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what would you do if you were approached by Aliens?

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posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:18 PM
True, good and bad is really a human interpretation and means different things to different people, let alone intergalactic species. I really wish that there were good aliens out there too, but all the evidence I can see points to hostile. Can't the good ones help us out a little? If what your saying is true, and we are being abused beyond our control by the bad ones, why can't the good ones step forward?

If they don't want to be shot at every time they approach a human, they should really make an effort to disassociate themselves from the bad ones.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:29 PM
One thing that makes the "good" guys good is their respect for free-will. The collective free-will of humanity, due to the current bubble reality we are in, supersedes the free-will of the small percentage of individuals that want disclosure by the aliens themselves.

In other words, you don't see the "good" guys because humanity as a whole doesn't want it yet. This can be seen by their actions. Some have said that humanity isn't ready and that's correct from one perspective.

So the alien stories we get currently are going to be mostly from the ones that do not respect humanity's free-will. There are stories of encounters with the "good" guys but not nearly as many. And these encounters happen on rare occasions and usually are aligned with the soul level choices of the entity before it's incarnation.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon
One thing that makes the "good" guys good is their respect for free-will. The collective free-will of humanity, due to the current bubble reality we are in, supersedes the free-will of the small percentage of individuals that want disclosure by the aliens themselves.

I disagree, the freedom of the individual is more important
than the want of the group.

Personally I don't believe in all this abduction stuff, I think
there may be a dozen true abductions throughout the last
century, but I don't believe that thousands of people have
been abducted.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
I disagree, the freedom of the individual is more important
than the want of the group.

I would agree if we weren't all stuck in this matrix bubble reality. If they disclose for a small group then the larger group has it's free-will imposed upon. Now if the individual wishes for disclosure for only themselves, that's been known to be arranged.

It's a weighted catch 22. The group is made of individuals so the free-will of more individuals is maintained by not stepping forward.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by Toasty
Personally I wish they would just leave us alone. We have been fine for the last 100,000 years, we don't need or want their "help", especially if it means abductions and mutilations.

Right now humanity is moving towards a time were there is no escape anymore, for anyone. Our Earth is in an extremely bad shape and we need to change our ways of living, right now, if we hope to remain on Earth in a close future.
The problem is that the nations that are most responsible to this catastrophe won't do anything radical to help and repair the damage they have caused. And the reason is money, but a radical change is needed.

If we pretend the Nordics exist, and pretend they are way above us technologically then we really need their help.
And about those terrible abductions and mutilations, they are said to not be carried out by the Nordics but rather the "grays" and as usual who can say that with a 100 % certainty.
Haven't you read before that the Nordics won't interfer us in our evolution except if a Holocaust is near? And as you can see, one is getting closer every day.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

Originally posted by something smells
It would depend on the context I would suppose.

In the middle of the High Street in front of others would be different to the paranoia of meeting ET in the Highlands, away from civilisation after they had stopped the car and walked up to me with a knife and fork licking their lips.

there you go , projecting your prenotions of what a given action means onto a hypothetical alien you just met .

Yea but it was a hypothetical Alien with a Hypothetical knife and fork

"projecting your prenotions" nice phrase but meaningless. Fact is until the moment occurs no-one knows what their response will be to a given situation.
In my hypothetical scenario I may assist them by seasoning myself with salt and pepper or I may bend their cutlery with my magic spoonbending ability

The whole scenario is totally fictional anyway, they will never find me with all the tin foil I am wearing

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 12:41 PM
From where I stand I agree with the posters who think the greys are abusing us.

So here's my question. Don't these galactic alien federations have some universal code of not interferring with the evolution of a species technology,culture, non-interference...yadda,yadda,yadda.

SO what exactly do they concider what the greys are doing? Wouldn't that be a violation of their rules? Shouldn't other aliens step in immediatly and shut down their operations? Seems to me that there is no galactic code and it's every alien for themselves. They are indifferent to us plain and simple.

I say kick their asses off our planet!!! Ours not theirs, we're indiginus to it not them. And the dinoaliens from back in the day who are indigionus to earth...What gives stand up for earth. help us kick some encephely swollen freaks off our earth. If you guys exist than you have superior tech to ours, and obviously don't have too much of a problem with us humans cause you haven't tried to wipe us out yet and reclaim the planet. So get off your scaley butts, streatch out the old dorsal ridges and strap on a plasma cannon and aim it at the short little grey things with the staring problems holding chunks of dripping cow rectums.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 02:50 PM
After I soil myself? I would love to see other planets and alien technology.
'Hey Mr. Spaceman won't yolu please take me along for a ride" (Byrds)

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 03:34 PM
I'm interested in plant life on other planets. curious about how it work out under different conditions. I love the byrds. too bad there's not much good music around anymore.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 05:44 PM
I'd ask them to take me away from this crappy place...I'd ask if my family and friends could along too

[edit on 1-12-2006 by resistancia]

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 07:36 PM
I think it is interesting that when I said "approached" most people assumed it was something hostile or negative. I must come clean, if anything other than human form came at me I would become uncontrollably nervous, the night I posted this I had trouble sleeping, but I would not shoot first ask later though, seems like poeple are comfortable with fear as a way to unleash the inner animal or something its really amazing.

abduction is certainlly negative, it is being taken against ones will, I would attack anyone or anything trying to take me against my will but I would not assume it unless actions called for it.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by ufotimetravel]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:33 AM

just kidding

I would ask them to protect the planet from destruction.
you know, like say "make shure non of those asteroids come flying in and hitting earth".
that would be nice to not have to worry about.
I would also ask them for their E-mail address or hotline number so whenever we have a crises we, or, I could just call them up and tell them to get their ass down here!

oh, and for all you other people, i would ask for their souls. and technology.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by WINGxZERO]

[edit on 18-2-2007 by WINGxZERO]

[edit on 18-2-2007 by WINGxZERO]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
From where I stand I agree with the posters who think the greys are abusing us.

So here's my question. Don't these galactic alien federations have some universal code of not interferring with the evolution of a species technology,culture, non-interference...yadda,yadda,yadda.


King Jame Version

THERE is your "intergalactic federation". Folks, it might just be time to step back and reevaluate here.

Step ONE

Step TWO
Separate into TWO categories initially:

More than likely, THIS is the REAL storyline, at least a portion of it.

THIS is where they take YOUR imagination and implement it to give YOU a believable and SURREAL storyline... AND it makes practically everybody around you think you are NUTS. YOU will also have best friends telling you to talk to a therapist... JUST LIKE I DID! LOL


what movie is that line from? cmon... 64000 dollar ya know it? LOL it's a CLASSIC!

READ the Book of Job. You will THEN understand why there's no such thing as the Prime Directive and there NEVER HAS BEEN.

The PRIME DIRECTIVE was Rodenberry's method of showing humanity WHAT WAS GOING ON.

You DO get it, right? Star Trek? It's a CRY OUT.

What color are the lights in the sky boys and girls?

Yep, that's right JohnnyApollo! GOLD and WHITE and BLUE and RED and PURPLE.

So... what color were the original star trek uniforms??


THAT is the COLLECTIVE SOUL of HUMANITY. Rodenberry's screensaver told HIM that this was BAD and that he needed to convey that to ALL humanity.

Correct if I am wrong here, Trekkies... but didn't Rodenberry actually devise the Borg... decades ago? I may be mistaken...

But this is ALL speculation of course... there isn't an OUNCE of truth in there...

And in reality... there isn't an ounce TRUTH in THAT simply because there is even less TRUST in here...

sometimes that is a VERY GOOD THING. BUT... in the end... only wreaks havoc upon humanity.

I hope we figure it out. Because ever single painful day that passes when we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on WAR when innocent babies are dying of THIRST.

Have you ever been so thirsty that your body starts to shut down? It's NOT kewl. YOU would NEVER want that kind of pain.

Anyway... love the posts... will be praying for clarity for us all... if you can believe THAT! LOL!


[edit on 18/202/07 by Southpaw11]

[edit on 18/202/07 by Southpaw11]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 02:03 PM
hey southpaw,
you really have a connection with religion and ET, in my opinion ET reality is more real than the one the bibles impose, I think there is a difference between a bible (that may have been edited for purpose of control) that dictates this religion and a guidebook.

getting back on topic, I think the ET are coming and this thread is a record or testament to how the world is programmed to think these days if that should happen, which again I think it is going to happen soon.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by timedrifter]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:04 PM
I haven't read all the postings, sorry about that,
but if aliens approached me, I'd kill 'em.

I'd flush them away with concentrated urine, a tip
I learned from another ATSer.
With all the verve I could muster, I'd drive them
back to their anal-probing, humiliating planet and
watch the skies for any others.

I hate Reptoids, Greys and Nordics, I've never seen any,
but I know that my vision would haze over reddish and
I'd do everything in my power to stop them probing
others... filthy animals.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by IronMan
I haven't read all the postings, sorry about that,
but if aliens approached me, I'd kill 'em.

I'd flush them away with concentrated urine, a tip
I learned from another ATSer.
With all the verve I could muster, I'd drive them
back to their anal-probing, humiliating planet and
watch the skies for any others.

I hate Reptoids, Greys and Nordics, I've never seen any,
but I know that my vision would haze over reddish and
I'd do everything in my power to stop them probing
others... filthy animals.
are you simply assuming that the approachers are evil?
and its nice to know you hate someone or something you have never met or seen, do you feel the same about god?

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 06:08 AM
My opinion is as follows:

If you are ignorant enough to think that you would be in a position to 'cut them up', 'shoot them' or 'bash their heads in' then you probably don't realise how profound such an experience can be.

I have seen things on numerous occasions throughout my life (don't ask for proof there is none and if you don't believe me its your problem). The last occasion was about a year ago and I was so scared I lost all feeling in my legs for about 5 minutes (I fell). That being said it wasn't something new to me either.

I know everyone would like to think themselves tough etc, but in reality most people would literally crap their pants.

There was a doco a few years ago about Asian tigers being introduced into Africa. They were put in an area with gazelle/ostriches etc. The 2 tigers would hide every time they saw one of the ostriches, took them two days of constant wariness to gain any confidence.

I have pondered this kind of a situation many times and have promised myself that in the future, if I am presented with another such situation I will take deep breaths and remain calm. You don't want to submit to your fears and lose control. Once you lose control in such a situation its almost impossible to get it back in time to do anything. (I would) Let things play out. Unfortunately theres probably not much at all you have a say in at that stage.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 09:22 AM
If I were to meet an alien. I would feal fear towards the entity and shock as to what I was seeing.(I think 99.9% of people would feal this even though some would never admit it) I would attempt to remain calm to the best of my ability and make sure my body language is non threatining. Me personally would treat this being as godlike. (as i belive many people in the bible saw aliens and not angels) I would show the upmost respect.

I hate to say it but I would probably beg them to take me on a trip throughout the galaxy or to show me pictures of other planets that hold life. Even if this would cost me my life I would die happy seeing these things.

If this being was threatening me in any manner I would attempt to defend myself to the best of my ability. Odds are this would be fatal for me, one way or the other.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:58 PM
ughh if one those things walked up to me id rather kill the ugly thing instead of dieng of the uglyness

[edit on 23-2-2007 by RazorFang]

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