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why such an elobrate attack?

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posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 11:18 AM
Why go to all the lenght of such a massive and elobrate attack when you could get people just as scared with only one plane, or maybe just a car bomb? It doesn't make much sence to destroy two of the worlds lagrest buildings, the center of the national defence and four airplane, plus 3000 americans, when you could take an Eccoline, load it with motor oil and nitrus oxide and blow it uo in times square. Cheaper, less possiblity of a leak, same effect. OK, not the exact same efftec, a few car bombs would be needed but still.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:28 PM
they wanted to make the most profit out of 9/11. thats the reason for the "elaborate" plan:

1. Get an pretext to invade Afghanistan, Iran
2. Secure the last big oil reserves of the world and build pipelines
3. Install a puppet regime in Iraq that supports the model of international democracy (corporate dictatorship)
4. Destroy the WTC completely to:
4a reduce losses for the port authority: the building was loaded with asbestos and unprofitable.
4b make huge profits by rebuilding the complex ("Freedom Towers")
The biggest profiteur of 9/11 is not Silverstein! Its Tishman Speyer Constructions! They have the contract from Silvertsein to build the Freedom Tower, like they have build the WTC twin towers in the 70's. Jerry Speyer sits on the board of directors of the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank, he's a big 9/11 insider and moneymaker.
5. Reducing civil liverties in the US. More government (elite) control of the people
6. Make huge money with the new security business, emergency preparedness etc.
7. Win future elections through intimidation of people (al quaida videos, terror alerts)
8. Boost income of US defense contractors like Raytehon, Boeing, Norhtrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, EADS N.A., BAE Sytsems etc..
9. shareholders of defense companies (Carlyle group, Franklin Templeton etc.) make unbelievable profits => Bush family, Saudi royal family etc...
10. cover up the theft of 2.3 trillion dollar tax payer money by the pentagon and the defense companies. this was made public on the evening before 9/10/01 by Donald Rumsfeld!
11. increase the US deficit (now 8-9 trillions!!!) and US dependance on international banks
12. create a new huge terrorism business for insurance companies like AIG
13. destroy documents and proofs od criminal activity of big companies (Enron, Worldcom etc.) that were located in WTC7
14. assasinate certain people (e.g. with insider knowledge) by sending them to the hijacked planes or the death zones of the WTC complex.
etc.... etc.. etc..

Do you still think they spent too much time planning the attacks?

Henry Kissinger:
"David’s [Rockefeller] function in our society is to recognize great tasks, to overcome the obstacles, to help find and inspire the people to carry them out [sic], and to do it with remarkable delicacy [sic]....David, I respect you and admire you for what you have done with the Trilateral Commission. You and your family have represented what goes for an aristocracy [sic] in our country..."

[edit on 20-11-2006 by ephrin]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 02:01 PM
I also believe to get silverstein to go with the plan he had to obviously benefit in some big way, which he did by them getting rid of 3 of his buildings, on which he would have had to pay out millions to upgrade to code, and were losing money. Not too mention the insurance he took out, against terror attacks, which was changed from the towers destruction being just one event to two separate events, just months before.

Larry made his fortune buying up old high rise building and knocking them down to build new complexes. 'Freedom tower'?

NEW YORK -- Two months before the World Trade Center collapsed, leaseholder Larry Silverstein's insurance brokers changed the trade center's policy form from one that defined the towers' destruction as one event to another form, Silverstein's lawyer said Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.


Do you believe in coincidences?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

NEW YORK -- Two months before the World Trade Center collapsed, leaseholder Larry Silverstein's insurance brokers changed the trade center's policy form from one that defined the towers' destruction as one event to another form, Silverstein's lawyer said Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.


Do you believe in coincidences?

LOL mate there is no such thing as coincidence, simple scientific law of cause and effect proves this. I don't think you should be trying to expose the truth about 9/11, what do you want to do? Start a civil war?
You are an enemy of America because you want to destroy it. A civil war would be the end of us
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 04:27 PM
Do you believe in coincidences?
LOL mate there is no such thing as coincidence, simple scientific law of cause and effect proves this. I don't think you should be trying to expose the truth about 9/11, what do you want to do? Start a civil war?
You are an enemy of America because you want to destroy it. A civil war would be the end of us
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.

What the hell? Truth would destory america? I am not 100 percent onbord with either 9/11 stories, but I;m not starting a civil war

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Elijio

Originally posted by ANOK

NEW YORK -- Two months before the World Trade Center collapsed, leaseholder Larry Silverstein's insurance brokers changed the trade center's policy form from one that defined the towers' destruction as one event to another form, Silverstein's lawyer said Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.


Do you believe in coincidences?

LOL mate there is no such thing as coincidence, simple scientific law of cause and effect proves this. I don't think you should be trying to expose the truth about 9/11, what do you want to do? Start a civil war?
You are an enemy of America because you want to destroy it. A civil war would be the end of us
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.
What?!Are you serious?the official story of 9/11 was a total line of crap.So you think all the victims families should just buy the official story and "love America?"I think not,the people now in control of America care about nothing except money and power.They don't care about the real problems like drugs,poverty,and healthcare.All they care about is the allmighty dollar.God bless America,cause in this day and age we truely need it.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Elijio
LOL mate there is no such thing as coincidence, simple scientific law of cause and effect proves this. I don't think you should be trying to expose the truth about 9/11, what do you want to do? Start a civil war?
You are an enemy of America because you want to destroy it. A civil war would be the end of us
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.

First off I don't want to destroy America, it's gubernment is doing a fine job of that on it's own. I want America, and the rest of out world, back in the hands of it's people, and out of the hands of globalist corporate power hungry greedy leeches.

And sry but what you call 'love of your country' is really 'blind unconditional love of the system'. Openly disliking and disagreeing with a corrupt gubernment shows more love for a country than blind exceptance of leeches who don't give a crap about you.

The gubernment is not your country, your country is not the gubernment. You are your country.

Read some history and maybe you'll get a sense of what happens to societies that blindly except what their gubernment tells them and ignores it's wrong doings.
It's not hard to find many, many examples...

The gubernment is going to be the end of you, not the truth.

[edit on 20/11/2006 by ANOK]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:26 PM
^ Look, if the truth does come out it's going to cause chaos and imagine the impact globally on America's image and foreign policy,it would be a disaster for the truth to come out. To avert this disaster stop trying to expose the truth, simple.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Elijio
^ Look, if the truth does come out it's going to cause chaos and imagine the impact globally on America's image and foreign policy,it would be a disaster for the truth to come out. To avert this disaster stop trying to expose the truth, simple.
Maybe thats what we need,because the way things are going the world as we know it is not gonna be no more.I'm am very concerned about my childrens future.We need to go back to the REAL contitution of the U.S. plain and simple.I understand where you are coming from Elijio ,but this country needs a real leader who is in favor of all citizens ,not just the rich and powerful.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Elijio
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.


Thank you for showing a dictatorship form to your post.

I guess your stance is that, if we disagree with the government, then we're "un-patriotic", right?

I would say being patriotic would mean loving your country. Loving your fellow citizens. Defending your rights, liberties, values, freedoms, and the very foundation of which your country was built on. Defending the constitution that set the standards for a great nation to be born. Standing by the men and women that fight every day for us to remain free and be able to have our freedom of speech.

Being patriotic DOES NOT mean going along with the slaughter of the American constitution, American economy, American landmarks, and 3,000 innocent Americans all for the sake of a greedy few who's only objectives are complete hostile takeovers of all countries who don't share the same interests as them even if it means the sacrifice of it's own citizens, simply for a few natural and economic resources. Being patriotic DOES NOT mean going along with un-justified wars and fabricated intelligence and sacrificing 3,000 soldiers in the process. And being patriotic DOES NOT mean playing hush up and not voicing your opinions and views of a corrupt government who has destroyed the lives of so many around the world just because an ignorant few, such as yourself, can't see the light of day and read between the lines and see what your not so patriotic, not so innocent, not so loving, trust worthy government is doing to you, your family, your friends, your fellow Americans, and every other human being on Earth.

If you truly love America, I suggest you change your ways and embrace what our founding fathers gave us as human beings and as Americans. That's freedom of speech. What you're doing is taking it upon yourself to effectively destroy that right all in the name of a non-existent cause.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 07:33 PM
While this is more difficult that most of these quip posts, sleep on it, and then get back to this thread.
1. 9-11, is Pearl Harbor, and Pearl Harbor is 9-11. The ancient Sumerians had a neato dictate. That being, 'God is the ultimate conspirator', among human conspiricies
What I see here are two thwarted attacks, both of which could have destroyed the First Republic, of the U. S.. No, they wouldn't wipe us out, nor destroy the American people, rather, the fallout would necessitate an immediate change in Governence. If Nagumo had landed his 195,000 assault troops on Oahu, in Dec. 41, then all the horrors of the bataan death march, would have been visited on all the Americans in the Hawaiian Territory.
F.D.R. would have been wheeled from the Whitehouse, straight to the jailhouse.
Now, if the anthrax laced U.A.V. following flight 93, had penetrated D.C. airspace, and poisoned our Capital, for seventy five years, like the island the Brits infected in 1942, off of Scotland, Clinton, Bush, or Kerry, would have been swept away.
I believe this plot started out, under Clinton, and Bush would have just been a substitute, victim, for Slick Willie, after Kerry was aced out in Florida.
Both 9-11, and Pearl Harbor, make for pretty good 'wake up calls', but both are strategic disasters, for the perps.
To get an idea of just how bad it could have been, calculate the casualties for the Hawaiian Territories, and our West Coast, if the Japs had overrun Oahu, in the first couple of weeks of the War. Instead of getting us into WWII, which must have been F.D.R.'s plan, the resulting coup's, leadership, would have had to sue for Peace, to get all the Americans back from slavery, in the Pacific. When Kaiser Willie, abdicated, the Weimar Republic had to walk this same God forsaken path. The Axis powers would have rolled up the Brits, and we would have gotten a good dose of the reciprocal of the Treaty of Versailles. "What goes around, comes around".
I know our Heavenly father was in our corner on both of these attacks, as they only made us stronger, and filled us with 'Yamamoto's', quoted, " Terrible Resolve".
We kicked the Iraqi's teeth down their throats, but as soon as we captured Bagdad, the game changed into one of building democracy, instead of just getting rid of Saddam and Co..
Google "Illuminism", and see what I mean. You can kill the dreamers, but not the dream. George Bush's switcheroo, has got us all walking the plank, now, in Iraq.
The real war has always been to clean up Jimmy Carter's mess in Iran. Only a tough as nails command structure, will work. I have had bad vibes ever since I watched and heard the G.I. being upbraided for raising the Stars and Stripes over the fallen statue of Saddam, in the first day, of liberating Bagdad.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Originally posted by Elijio
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.


Thank you for showing a dictatorship form to your post.

I guess your stance is that, if we disagree with the government, then we're "un-patriotic", right?

I would say being patriotic would mean loving your country. Loving your fellow citizens. Defending your rights, liberties, values, freedoms, and the very foundation of which your country was built on. Defending the constitution that set the standards for a great nation to be born. Standing by the men and women that fight every day for us to remain free and be able to have our freedom of speech.

Being patriotic DOES NOT mean going along with the slaughter of the American constitution, American economy, American landmarks, and 3,000 innocent Americans all for the sake of a greedy few who's only objectives are complete hostile takeovers of all countries who don't share the same interests as them even if it means the sacrifice of it's own citizens, simply for a few natural and economic resources. Being patriotic DOES NOT mean going along with un-justified wars and fabricated intelligence and sacrificing 3,000 soldiers in the process. And being patriotic DOES NOT mean playing hush up and not voicing your opinions and views of a corrupt government who has destroyed the lives of so many around the world just because an ignorant few, such as yourself, can't see the light of day and read between the lines and see what your not so patriotic, not so innocent, not so loving, trust worthy government is doing to you, your family, your friends, your fellow Americans, and every other human being on Earth.

If you truly love America, I suggest you change your ways and embrace what our founding fathers gave us as human beings and as Americans. That's freedom of speech. What you're doing is taking it upon yourself to effectively destroy that right all in the name of a non-existent cause.
Very well said Dickbinbush,I agree that murdering your own people for money and power falls in the unpatriotic categorie.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Originally posted by Elijio
Do not disagree with the official story of 9/11 if you truly love America.


Thank you for showing a dictatorship form to your post.

I guess your stance is that, if we disagree with the government, then we're "un-patriotic", right?

Being patriotic DOES NOT mean going along with the slaughter of the American constitution, American economy, American landmarks, and 3,000 innocent Americans all for the sake of a greedy few who's only objectives are complete hostile takeovers of all countries who don't share the same interests as them even if it means the sacrifice of it's own citizens, simply for a few natural and economic resources.

If you truly love America, I suggest you change your ways and embrace what our founding fathers gave us as human beings and as Americans. That's freedom of speech. What you're doing is taking it upon yourself to effectively destroy that right all in the name of a non-existent cause.

Believe it or not I share the same opinion on 9/11 and the bush administration as you do. I know for a fact that the official 9/11 story is B.S. I have family who were there on the day. The chance is there to change some things for the better now that the balance of power has shifted slightly in Washington. I'm not a sheep. I don't support Bush or his false war on terrorism(now a real war as his false war has now created real terrorists LOL)What I'm saying is that it's been five+ years for the truth to come out and it still hasn't. Bush will be gone soon and after elections it seems more people are waking up. The truth won't come out in time for those truly responsible for 9/11 to pay. Get over it. At this point in time it would be disastrous if the truth came out. A war abroad and a war at home, think about it. Imagine if the truth about pearl harbor came out while the war was going on. The people can't handle the truth about 9/11 right now, it's best they not know. I hope I have clarified my position.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:52 AM
So your position is it's best the American people be fed lies so they can give up their privacy and freedoms in the name of national security during this "war on terror" which will set up for a new attack and the ones in power will come to us and say we need stricter domestic policies when it comes to security because the post 9-11 procedures did not work and they may enforce martial law effectively destroying every ounce of freedom we have left..and for what? So that the truth can't get out because people can't deal with it? I think people would much rather deal with the truth, which wouldn't be hard considering how corrupt our government has always been, than deal with all of their rights being taken away, lockdown of all tv, radio, and internet, and wondering if today is the day they're shot dead in the middle of the street just because the military personnel have the authorization to kill them, no questions asked. No, bull#. The truth needs to get out. Something needs to be done while there is still an America left to talk about.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:11 AM
^How do you know that is what will happen? Are you a prophet? Did you forsee the Dems winning the house and senate? You must be scared after all the anti bush stuff you just posted huh? Has any of your freedom been taken away?Bush has 2 more years...If what you say happens the people will fight back or do you think the people will go along with it. They may be naive but they're not stupid. Do you think they won't learn anything from 9/11? History does repeat itself but not every year, more like every 100 or 1000 years. You are too paranoid mate.

America is not the only country in the world believe it or not. A NWO is not possible without what you describe happening to all countries or is a police state America simultaneously mean a police state every other country or NWO

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:14 AM

I think your problem is that you think this was all Bush. I think it goes far beyond just Bush and the Republicans. BTW, I think the republicans and democrats are the same body. They just put up this show and dance to seperate the citizens so we can't see the larger picture.

Anyway, just because Bush only has 2 more years doesn't mean squat IMO.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:36 AM
I know it will happen because I'm smart enough to open my eyes and read the game board. It's like chess, man. That's all the world is. You position yourself just right before you attack or carry out what you wish to carry out so that it serves your purpose. Our government is very transparent if you know what to look for and how to read them.

I'm not scared of what I posted. I wouldn't be scared even if we were in a police state phase right now. I don't care what they do to me.

Has any of my freedom been taken away? Yeah it has..I refer you to the Patriot Act.

I don't think they'll learn from 9/11 because they think the same way you do which is, it's better to be "patriotic" and go along with the government than question them.

Bush having 2 more years has nothing to do with it, just like Griff said. It's much bigger than just Bush. Bush is just a puppet. There are private groups who have high ranking power and influence in our government.

A NWO is possible. It's being accomplished right before your eyes, yet, you can't see it. It's called democracy. We're spreading democracy. Whoever doesn't go along with it get's attacked. If that's not a world domination strategy, I don't know what is.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:24 PM
I'm still misunderstood? I know about the patriot act, dont insult my intelligence. I will make this very clear. I do not support Bush etc I know about the maintenance work that went on a week prior to 9/11. Buildings do not collapse at free fall speed without the use of explosives. I have family who were at the scene of 9/11. I know the official story is BS. I know that 3% of the world's population is richer than the other 97%. I know about PNAC. I see how America is possibly heading towards a police state. V for vendetta is the last movie I saw next will be Saw 3*faint*
. Here is where I branch off from you who disagree with me. All empires fall, America's fate will be no different. It cannot be stopped. We won't be #1 forever. people learn better from their mistakes than from someone else telling them what to do. If you try to expose the truth now you will be ridiculed, "taken care of", or not taken seriously, why?The people cannot handle the truth yet and you cannot force it down their throats. Your intentions are noble but you will only frustrate yourselves as you lack the ability to truly make an impact right now. They must come to the realizations that we have, in their own time. Trying to expose the truth now will only lead to discrediting of the very truth you try to reveal. Also consider this, if it were to come out now it woul be the end of us think(longer) about it. How far does the corruption go? the entire government would have to be overthrown as more than just 9/11 may be exposed. What then? those in power will not just step out of office will they? and this while having most of the troops abroad and fighting. The stock market would crash the economy would collapse America would be open to attack from say Russia, need I go on? I hope I'm understood now lol.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:20 PM
You were never mis-understood. Being mis-understood and disagreeing with you are two different things. I'm disagreeing with you. I think something needs to be done about it right now. It can't wait. It has to be forced down people's throats. People in this country are too laid back and too seperated from politics and government business to find out the truth on their own. This country probably has the biggest gap in between government and citizens simply because the majority of the people just don't care. It won't happen on it's own.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 01:54 PM
Aha, I admire your stance. I used to share that opinion as well until a few months ago.
It is happening though, people are waking up. The election results gave you no hope? Sure the Dems may not be any better but it is a start.

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