posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 02:57 PM
Tommy Thomson, A former (R)Governor from the state of Wisconsin (1987-2001), who later became *Secretary of Health and Human Services* (Feb 2,01 - Jan
26,05) recently announced (Nov 15) on CNN that he is establishing an exploratory commission for a Presidential bid in '08.
What's really disturbing about this is after Thompson left his post in the Bush Cabinet, he moved into the private-sector and joined the board of
directors for a company called Applied Digital Solutions. This company has dedicated it's existence to "enslavement technologies", or as they like
to call it, " Developing security products for consumer, commercial, and government sector worldwide". Among many of their "Solutions" or products
is a tiny RFID enabled microchip called Verichip - the human-implant.
Not only has Thompson suggested replacing every pair of Army dog tags w/ this chip, but he's even called for every American to be chipped to link us
w/ our medical records. He continues to urge the public to accept the Verichip, even though he has yet to take one, even after stating in July 05 that
he himself would be chipped. He stands to make millions should their be a mandate requiring the population to be chipped, and he is seeking the
highest office in the land (if not the world!).
You can breathe a sigh of relief though because Thomson doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of securing the GOP nomination, let alone the
White House. But one thing is for sure: This is definitly a sign of the times...end times that is....
This is one of those topics where it is so crucial to get as much perspective as one possibly can. So if you have any knowledge, or ideas of your own
don't be afraid to share them. Are people who fear such things superstitous and/or paranoid, or is this is the fulfillment of the most famous of all
Revelations: The Mark of the Beast. Or does this not even matter. What say you?
[edit on 11/27/06 by Calm Anomaly]