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The Dulce people

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posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 07:32 AM
I have spent quite a bit of time on and off the past couple of years reading about the alledged base at Dulce NM. I have compiled a list of names that are found from sources on the net that mention Dulce.

Please can anyone corraberate that these people ever existed or if what they say/said is actually true. also if any of the people on the list knew each other or are connected in any way?

please feel free to add names that I have missed and I know John lear is a busy man but it would be great if he wrote a post on all the info he has on this subject and info on meetings he has had with several people on the list

Thomas Edwin Castello
Phil Schneider
Branton aka Alan DeWalton
Michael Ash
Paul Bennewitz
Jim McCampbell
Richard Doty
Dr. Leo Sprinkle
Bob Lazar

Livermore Berkeley Labs- alledgedly provided Dulce with blood
Bechtel (BECK-tul)- alledgedly a super secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Originally posted by g60kg

Please can anyone corraberate that these people ever existed or if what they say/said is actually true. also if any of the people on the list knew each other or are connected in any way?

Heres what I knew about these people that you listed. Each had some kind of involvement with the Dulce story. I am sure there are a lot of others I have forgotten but will add to the list if I remember.

Thomas Edwin Castello: never met him. I believe he was a real person. I believe his information about Dulce was accurate.

Phil Schneider. Met him. I now believe he had no first hand information about Dulce.

Branton aka Alan DeWalton. Never met him. The Branton files are extremely interesting. I have them all printed out and they fill a three inch binder completely full.

Michael Ash Haven't met him or don't remember if I did.

Paul Bennewitz. Spent 2 days at his house as guest of Paul and his wife in 1987. Got a very thorough briefing.

Jim McCampbell. Used to see Jim all the time. We shared a lot of information. His last book was "Awesome Secrets Rennes Le Chateau" parallels Dave Woods "Genisis". Jim transcribed the Myrna Hansen audio tape.

Richard Doty. Never met him.

Dr. Leo Sprinkle. Talked to him on phone once or twice.

Bob Lazar. Known Bob for 18 years. Believe all of his stuff, hook, line and sinker.


Bill Hamilton. Known Bill for 20 years. Excellent research. Knows a lot of stuff. Written several books. Made the audio tape of the Plant 42 employee. Scariest tape I ever heard. Profound.

Col. Ernie Edwards. Had dinner with him and Linda Howe in 1987. He believed Bennewitz story. He told me he thought the Black Ships were real. Talked to him several times on the phone.

Linda Howe. Met Linda at the Crestone Conference in 1987. Drove with her down to Roswell to interview Clifford Stone. Got buzzed by 2 A-7's on that road between Albuquerque and Corona. Found 30 dead cows at Nan (half way between Corona and 285). Had lunch with her at the Crash Retrieval Conferance last week.

Ron Blackburn, Known Ron for many years. xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx retired xxxxx xx xxxx, xxxxx xxx Lockheed Skunk Works. XXXXX XXXXX xxxxx aliens xxx xxxxx xx Groom Lake.

Ron Regehr. Known Ron for 20 years. Has some good info. Ron is retired now but worked as an engineer for a major government contractor on Los Angeles. Ron was the first one to confirm to me that the moons gravity is 65% that of earth's. Currently State Director Mufon Utah.

Gabe Valdez. Known Gabe for 35 years. Went on night patrol of Dulce Area with him. Talked to him numerous times on phone.

Ron Madeley. Rons father Carl was one of the first Learjet drivers. Last year the FAA awarded him both Master Pilot AND Master Mechanic. (each requiring 50 years to qualify.) Ron researched Dulce with me. Don't remember what his conclusions were.

John Grace. Known John for 19 years. He wrote all the Matrix series books. Wrote the O.H. Krill document in summer of 1987 which Bill Cooper claimed to have seen at Pearl Harbor in the 70's. Who says time travel isn't real?

Bill Steinman. Known bill for 20 years. Knew about Dulce. Can't remember what.

posted on Nov, 24 2006 @ 03:18 AM
Thanks for the info John its just frustrating not having access to some of the material that someone like you has, Its getting a bit tedious searching for things online Im pretty much sure that avenue has been exhausted. Do you or any of your contacts photographs of the more interesting factors such as cattle mutilations or any of the audiotapes from the various interviews/meetings?

p.s. hows the goldmine doing?

posted on Nov, 24 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Good thread! Great info Mr. Lear. Maybe soon enough the whole Dulce Base will crack wide open and it won't be a 'myth' anymore. I have been looking into the Dulce base now for quite a while, and I think this should be the official thread for the Dulce Base; it's interesting, and I know people will start posting in this thread very often. Anyways, I'm out.


posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy910130
Good thread! Great info Mr. Lear. Maybe soon enough the whole Dulce Base will crack wide open and it won't be a 'myth' anymore. I have been looking into the Dulce base now for quite a while, and I think this should be the official thread for the Dulce Base; it's interesting, and I know people will start posting in this thread very often. Anyways, I'm out.


Hey Jimmy thanks for the optimism regarding this post bt it doesnt seem to be taking off at the moment sometimes I feel people are afraid to do some basic research i.e. confirming the existance of a person, I tell oy uone thing if I didnt have two jobs and a mortgage I would love to team up with someone with more knowledge than me and try and fill a detailed report with findings and pictures but that is just not possible at the moment.

If its still a myth when I retire (roughly 40 years from now) maybe I will make it my quest, this and finding the opening to inner earth

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:06 PM

if any of the people on the list knew each other or are connected in any way?

Paul Bennewitz knew Dr. Leo Sprinkle.

On May 7, 1980, Myrna Hansen, contacted Bennewitz with a story that she had been abducted by aliens.

Leo Sprinkle and Bennewitz decided to do a hypnosis session with Hansen. Bennewitz came away from the session believing that alien beings were beaming some sort of rays at her and controlling her unconscious mind. Furthermore, Hansen was talking about an underground base, where she had seen “body parts”.

Bennewitz became edgy, carrying guns, stating that the aliens could come through the walls at any time. This evolved into a belief that the aliens were slowly taking over the US government

Paul Bennewitz knew Richard Doty

On 26 Oct 80, SA [Special Agent] Doty, with the assistance of JERRY MILLER, GS-15, Chief, Scientific Advisor for Air Force Test and Evaluation Center, KAFB, interviewed Dr. Bennewitz at his home in the Four Hills section of Albuquerque, which is adjacent to the northern boundary of Manzano Base

For most of the 1980s, U.S Air Force Sergeant Doty and/or ufoologist William Moore would relate reams of mostly spurious information to Bennewitz as part of a disinformation campaign designed to distract him from secret military projects at Kirtland.

Bennewitz accepted nearly all of the information as reliable, and focused his energies towards writing a document he called "Project Beta,"

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Bill Hamilton. Known Bill for 20 years. Excellent research. Knows a lot of stuff. Written several books. Made the audio tape of the Plant 42 employee. Scariest tape I ever heard. Profound.

Is this plant 42 audio tape available to the public? I'd be very interested in hearing it.


posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 01:24 PM
I also knew Gabe Valdez.

Went to high school with his sons and was at his house a lot while the mutilation investigations were going on. Just visiting with my friends, but I remember stories in the Santa Fe Newspaper about him, (the newmexican?). He was a nice guy. Haven't heard from him in years though.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Wow this Plant 42 audio tape has me interested. post it Mr. Lear? Pretty please? Van't find anything on the internet about it at all. Its too general of a term.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Phil Schneider. Met him. I now believe he had no first hand information about Dulce.

What made you believe Phil Schneider had no first hand information about Dulce.
I just started watching his lectures and am still at a loss if he is real or not.

Trimmed HUGE quote down to relevant line

[edit on 28/12/06 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Bob Lazar worked at Dulce? I have some follow up questions about this. When was he employed at Dulce? was it before or after he spent time at S-4? If before why didnt he mention it in the interviews? If he did mention it in some interviews that i havnt seen, do you have a link that can verify that he has said things about Dulce? Overall I would just like some information concerning Bob Lazar's Employment at Dulce, i know most of what he did at S-4. I shall read more on Dulce as my knowledge of it is limited. Wouldnt it be great to assemble an army of people like us that want the truth. And storm Area 51 or Dulce or anywhere that will give us the truth. lol nice idea, never gunna happen lol just to let u know, if given the chance, i wouldnt think twice about storming one of these places


posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 08:24 PM
Hey Just out of curiousty what do the X's mean...

Ron Blackburn, Known Ron for many years. xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx retired xxxxx xx xxxx, xxxxx xxx Lockheed Skunk Works. XXXXX XXXXX xxxxx aliens xxx xxxxx xx Groom Lake.


Sorry Just wondering and I need ATS point's haha

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 12:09 PM
Plant 42- Lockheed Skunkworks
Location: United States, California, Palmdale
Longitude: -118°4'49"
Latitude: 34°38'15"

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
Plant 42- Lockheed Skunkworks
Location: United States, California, Palmdale
Longitude: -118°4'49"
Latitude: 34°38'15"

Due N, W, S, E or what? Just pasting those coordinates in Google Earth just gives me central europe...

Am I branded a moron now?

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 04:22 PM
You don't need coordinates to find Plant 42. Just punch in Palmdale, CA in google and look for the airfield. I can't remember the exact cross streets (K maybe???), but it's right off of Sierra Highway. I was just up there a couple weeks ago at Plant 10 and I'll be back at the end of this month.

By the way, if any of you plan to visit there, Lockheed has a gift shop right in the visitor center next to the gate shack. It's open to the public and you can get all kinds of stuff with the skunkworks logo. Last time I was there I bought my son a patch for his jacket and my daughter a little stuffed skunk.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by brill

Originally posted by johnlear

Bill Hamilton. Known Bill for 20 years. Excellent research. Knows a lot of stuff. Written several books. Made the audio tape of the Plant 42 employee. Scariest tape I ever heard. Profound.

Is this plant 42 audio tape available to the public? I'd be very interested in hearing it.


I´m bumping brill´s request as i´m still curious about the the scariest tape John ever heard. John? Anyone?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by tomra

Originally posted by brill

Originally posted by johnlear

Bill Hamilton. Known Bill for 20 years. Excellent research. Knows a lot of stuff. Written several books. Made the audio tape of the Plant 42 employee. Scariest tape I ever heard. Profound.

Is this plant 42 audio tape available to the public? I'd be very interested in hearing it.


I´m bumping brill´s request as i´m still curious about the the scariest tape John ever heard. John? Anyone?

same, i want to hear that, i heard the "hells hole" from russia tape, if that was real, i hope this is scarier as im a goth musician andd scary is my business.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
same, i want to hear that, i heard the "hells hole" from russia tape, if that was real, i hope this is scarier as im a goth musician andd scary is my business.

I believe that was proven hoax.... I'll look around... maybe someone eles can beat me to it.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:47 AM
It's incredible. For over 5 years I've lived in a town called Littlerock, CA -- just minutes away from Plant 42 and Edwards AFB. I never knew there was this much speculation about the activity that goes on there, except for the obvious Skunkworks projects. I'm quite local, and I can find out more information to the best of my ability, if anyone is interested.

....Come to think of it, my ex-gf's dad is in the Air Force and does something of great importance at Edwards AFB.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Originally posted by cagarcia15

It's incredible. For over 5 years I've lived in a town called Littlerock, CA -- just minutes away from Plant 42 and Edwards AFB. I never knew there was this much speculation about the activity that goes on there, except for the obvious Skunkworks projects. I'm quite local, and I can find out more information to the best of my ability, if anyone is interested.

Littlerock. I love Littlerock! Pass it everytime on my way to L.A. Heres a suggestion for a Sunday afternoon. Turn right (east on 138). Drive for a few miles until you see the huge facility and very tall building on the left. Its called the Llano Facility. It belongs to a major aeerospace contractor. That huge building moves on tracks and there is a place you can drive down under it. Even semi-tractor trailers have been seen to drive down.

Without breaking any laws, federal, state, local or NWO and without violating any trespassing signs see if you can get down into the underground base below this huge builiding.

I tried a few years ago and was chased away by the San Bernadino County Sheriff patrol vehicle. But is was early on Sunday. Try later.

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