posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 09:57 AM
I know that Mormons when they go through their temple do make a promise to not talk about the things they are told or what they do. I know that they
make a covenant that involves penalties. What I know about the penalties is they promise to symbolically slit they own throat and also disembowel them
self (spill their guts). They are made to go through the motions by putting their hand flat and thumb out, it is their symbol for a knife, and drawing
it across their throat and then across their stomach.
I also suspect that even after they go through that they are then subjected to, I don't know how to say, spiritual pain. In other words, those
guiding the process use their minds to induce physical pain. The reason for the 'torture' is to seal the deal, put the fear of god into them and
also to let them know what to expect if they get out of line.
How many people can keep a secret?
How many people have been married in the Mormon temples? A lot.
What other religions do this kind of thing? At least the Free Masons which is where the Mormons got a lot of their practices.