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Dolphins & Greys

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posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 09:19 AM
Some great posts here!

an3, I think you've actually hit upon something that really has little refute. The litter example is not training in action IMO. Those dolphins were not only manipulating their surroundings but their human trainers as well.

So why wouldn't a dolphin jump a wall to get back into the ocean? Well, we can easily look to humans for the answer. If you had a choice between searching for food and companionship or having it provided what would you do?

If you knew that you had to constantly search and keep pace with your food source just to survive or deal with the many dangers of the ocean wouldn't you stay at what amounts to a marine hotel instead?

For all we know these dolphins could be jumping the wall at night like a kid sneaking down the tree outside his window and then jumping back before sunrise or anyone is the wiser. Yea, it's a stretch and although I don't see them as marine Einstein's I do think dolphins are more intelligent than some of these naysayers think.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 09:19 AM
Apparently, dolphins are one of only four types of animal that can recognise their own reflection. In other words, they are SELF AWARE.

I think that makes them slightly more intelligent than a goldfish

[edit on 30-11-2006 by Mogget]

[edit on 30-11-2006 by Mogget]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 12:17 PM

[Well, actually dolphins aren't as intelligent as people would like to think. In fact, they're stupid.
I am not even going to respond to that.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 12:32 PM
dolphins stun their pray using a flick of the tail, saw it on a documentary the other day.

Anyway i can remember a picture in a very old UFO magazine whcih showed an encounter with an alien whci looked like a dolphin in a glass bubble. i will trawl the net to see if i can find it.

regards warrior 1

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

[Well, actually dolphins aren't as intelligent as people would like to think. In fact, they're stupid.
I am not even going to respond to that.

Didn't you just?

Anyway I think we should stay on topic, discussing Greys in relation to Dolphins, not how clever/stupid Dolphins are.

I have to say that Greys and Dolphin bare some resemblence. They black shiney eyes. Grey skin... I remember a post on the Aliens and UFOs forum discussing that Greys could be an evolved aquatic species.

I think it seems plausable. If not Dolphins than perhaps some other aquatic species on another planet.


[edit on 11/30/2006 by Mad Larkin]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Mogget
Apparently, dolphins are one of only four types of animal that can recognise their own reflection. In other words, they are SELF AWARE.

Just to add validity to your claim here's a scientific experiment done by Earthtrust to test out the dolphin's self-awareness. From what I understand, humans and only a few of the ape/monkey species are self aware, aside from the dolphin:

We have concluded from the behavior of the dolphins during their mark tests that three of the adults, Keola, Okoa, and Laukani, used the mirror to visually inspect their bodies where the mark was located. The locations the dolphins chose to take in front of the mirror, and the body orientation they assumed during these inspections, suggested they were looking toward the mark. Their behavior while in front of the mirror also suggested this. For example, during one close approach to the mirror, Laukani moved her eyes far back, seeming to strain to see the reflection of the mark behind her head.

And although it seems we have gone off the subject of Greys, I think that this is all the best evidence we have to support the theory. If dolphins are somehow superior to other creatures, (possibly even ourselves?), then one must wonder how their brains came to be like that.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 11:50 PM
This is all very interesting.
Since my abductions and experiences with U.F.O.'s I have felt a longing to be with dolphins. I love them!

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 10:19 AM
You see Mr Chipps, your threads aren't all bad! This is a very good one and I commend you for starting it.

I didn't say it in my last post but the popular version of the gray has always reminded me of Dolphins and as I see many others agree.

an3, you keep coming up with some good stuff!

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 09:21 PM

I have to say that Greys and Dolphin bare some resemblence. They black shiney eyes. Grey skin...

Simularities in appearance means very little. There are lizards that have grey skin and shiny black eyes, yet we know that these lizards(reptiles) and dolphins(mammals) are in no way related.

Untill we have some way of examining Greys we have no way of knowing if they are related to dolphins. Are they even mammals? I always thought they were supposed to be amphibians?

It is interesting, that dolphins have the ability to stun. This is a very good and interesting thread.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Mad Larkin
I have to say that Greys and Dolphin bare some resemblence. They black shiney eyes. Grey skin...

Sharks also have black eyes and grey skin. As do most marine animals. Just because things look the same it doesn't mean that they are in any way connected.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 09:41 PM
Well, actually dolphins aren't as intelligent as people would like to think. In fact, they're stupid.

External Source

Quote: Dolphins may have big brains but a South African-based scientist says lab rats and even goldfish can outwit them.
"The real flaw in this logic is that it suggests all brains are built the same ... When you look at the structure of the dolphin brain you see it is not built for complex information processing,"
"You put an animal in a box, even a lab rat or gerbil, and the first thing it wants to do is climb out of it. If you don't put a lid on top of the bowl of a goldfish it will eventually jump out to enlarge the environment it is living in, but a dolphin will never do that. In the marine parks the dividers to keep the dolphins apart are only a foot or two above the water between the different pools."

Not trying to be a smart ass on this.. but perhap's Dolphins are looking at the Forest, not the Trees? I couldn't count on my fingers and toes the amount of seemingly dumb humans in High school and College I was fortunate to study with who went on to become successful academics receiving their Doctorates.


posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 10:28 AM
i d like to think the greys would land in florida,then liberate the dolphins from sea world

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 10:57 AM
This is kind of sick but a lot of whats in the world today is. I live in Clearwater, Fl... the beach. Many dolphins around these parts and its hard to go near any body of water and not be blessed to see them playing.

I dont know if this would tie any way to any 'theories' but I know for a fact, as sick as it is, a dolphin, if approached gently, will willingly and wanting allow human male penetration.

Pretty crazy huh.

I think I would hit the club before the bay but hey, I dont do animals so what do I know? Im just hear to observe the insanity -shrug-

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Mogget
Apparently, dolphins are one of only four types of animal that can recognise their own reflection. In other words, they are SELF AWARE.

I think that makes them slightly more intelligent than a goldfish

I agree. My appologies to gemwolf but that statement about other animals trying to escape and dolphins having a simple form of containment and not leaving does not equal that they are stupid. It simply means that they are making a conscious choice in staying.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Little One
a dolphin, if approached gently, will willingly and wanting allow human male penetration.

Dolphins are one of the only species aside from humans who are documented to have sexual relations for non-reproductive, recreational purposes. They have also been documented having bisexual relations.

As for sexual relations with humans, dolphins have been known to accept humans to engage in sexual activity with them, and if you were so inclined you could easily find instructions online on the proper way to initiate these activities with a dolphin, although I will not post a link to it in accordance with the T & C's. The people who claim to participate in these activities say that it is not a weird fetish of any kind, and the act is some kind of showing of a symbiotic relationship between man and dolphin. They say that they are sharing this experience to show their "love" for the creatures, although I will not comment on that.

There's also a few cases of humans who were victims of "attempted rape" perpetrated by dolphins.

Sex for pleasure is obviously not the only trait dolphins share with humans. Along with being self-aware, research shows that they may also be very aware of the individuality of fellow dolphins and even have "names" for each other:

They are also known to use "tools":

And how many species do you know that are artistic?:


I also found this interesting thread reguarding the discovery of a dolphin with what could be evidence of LEGS!

If dolphins' ancestors had legs, perhaps the dolphins ancestors were Greys?

[edit on 5/12/06 by an3rkist]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 12:17 AM
Dolphins despite their portrayal by the media are vicious predators. They will attack humans. The cetaceans all have advanced brains with extrasensory abilities. Dolphins can stun their prey by focusing energy on them. Whales have forms of telepathy which they communicate in frequencies that humans cannot comprehend.

I'm more of the opinion though that greys are evolved dinosaurs or a dinosaur like being from another planet.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 05:52 AM
Dr Richard Boylan talks about this quite a lot, although I dont know how credible he is.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by an3rkist
I also found this interesting thread reguarding the discovery of a dolphin with what could be evidence of LEGS!

If dolphins' ancestors had legs, perhaps the dolphins ancestors were Greys?

Of course dolphins ancestor's had legs. Everyone knows that. They evolved from the sea, to the land, and then went back to the sea.

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