sorta funny what the u.n. willingly sticks its nose in.
but...liek a certain moive said...humans are like a virus....we don't and probably can't have any type of population control. we live longer but
need medical help longer..more people, more births.......somethings gunna happen to cut a BIG swath in the way or the other...
There won't be a need for population control. Like 3/4 of the world will die off anyway from natural disasters,famine, and all that stuff. It's in
the bible. Actually, know that i think about it, the bible does mention the world government being given the power to kill off a certaint amount of
humans. I guess there will be population control. Sorry for my opening sentence.
These look familiar to what you have posted Saiyan? "The UN's Global Malfeasance"
Want the TRUTH on poulation Control, try this: "Population Research Institute"
Fairly old article but worthy of a read: "Viewpoints: Population control"
Also: "In 1991, the United Nations issued a document for the International Conference on Population and Development to be held in Cairo. The major
thrust of the section on "Gender Equality, and Empowerment of Women" is to level the natural complementarity between man and woman in marriage, and
replace it by government schemes that make men and marriage largely unnecessary. Dr. Allan C. Carlson translates this into a more honest image: "the
state seeks to construct a 'mother-child-state' family system to replace the natural family, forming a kind of government harem, achieved through
the massive subsidy of non-marital childbearing and the heavy taxation of families based on marriage."
Carlson, Cairo Examiner, p. 14
And this final piece: "The United Nations Wants to Decide if Your Baby Lives!"