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new alien photo of 'lord enlil' alien (lord marduk spokesman)

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posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 07:54 PM
I think it probable that the picture of the podium with SAALM on it has also been photoshopped thus. Here is an enlargement of the podium front. You can see that perspective means that the far edge is smaller than the near edge. The text is the same size. The text has been slanted to fit it, but it has not been given the same perspective as the podium itself. In the same scale you would expect to see a dropaway of 1/6 the vertical height, which would equate with one pixel difference of height in the text. But the text stays the same size, even being on epixel large at the start of the "M":

You will also, as I think someone said, notice that the blue background picture is a phtoshopped version of the blue background of the conference I alluded to in my post on p1.



[edit on 20-11-2006 by d60944]

[edit on 20-11-2006 by d60944]

[edit on 20-11-2006 by d60944]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Gilgamesh
does anyone know who the other men are (apart from henry boy)?

the dude on the right looks like Ben Stein... eh?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 07:59 PM
You don't honestly think thats serious do you? Its a blatantly obvious photoshop.

I laughed a bit, but thats it. Nothing serious. Move along people.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 10:39 PM
Hey, I thought Micheal Jackson was the only real alien that we have pictures of??

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by texaspike
Hey, I thought Micheal Jackson was the only real alien that we have pictures of??

Obvious Ignorance my friend.

Alien Autopsy....please?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Gilgamesh
this link explains it all.

It does. He's been debunked as quite the liar. And the photo is not believable. Someone's been spending way too much time watching "Stargate" and not enough time on their homework.

Yet another case where the "real photos' of aliens just provide more amusement for the masses and make UFO researchers look very stupid.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:01 AM

If it is photshopped...they forgot to do the hands

That is exactly what i was thinking look at the pic. Good read though. I recomend it if you havent read the site yet.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:01 AM
opps double post. My apology.

[edit on 21-11-2006 by AwakenMind]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:22 AM

I've been checking into the death of Dean Warwick. This is the guy who keeled over at a conference in Blackpool recently.

On the truthseeker website you can find audio clips of an interview he did.

I'm still looking around at the moment but my preliminary conclusion is that he was a nutter. I'm sorry to have to be so blunt about it, but he makes several claims that stretch my credulity way past breaking point.

Firstly, he claims that several survivors of the Lockerbie crash were allowed to die from hypothermia by the rescuers because they knew that the plane was brought down by a rocket, not a bomb. Now, I have to say I've been extremely skeptical about the official myth of that incident myself, and have some personal knowledge about it, since a friend of mine was actually on the plane and travelled on it from Frankfurt to Heathrow. I saw him shortly after the crash and he said that he had sat next to a US serviceman going home on leave, who was absolutely terrified because he'd heard rumours that a bomb was on the plane. When he heard about the crash his blood ran cold.

The magazine Private Eye did an excellent investigation into the crash and drove many huge holes through the official story. Apparently CIA men arrived on the scene very early and removed specific pieces of evidence from the scene... but this is the first I've heard of there being any survivors (and I find the idea of survivors unbelievable in itsef).

Secondly, he makes various claims about his involvement with military intelligence and that he was witness to experiments in which the US, the USSR and the UK collaborated to bring down buildings using "infrasound". You can tell where we're going here, can't you? He also says that Michael Meacher was sacked for revealing that he'd seen plans for bringing down the WTC several years before it happened. Now I know MM is one of the few British MPs to be skeptical of the official story of 9/11, and has been a critic of PNAC. I hadn't heard this additional detail and will be doing some digging to see if I can corroborate it.

So: either Dean Warwick was silenced because he really did know some outlandish stuff and was going to reveal it, or he was just an attention-seeker who keeled over from a heart attack on stage. Well, Tommy Cooper died on stage... it's not unprecedented. And when you listen to Warwick's voice, you do get the sense that this guy was wound up tighter than a cheap wristwatch.

There is, of course, another alternative: that he was bumped off as a warning to someone else, or as a disinfo tactic. I don't put a huge weight of probability on this one, but it occurs to me as another possibility.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:35 AM
Ahhh, c'mon guys, the pictures are real ...

It's just that they were taken as the people in them were suffering from active hemoroids and constipation! The look on their face says it all!

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 02:30 AM
I only ever look like that while I'm actually on the toilet.

Anyone have any thoughts on the credibility of James Casbolt or the death of Dean Warwick?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 03:31 AM
Such a HUGE organisation that they use space for "official" announcements. next thing we know S.A.A.L.M will have a video blog on Youtube running in contention with the Emmalina chick for most veiwed video.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 03:34 AM
it amazes me that this has ran on for 3 pages, teetering into a 4th.

I mean no duh its fake.

it's cheesy as all get out.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:38 AM
it looks to me like someone has tried to mislead james casbolt in an effort to discredit him and dean warwicks death.

Such a HUGE organisation that they use space for "official" announcements. next thing we know S.A.A.L.M will have a video blog on Youtube running in contention with the Emmalina chick for most veiwed video.

the site we are looking at is a stolen/copied 'mirror' of the real site.

there were lots of witnesses to dean's death, he actually told people he thought he was going to be killed, and said he felt a burning sensation on his head before he keeled over. also a suspicious character was seen driving off and laughing after he collapsed.

the photoshop/notepade code doesnt mean anything either, if i was puting an image on a website i would take it into photoshop for resizeing/cropping before hand. either way i think its fake anyway. looks like official disinfo to make james look stupid and deans death an accident.

someone has spent alot of time creating all that text and photoshoped photographs, logo's etc, and i havn't seen a mention of asking for any money.........yet.

why would someone go to such lengths to discredit james when there is no obvious benefit to them?

or has james set out to discredit his whole life story with some blatent fake images because he has now defected and decided to join the NSA/darkside?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:47 AM
Why would the Freemasons photoshop a photo of their so-called supreme leader? Think about it.

This question came to my mind as I studied the website in depth. If you follow through the website they insist that this man is their leader.

Personally, I don't think it is photoshopped. Also, I know enough about the organisation to know that they wouldn't do that to somebody that it appears they worship.

There are other photos of him slightly blurred with the same features, which would be hard to photoshop, especially as the person in front was much clearer.

Also, there is a third view of him from a distance, which again would be hard to photoshop.

So, in conclusion, I believe the photos of this man are real, although his eyes are red and the shape of his eyes suggest that there is something remarkable going on with his dna.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by texaspike
Hey, I thought Micheal Jackson was the only real alien that we have pictures of??

Somwhere, there's a demented plastic surgeon dreaming of Stichen.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by at_risk
Such a HUGE organisation that they use space for "official" announcements. next thing we know S.A.A.L.M will have a video blog on Youtube running in contention with the Emmalina chick for most veiwed video.

But of course! Those evyl Annunannnnnnkeee! That's how they're getting the money to take over the world -- saving the cost of hosting space by doing it all on free websites!

Taking over governments, a dime at a time....

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:47 AM
I guess this is what happens when you read half of a Zecheria Sitchin novel when you're full of Heroin.

You're full of Cake, too, Casbolt. Please don't stop hoaxing until after someone breaks your nose. I know you're here posting to poach hits for your pathetic websites. Way to tie a legitimate conspiracy like Agency Drug dealing in with this faked Alien boatride.

Why are you doing this, to make money?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:52 AM

There are other photos of him slightly blurred with the same features, which would be hard to photoshop, especially as the person in front was much clearer.

I was too very impressed with the photos (and i work with photoshop every day).

The out of focus second image could be done by applying a slight motion blur/gaussian filter to the photo while de-selecting the womans head. The giveaway i feel is is in the first photo, as pointed out earlier: (the out of place 'S' shape around the collar area).

As a proffessional i see no indication however that the face has been photoshoped, it looks more like make up if anything! The wrinkles, folds of skin, lighting etc. on his face and collar are very realistic.

Also, there is a third view of him from a distance, which again would be hard to photoshop.

If you are refering to the third image, i believe it is a photo of some OTHER albino lord character who seems to have eyes that are very close together. It too is photoshoped very well if its fake.

In conclusion. confusion, the only real signs of photo shop to me is the 'S' shape on the collar of the first image. partly because i have been unable to find any of the orignal images on the internet (like the one of kissinger) if they are fake, so they must have come from some other source which is quite an extent to go to. also we still do not know who the other men in the photos are, or where the outdoor images were taken.

if its fake i find it unusual that the person with the skills to do the face would make a mistake like leaving a 's' on the photo.

it could be a mix of real and fake, this is a very complicated subject where the truth is different at every level. i also doubt james casbolt would be duped into a fake like this....although maybe he is a disinfo agent?! Why would he do this though, he doesnt have any books or sh*t to sell?

We are Talking about the Masons

what makes you think the website was made by masons?

[edit on 21-11-2006 by Gilgamesh]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by rachel07
So, in conclusion, I believe the photos of this man are real, although his eyes are red and the shape of his eyes suggest that there is something remarkable going on with his dna.

Well Rachel all I can say is that you're deluding yourself and I suggest you read threads in their entirety to avoid looking foolish when you post.

I took this from page 2.

Originally posted by tunin
3 Steps to debunk photoshopped pictures:

1 - Save the picture to your hard drive.
2 - Open the picture with notepad.
3 - Look at the first line.

ÿØÿà JFIF  d d ÿì Ducky   d ÿî Adobe dÀ ÿÛ „

Note the "Adobe", they would be the makers of Photoshop and the proof that the image has been edited by PHOTOSHOP. You can even test the image for yourself, just follow the bouncing ball along the three simple steps.

Pokey Oats

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