posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:22 PM
The thing is to realise that money is just an imaginary number. A number decided upon by the governing bodies. It can be easily manipulated to be a
completley different value.
The trick in this is figuring out how.
Each person who comes to this realisation has their own way of doing it that generally wouldnt work in someone elses scenario, unless it were
identical to theirs.
Heard the phrase "dont work for money, make money work for you" ? Theres alot more truth behind that than you may think.
... and no, you don't need thousands of dollars in investments.
Figure out what you're good at. Think of how it could be used to get you what you need and want. figure out what you need to start doing it, and make
the investment.
All I needed was a saudering iron, an oscilloscope, and a set of screwdrivers, and other small tools. Like I said, each person finds their own way of
doing it.
I typically don't work for money using this, sure, I have my regular job, but I rarely use the money I make from my regular job. The barter system is
still alive and well... and it works perfectly against someone who has no idea how to use it.
Typically I barter repairs on electronics for supplies. I've got all the food, clothing, medical supplies, and luxuries I could want. All I use money
for is rent, even that I've gotten around with the barter system a few times.
The greatest part. The taxman cant touch you!
Latest update : I got a Mig welder for repairing 3 mainboards. Their capacitors were burnt out due to dirty power supplies. The capacitors I already
had laying around from salvages of other electronics. Now I have a Mig welder from the deal, and about enough wire and gas to last me a few months
worth of heavy welding... pretty smart trade eh?
Another one I did was salvaging a Geo Storm.
For those who don't know the car, it's a damn nice car if you get it running right.
Only thing wrong was the piston rings were worn out, and the sparkplugs needed re-gapping. Plus some other electrical problems that seem to be
inherrant in the design of that car.
Bought the car for 1500, sold it for 4000. Boom, 5 months rent right there.
[edit on 28-11-2006 by johnsky]