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How long did it take you to think there was a conspiracy in 9/11?

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posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 02:31 AM
I just thought it would be an interesting question, but when did any of you think that there was a conspiracy behind 9/11? Was it on the day or did you accept it then? How long did it take you before you first felt there wasn't as simple an explanation as terrorists flew planes into buildings, buildings collapsed?

I just thought this would be interesting, sorry if it was done before.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 03:08 AM
Pretty much immediately, although I was very ignorant on all the details.

The one thing that made me think so was that the Pentagon was actually hit. I figured there was no way the U.S. military would be so lax in security as to allow something like that to happen.

When I saw the WTC towers fall on while I was out to lunch on 9/11/01 I was surprised to see them completely fall and into such big clouds of debris. But that didn't have the same effect on me considering it a conspiracy like the Pentagon attack. I just thought it strange.

It didn't sink in until some months later when some of the conspiracy theory news coming from the internet started to pour out that I started to think the entire sequence of events was fabricated.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 03:18 AM
I saw the Pentagon disaster and the World Trade Centers collapse and thought it was weird, not in any particular sense.. just weird in that they completely fell.

It wasn't til a couple years later with talks of "pods" and flashes on the WTC before plane impacts that I really began to look into it. Caught up in an ego-trip of conspiracism, I was ignorant of some details.. but threw off ignorance.. and started to research.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 03:59 AM
Well it took me about a year to notice the conspiracy theories existed. The Pentagon flash animation really had me thinking. I was sure the government did it.

About 2 months later I decided the counter-arguments to the conspiracy theories were far more convincing. I'm still open to change my mind if I see some solid evidence though

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 05:08 AM
Pretty much just about the time the second plane flew into the WTC. That pretty much clinched it for me. At the time, not being omniscent, I had no idea who did it, I figured one might be an accident, but two? By definition, two actions for the same purpose is a conspirecy.

As far as some of the wilder speculations? Missile pods, etc... I haven't seen any proof that's concrete enough for me. That the gov't. suspected something was up, that I can believe, they just didn't know what or where.

Anyway, to answer your question: Almost immedieately.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 05:41 AM
I live near where Flight 93 crashed. I kinda knew something was up because of the Ed Felt call that was said on local news and never said on nation news. How they said on local news about a debris field 8/10 miles long. and How the coroner stated there wasn't anything he needed to do there cause there wasnt any bodies.

But when it happened I didn't give a rats ass about what happened until a couple of yrs later and I wanted to do a trib to Flight 93 people.. I ended up falling on a site called and found my way here.

Here we are today I now own a site about 9/11, and a sorta respected member of ATS......... I think............

[edit on 11/23/2006 by ThichHeaded]


posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:03 AM
Although i was'nt fully aware until i joined ATS a while back, i remember on the day thinking it odd how the towers fell exactly the same as a controlled demolition.

Then hearing how the Pentagon had been hit by a plane, i mean i just expected that they'd have at least something to prevent an establishment such as this being attacked.


posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:19 AM
Thanks for the replies, I don't think I really ever thought much of the possibilityies until I came here. I just asked the question as there are so many theories and I wondered how long it took people to doubt the government and media.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:28 AM
As soon as the second plane hit, and it WASN'T escorted by a single fighter, i knew something was up. I've worked in the aviation industry, on military bases, and i've seen how quickly intercepts happen for a whole lot less than a missing airliner, nevermind several of them. The Pentagon? A bunch of pissed off arabs? Yeah right, somehow the hijackers also defeated the security there, penetrated ground based defenses, avoiding being shot down, (or again, even intercepted) while attacking the beast.

The whole thing consolideated the "era of blatantcy" that started in november '99, scripted like a hollywood movie. Wanna see the script? PNAC.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:34 AM
Well, when I initially heard about it at 3 pm (I had a different work schedule, woke up at 3 for the "day"), I thought it was a joke, because I was listening to my usually goofy rock station. Turned it off, realizing later when I got to work (and it was closed) that this indeed was not a joke.

Someone very close to me said, "this will be used as a justification for things to come that shouldn't happen." I had no idea at the time how true that would be. I always thought something was wrong with that day, besides the obvious, and started casually looking things up.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:44 AM
When the Axis if evil speach, didnt mention Afghan.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 08:57 AM
I was on looking at Urban Legends about 2 years after the attack. I read about HUNT THE BOEING and thought it quite interesting. I read SNOPES counter points and didn't buy it. After that I was reading about PODS and then watched the Pentagon Video... (Penta-Lawn) It took me about a year to research several different sites and I am now leaning toward the De-Bunkers side. The evidence has become so much more compelling on the side of the "offical story".

I do think Bush was negligent in the attacks, failing to heed the warning that he was given. He mislead the world into an unneccesary war, failed to complete the mission in Afganistan, and has cost thousands of American lives.

I respect the thruth seekers that are seeking the TRUTH. The truth to me does not mean it HAS to be a conspiracy. I feel there are too many on here that when presented the facts, turn a blind eye towards it.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving today

[edit on 23-11-2006 by CameronFox]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
When the Axis if evil speach, didnt mention Afghan.

this is also when i knew things wasnt right. after ALL of the constant blame put on OSAMA for the attack then bush says that we are going to take out SADDAM for this?? WTF? thats when i knew.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:07 AM
double post. sorry.

[edit on 23-11-2006 by Funkydung]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:09 AM
As soon as i saw it i knew it was no terrorists because terrorists don't really exists in the first place it's just something they keep milking to do whatever they want with the planet and not look like the facsists they are.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:14 AM
It was in the aftermath of the events when the reporters were consistently talking of explosions being heard from the buildings. The collapse of the towers themselves had me curious, and these explosions seem to have me wondering.

I ignored my thoughts for quite awhile. But one day I went on a binge of JFK conspiracy theories, which then had me turn my attention to 9/11. A google search directed me to AboveTopSecret which quickly opened my eyes to the extent of the possibilities of this day. Some are fathomable, some are not, but I was ignorant to the possibilities before coming here.

So immediately after the events, I was a skeptic. But I made little efforts until coming to ATS. Since signing up over a year ago, I have read most threads that our members have created. I rarely post, but I spend hours on end reading.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by selfless
As soon as i saw it i knew it was no terrorists because terrorists don't really exists in the first place it's just something they keep milking to do whatever they want with the planet and not look like the facsists they are.

So does that mean every terrorist attack has always been orchestrated then? Even the one where they hijacked those 4 planes in egypt i think and landed them? Or was that a government led one as well?

Or should we take your post as humour perhaps?

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 11:09 AM
I knew immediately. The orchestration of Pearl Harbor came to my mind. After all, this is America the most well-protected country on the face of the Earth. I also knew that fightser jets are able to be scrambled in something like one minute and there was definitely something wrong when the jets took so long to scramble.

But perhaps the biggest tipoff was on Election night in 1999 when they called Florida for Gore and 10 minutes later said "Wait a minute, there's a problem with Florida." Knowing that Bush's brother Jeb was governor of Florida I thought "Duh, there's something wrong here, you don't think Jeb is going to deliver Florida to his big brother?" The blatency of that was chilling and that's when I first became afraid and suspicious of this present administration. Since then, I've been proven right beyond anything I would have imagined, e. Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, etc.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by apex

Originally posted by selfless
As soon as i saw it i knew it was no terrorists because terrorists don't really exists in the first place it's just something they keep milking to do whatever they want with the planet and not look like the facsists they are.

So does that mean every terrorist attack has always been orchestrated then? Even the one where they hijacked those 4 planes in egypt i think and landed them? Or was that a government led one as well?

Or should we take your post as humour perhaps?

terrorist is just an invented concept, why can't we say that the army are terrorists? they sure fit the bill.

I keep saying this, according to cnn a terrorist is someone who inflicts fear on a daily basis to people to a point where they can't function normaly. according to cnn... cnn are actually the terrorists.

someone who hijacks planes to kill people are not terrorists, they are lunatics.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 12:02 PM
I was in a chat room when I heard of it initially (was in Australia at the time so it was late at night) and started to shrug it off because I didn't realize the seriousness of it. But I turned the TV on just before the 2nd plane hit and one eyebrow went up immediately (no lie) then the reports of the pentagon and the other incidents came rolling in also and well I just thought it very very odd and just unbelievable ... especially when they asked us to swallow a story of 2 such skyscrapers just collapsing due to jet fuel melting the steel. I'm no genius but even I know steel doesn't give way that easily or even that quickly

Of course my net searches for information led me here

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