn how to protect our waterways and contact
the reps about it and vote accordingly...etc...there's a million different ways to effect change.
are people waking up & making the Government hold itself accountable...They
are fighting the "shadow government's" influence on
the real government. They're using the Constitution against them & making them see that they can't subjugate us. So there
is still hope as
long as there's people who
know what's going on &
doing something about it. This is what the Constitution was
meant for & why
must be held accountable for their actions while in Office. There really is no room in the Constitution for "career politicians."
Politics has been described as "the Art of Compromise" but the Constitution leaves
no room to be compromised in itself: If it did, then there
would have been no reason to
write it in the first place!
But it's up to The People to enforce the Consitution on the Office Holders:
"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson
Well, we've failed to be vigilant & we're paying the price...But there are more & more people actually waking up & trying to make up for that
that's what the "space brothers" are waiting for...As a sign that we
are becoming socially mature, that we
can still
succeed at becoming free of oppressive politics being used against us. Maybe once we can accomplish that, they may feel that we're ready for
I can't really claim to know that this is what they're waiting for. All I know is that, if I were them, I would rather wait for a race to "grow
up" before I help them...They would have to be capable of showing that they can help themselves first. Sort of like an uncle watching a nephew grow
up...To see what kind of man that nephew can become before you can
treat like a man.
Originally posted by seentoomuch
Great, another person with an "all is lost" view of the world and doing nothing about it, and it sounds like you're waiting for anyone (other than
yourself) to bail us out.
This sounds like "seentoomuch" hasn't really "seen enough"...Even I've seen that MrChips has already explained how his (her?...I don't know)
viewpoint as not sounding nearly as hopeless as you described, even
before you posted. But I will give you credit for trying to help with some
of your other points though...
Originally posted by seentoomuch
Until you explain just what you’ve done, yes, I will assume you’ve done nothing...
Do you know what they say about "assuming" anything? Look at the word itself: "Assume" only makes an "
ass of
U &
Me". I try
to get by assuming as little as possible...That's what allows people to actually wake up to the political manipulation & oppression that surrounds
them. "Unassuming" means that you don't take anything at "face value" & never try to insert anything into something (or someone) you don't know
Originally posted by seentoomuch
Until you explain just what you’ve done, yes, I will assume you’ve done nothing. If you come forward and list a few, then yes, I would be wrong
and would admit it...
You "assumed" that MrChips actually does nothing except sit & whine about the situation but then call for him to
prove your assumptions to be
wrong? At least I've seen that you recognize this particular mistake & make correction for it...After all, nobody's perfect--Not even me.
Besides, ATS has a "non-activist" policy...Don't advertise or recruit for them here on the forum boards: If I mention any particular "activist
organizations at all here, it's to point out something newsworthy about the fight against political corruption, or to impart relevant info to a
particular topic in which I post.
But I can understand your attitude towards the "non-proactive" professors at that college...After all,
they've been restricted to that
practice for a long time. The "teachers" in modern schools must concentrate more on teaching students how to
go work for some corporate
entity rather than teach how a student can
work for himself or society in general. Once this is realized, it becomes a bit easier to
understand just how deep & widespread that the corporate/political corruption actually infests our society.
Originally posted by RiotComing
1. We are prisoners, of the Illuminati. That's the way it is, that's the way it has been, and that's the way it will always be (until we all awaken
to this fact). That's not a "woe is us" statement, it's a statement of reality. We can choose to be prisoners or choose to be free.
Well, almost...I've heard it said by various people in ATS: "Free you mind & your @$$ will follow." Love (or at least a healthy dose of basic human
compassion for your fellow humans) is only a part of the answer: At least this makes you sensitive enough to keep your eyes open. You also have to
remain vigilant against oppressive/reppressive corruption & fight it when it appears.
[edit on 2-12-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]