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Is ATS and UFOlogy a playground for Government mind control researchers?

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posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Arm Of GeddonOnce the mind is disease free and kept that way, no form of mind control, no matter how deep, can ever take root. ATS becomes a place to study psychology and to test self on staying alert and intellectually honest.

Like Ry said, beautifully written. Thank you for taking the time to explain so eloquently what is was you meant.

To that end I would like to share this review of what some might consider to be the “Skeptic’s Bible” of sorts which, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit I haven’t read, but coincidently was reminded of again today that I probably should…

The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark

The Demon-Haunted World is a collection of twenty-five essays, several written with Sagan's wife, Ann Druyan. The essays range in scope from eloquent paeans to science to impassioned denunciations of bigotry, from humorous accounts of a variety of pseudoscientific endeavors to serious attempts to understand the nature of alien abduction delusions. With intelligence and wit, and the rational calmness that is his trademark, Sagan takes on a wide variety of topics, among them: alien abductions, astrology, Atlantis, the Bell Curve, channeling, crop circles, demons, electromagnetism, ESP, the face on Mars, fairies, faith healing, magic, miracles, prayer, religion, Roswell, satanic rituals, therapy, and, of course, one of his favorite topics, UFOs and extraterrestrials. Only Velikovsky gets ignored this time around. Through each of his essays he extols the virtues of skepticism, empirical evidence and control studies, while uncovering a multitude of errors and weaknesses in the positions of occultists, paranormalists, supernaturalists and pseudoscientists. And he does so with extreme grace, gentility and civility.
In fact, if there is anything I disagree with in Sagan's book it is probably his encouragement of skeptics to be as civil as he is in dealing with what skeptics see as the dark that extinguishes the candle. He writes

...the chief deficiency I see in the skeptical movement is in its polarization: US vs. Them--the sense that we have a monopoly on the truth; that those other people who believe in all these stupid doctrines are morons; that if you're sensible, you'll listen to us; and if not, you're beyond redemption. This is unconstructive....whereas a compassionate approach that from the beginning acknowledges the human roots of pseudoscience and superstition might be much more widely accepted.

If we understand this, then of course we feel the uncertainty and pain of the abductees, or those who dare not leave home without consulting their horoscopes....such compassion for kindred spirits in a common quest also works to make science and the scientific method less off-putting, especially to the young.

Many pseudoscientific and New Age belief systems emerge out of dissatisfaction with conventional values and perspectives--and are therefore themselves a kind of skepticism.

The reviewer then goes on to say this which I also whole-heartedly agree with…

I agree that it is unconstructive to be dogmatic, to call other people 'morons' or their ideas 'stupid.' I also agree that compassion is the appropriate response for people who have been duped by deluded therapists into believing incredible and harmful things. But I don't think it is the appropriate response to the therapists. We should go after them, and go after them aggressively with the bluntest instruments our language can muster. Likewise for the purveyors of pseudoscientific and New Age rubbish. To the L. Ron Hubbards, Helen Schucmans, Aleister Crowleys, John Macks, Budd Hopkins and Wade Quattlebaums of the world I say show no mercy!

And I say ditto for the disinformationalists we all know and love...

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 03:39 AM
I've been following this thread avidly since it's inception. It's a great topic and one that deserves much more investigating.

I've had a deep scepticism of certain individuals within the UFO and "Remote Viewing" fraternities.

PSI Tech is one of the more suspect.

Originally developed for and utilized by The Department Of Defense for intelligence collection purposes, Technical Remote Viewing is the trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge of things and events — targets — distant in time or space, in the past, present, or future, while conscious awareness remains totally “blind” to details about the target itself. TRV is a highly structured and standardized data collection skill. Like any other skill, practice is required to become proficient.
Since 1989, when PSI TECH ushered the remote viewing technology out of the confines of military intelligence, PSI TECH has been the world leader in developing, testing, and refining Technical Remote Viewing training programs for our students. PSI TECH pioneered commercial remote viewing services and was the first company to offer remote viewing training. We also pioneered the world's first remote viewing distance learning programs, which in the last decade spawned an entire industry.

PSI TECH currently offers the public several remote viewing training options, including our Generation II TRV Self Study Courses and the new Technical Remote Viewing University, which delivers unparalleled convenience, flexibility and real-time support to our students.


This "remote viewing" service in Beverly Hills is owned by one Major Edward Arthur Dames, a former (perhaps) enlistee of the Army Security Agency and the NSA.

By his own admission:

"I have been involved in a lot of very, very deep, dark black occult projects."


"I have never been assigned to a unit that has suffered more ostracism, been looked upon with more fear."

Dames may be remembered for his role in the "Stargate Project".

The Stargate Project was one of a number of code names used to cover "remote viewing programs". Others included Sun Streak, Grill Flame, Center Lane by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by CIA, from the 1970s, through to 1995. It was an offshoot of research done at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

The research program was launched partly because some intelligence officers believed a 'psi-gap' had emerged between America and the Soviet Union, for example the reputed abilities of Nina Kulagina. But it was also borne of the soul searching that took place in the American military post-Vietnam, and a willingness that subsequently emerged to 'think outside the box,' as exemplified by Jim Channon's 'First Earth Battalion' briefing.


Dames' PSI Tech claims to have assisted in the Unabomber investigation for a "Federal Agency". Providing them with clay models of the bombs etc...

If this is the case, it took them long enough to capture the wrong man.
Unabom was a covert project, Kaczynski (a victim of mind control himself), a convenient scapegoat.


Dames also claims that human abductees are ferried to Mars for use as slave labor. His source for this information is his own "remote viewing" skills.

I find it highly suspect that the "elite squads" Dames was involved with and his familiarity with highly advanced espionage hardware. "boxes in the sky that look down and through buildings" would be very useful for "remote viewing" purposes.

The first [unit], beginnning in... 1980, had me as a targeting officer at the secretary of defense level, at the national agency level. My job there was to choose among America's intelligence collection priorities, mostly - those were weapons of mass destruction - and to select targets, and to engineer penetration missions using any means at my disposal. And cart blanche, when it came to funding, orchestrate the successful penetration of those targets - that is, facilities, programs, people, those kinds of things. ... I'm talking about intelligence targeting. ... They involved boxes in the sky that look down and through buildings, they involved agents underground and training case officers to manage those agents, they involved extremely sophisticated technologies.

Dames seems to have no problem flouting his compulsory secrecy oath when he speaks of his "Psychic Spying" unit and the assistance it provided to the CIA, NSA, DIA, DEA, Navy and Airforce.

Another PSI Tech alumnus that comes off as a mind-controlled dupe or a certifiable psychopath is David Morehouse, who I'm sure many are familiar with due to his book "Psychic Warrior".

David Morehouse PhD is the worlds leading Remote Viewing teacher, and has trained tens of thousands in this fascinating and life changing protocol. Formerly a highly decorated special operations officer in the US Army, he is the subject of a soon to be released movie. He is author of the international best-seller Psychic Warrior which is available in 14 languages.

I notice that Morehouse doesn't mention the statement made by a drivers' wife at his dishonourable discharge concerning his "strange behaviour" and sexual harassment.

This poor woman testified that Morehouse could slip into blood-curdling moods. At the dinner table,

"he liked to cut my food for me, and sometimes asked if he could feed me."
He also bragged about his ability to kill her. During one sexual tryst:

"He was squeezing my neck with my jugular vein or something and I asked him, 'What are you doing?' He said, 'Oh, I was just trying to find your jugular vein. How does that feel? Do you know how easy it would be for me to kill you right now?'"

Another occasion:

"He was acting very strange that night and was kind of quiet, too. He kept looking around. I asked him, I said, 'What are you looking for? Why do you keep looking around?' He said, 'I'm looking for a good area, a good set of woods, so I can take you out and tie you up to a tree and murder you.'"
A few minutes later he started laughing.

Jim Schnabel on Morehouse

It seems that the very fraternity that shaped Morehouse has turned on him.

Wild Ideas Lecture Series

As for those who wonder why intelligence agencies would choose to infiltrate and convince people of the Other-Worldliness of UFO's.

Ask yourself this:

Why is it so believable that aliens are implanting people with strange metallic devices, when we have governments on this very planet that are more than willing to do it?

Shawnna, how did you find the 'Sinister Forces' series? I felt that Levenda did not dig deeply enough into the arcana that has shaped the U.S.A. He had some very interesting points, and some great tidbits of information but in the end his conclusion was disappointing. A very Jungian outlook on the whole phenomena.

I have found the work of a few others to be much more enlightening.

[edit on 22/12/2006 by Beelzebubba]

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 10:13 PM
"Why is it so believable that aliens are implanting people with strange metallic devices,
when we have governments on this very planet that are more than willing to do it?"
== Beelzebubba

You would appreciate Kevin Haggerty's work in the Canadian Star ? (Source
is from memory and may be jumbled with others) Sample quote is on point.
"A generation is all they need. One day we will all happily be implanted with microchips,
and our every move will be monitored. The technology exists; the only barrier is society's
resistance to the loss of privacy " == KH

"so many require so little in order to adopt a position" == Shawnna

I like it. Sounds like Sir Winston Churchill

"It's also been shown under lab conditions that individuals will reject things they
individually otherwise know to be true" == lost shaman

Far worse than that, I think.

Both comments alude to something other than mind control. And what is the purpose
of mind control anyway ? Kinda like the real translation of Islam ? Submission ?
Obediance ? If so, it is all around us, in everything we do. In every form we sign,
even in something as simple as driving to work. I bet most of you have a liscense to
drive, which means you have submitted to the DMV, and are obediant to the rules
of the road, etc. Or being a member of this place, you have agreed to submit to
the T&C. Ahhh, but thats different, you would argue, as its voluntary and something
we can all agree with, and for the benefit of all. So mind control would fit in where
the obediance is involuntary and not for the benefit of all ? Classical experiments
would suggest that is NOT true for the majority of us.

Obediance research is an interesting area, and I think one curious place
to start is with the experiments of Dr. Stanley Milgram.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Beelzebubba

Shawnna, how did you find the 'Sinister Forces' series? I felt that Levenda did not dig deeply enough into the arcana that has shaped the U.S.A. He had some very interesting points, and some great tidbits of information but in the end his conclusion was disappointing. A very Jungian outlook on the whole phenomena.

I have found the work of a few others to be much more enlightening.

Thank you for asking! I began reading the 'Sinister Forces' trilogy primarily due to my interest in the influence Andrija Puharich's - The Nine - has had on Ufology.

Given that the three books - "Sinister Forces" - was really my introduction in the whole arcana topic - I feel somewhat unqualified to answer intelligently. Reading these 3 books has really opened my eyes to exploring the topic at a much deeper level.

Beelzebubba - Your recommended reading in this area would be most welcome!

And for Saviour of the Real I am pretty convinced that there are a significant number of individuals involved in US government intel - either active or retired - as well as private scientific researchers who have a deep seated belief in the New Age messages that have been channeled as a result of Andrija Puharich's work with "The Nine", as well as other CIA-sponsored psi research.

I also think some of them may have done a little too much mind-expanding experimentation of their own way back when.


[edit on 26-12-2006 by Shawnna]

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by nightwing
Obediance research is an interesting area, and I think one curious place
to start is with the experiments of Dr. Stanley Milgram.

Very interesting. While clicking around on his site ( thanks for the link
) I stumbled upon this bit of popular music trivia...

Question: What does the "37" stand for in Peter Gabriel's song, "We do what we're told-Milgram's 37"?

Answer: The "37" refers to the percentage of subjects (rounded off from 37.5 %) who were disobedient--that is, stopped short of the maximum 450-volt shock--in the Voice-Feedback condition (Experiment 2). The results for this condition are usually reported in terms of the percentage of subjects who were obedient (62.5 %), but Gabriel decided to highlight the defiant subjects instead.

That darn stubborn 37...


posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 10:16 PM
I'm convinced some moderators are assisting the covert group and probably quite a few members as well.

They are everywhere, so i don't see why they wouldn't be here as well.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Toc
I'm convinced some moderators are assisting the covert group and probably quite a few members as well.

They are everywhere, so i don't see why they wouldn't be here as well.

On two forums that shall not be named, not this one however, have
an extrordinary amount of ET and Alien news when in 1993 by true
science and reason, granted some exuberance in both, humanized
the whole matter and only few posters ever seem clued in.

I see a lot of ufo videos posted that aren't even close to being

Bucks beat brains any day. First a flury of ET knowledge and
anti-gravity. Force fields, yes. We do know what creates a force field,
electrical forces. A force field is the same as gravity or acceleration
field. I did see an upsidedown rainbow and did seem a clue. A puffy
trail was also evident, perhaps a pulsing or digital drive mechanism.

Now a fury of books on Tesla mostly skipping anything experimental
that the Cheney book had. This gives one a lot of leeway to say what
Tesla and German scientists might have been up to and the results
of WWII.

Things are still flying but news is nill.

Ask around, can electricity fly.

The Cheney book on Tesla with the story line set to Lyne's findings
and with some reasonable physics might fill in what is still unknown
in the life of Tesla and the scientific community.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 11:36 AM
Sketchy stuff...

A little push and tug from both sides.

Interesting nonetheless.

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