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Stream technique success stories

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posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 03:53 AM
I am starting this thread for all of the people on this board that have tried Alien Agenda's technique and have had success. I am growing VERY tired of the original thread "proof positive", with all the flamers dissing or discounting what people have experienced.

I have stopped posting there due to the overwhelming negative posts/skepticism surrounding the topic. I love that there is criticism about it, and know that its part of the territory. . but there needs to be one place where we can all describe what we are experiencing and another thread to talk about the validity of the technique.

I only want the people who BELIEVE that there is something to this technique (like myself) and are walking down this road of exploration to post their experiences in hopes of contacting the greys. . .without having to wade through the countless number of pages looking for results from others.

I have had several VERY interesting experiences over the past two weeks that I will post here tomorrow (I would do so tonight, but its late and wanted to start this thread).

Moderators, I hope this is an okay idea. . and you understand my reasoning to do so.

[edit on 20-11-2006 by amongus]

[edit on 20-11-2006 by amongus]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 08:13 AM
As I have not had time lately to test the waters with this method I will not be posting any results (sadly).

But I am very interested in reading what others have to say about their experiences. They make for good reads and I am just thankful that I don't have to wade through all the flame wars to find the good stuff.

Thank you for the thread.

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:09 PM
Since Alien Agenda's thread was closed and some members would like to continue to pursue the excercises, I've re-opened this thread to give the discussion a place.

Just remember not to ask for sensitive information from other members, such as full names and DOB's.

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 06:16 PM
Much thanks to Masqua for re-opening my thread. This is a place for all who have tried AA's "proof positive" method, and wish to relay your experiences. If you need help with the method, or would like to continue the debate about whether this method actually works, post your comments/questions here.

If you are new to the method, search for Alien Agenda's "proof positive of alien communications" thread (which has been closed) and you will find the method there.

Since the above mentioned thread was closed a week ago, there has been no place to discuss our findings and feelings. I hope this gives everyone interested an outlet.

Please remember, do not post or request any personal information from any member on this board. Thats what closed the previous thread. .

Look forward to hearing from everyone again!

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 08:46 PM
Thanks, amongus! I wanted to offer my support and encouragement as one who used the technique, and who has moved from that technique to one I've used before at AlienAgenda's direction...

I had an experience of contact according to AA, but I was asleep at the time (I know, I'm still investigating this.. It's detailed in the "Proof Positive..." thread...). At AA's direction, I am trying to gain access to this contact experience through meditation and will post any significant experiences here.

Keep on keepin' on!

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 10:23 PM
I made physical contact with a Gray after about 1-2 weeks of doing the exercise. It was scary and don't plan on doing it again. Can someone offer me advice to face this fear? Even amongus' avatar I find scary.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by AlienGray
I made physical contact with a Gray after about 1-2 weeks of doing the exercise. It was scary and don't plan on doing it again. Can someone offer me advice to face this fear? Even amongus' avatar I find scary.


Can you elaborate on what you experienced, and the process leading up to it? I am very interested.

My most memorable experience was the last time I did the exercise, when a voice out of nowhere during the stream said for me to "ask the deciever". My question was "what do you want with us?" I kept repeating it over and over. The voice sounded like it came a foot from my right ear. It was REALLY haunting, and I could only determine that it was referring to Alien Agenda. Why? I dont have any evidence or clue. . its just a nagging feeling you get when you suspect something is amiss. But why would he deceive and lead us to contact at the same time, and why do I still feel so compelled to dive deeper in this exercise? I still dont understand what the voice meant, and am up for any suggestions.

I also have heard that it gets easier to reach the stream as you do it more often. I on the other hand have had more and more trouble getting there after each successful attempt. I have had several "viewer" experiences, the oddest was when a sequence of symbols flashed one at a time on the screen, followed by a faint, translucent and what appeared to be NOT human head appear on the screen afterward. I was so scared I woke myself up. . . I also have seen the blue orb, but nothing has come of it. Its been more of a teasing by something.

Why would I be having more trouble getting to the stream after so many successful attempts?

On another note, Hank mentioned that he was starting to change his tune. If you're out there, how are things going?

[edit on 27-11-2006 by amongus]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 09:30 AM
It's too early to evaluate, or to come to any conclusions with regard to your auditory experience.

I imagine that someone speaking to you, using the term "deceiver" should be the one to watch out for. If you were being contacted by a well-meaning energy, the exchange would have been different; more positive and encouraging.

I wouldn't be too concerned yet. You and others may experience "misdirection" or "confusing" experiences - almost as an indication you are on the right track.

I would suggest trusting your own instincts and the "light" that guides and protects you on your paths.

AA is simply suggesting existing meditation techniques, and the questionnaire, which amounts to a self/life-affirming creative visualization (see Shakti Gawain "Creative Visualization. This book was published in 1997. Visualization is a natural, God-given ability used by millions consciously, and billions unconsciously).

AA said that it was an energy that is not at, or near the stream, who was trying to influence you. At this point, I am weiging toward that, rather than this being a helpful energy offering a caution.

Trust in yourself and the light/love that underlies and creates this universe, and command that the truth be revealed to you. It was said that any mischevious energies may be able to confuse or misdirect, but they cannot lie. You can ask for guidance from your guides/angels/loved ones that have passed, etc., when in doubt.

I say keep steady, resolute and courageous on your path. I'm walking it too...I also feel drawn to these techniques - and that means something...of course WHAT it means is yet to be determined, but I trust I've been drawn here for important and positive reasons...

Peace out!

[edit on 27-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:00 PM
Thanks for your feedback. I am going to look into reading some meditation techniques, and find many simmularities. However none claim that they can bring you in contact with aliens.

Im wondering if anyone else feels like they are being watched after doing the technique? Ever since I started, I feel like I have somebody watching me. . I cant really elaborate on the feeling, its just weird.

I tried again last night and got the vibrating, but couldnt get any further.

Im still on a mission to get my proof positive.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:03 PM
I have been getting U2U'ed by people wondering what the technique is. Im guessing that Alien Agenda is not answering anymore. I have decided to provide the technique he provided in the original Proof Positive thread so you can try for yourself.

Either sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes
and begin breathing deeply and evenly through your nose. At the top of
your head, imagine your brain being divided by a + sign into four
quadrants. Now put your attention in the right front quadrant and
picture the color red. Keep your attention fully in that quadrant with
the color red prevalent in your mind's eye. After a minute or so, move
your attention straight back and put your attention in the right rear
quadrant and picture the color blue, and keep your attention and the
color blue there. After a minute or so, move your attention diagonally
towards the left front quadrant and picture the color green, and keep
your attention and the color green there for a minute or so. Now move
your attention straight back to the left rear quadrant and picture the
color gold or bright yellow, and leave your attention and the color
there for a moment.

Now move your attention diagonally forward to the right front quadrant
and again picture the color red. That imaginary diagonal line should
more or less intersect the center of the + sign you started with. Simply
repeat the process over and over. You'll begin to recognize that you're
describing a figure of 8 over the top of your head. When your quadrants
are active and balanced, you should feel warmth in the right front
quadrant, coolness in the right rear quadrant, coolness in the left
front quadrant and warmth in the left rear quadrant.

The contact comes when the warmth begins, what you are
doing is creating a door way in which the grays can communicate with

Post your results/skepticism here. .

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:44 PM
I've never tried this before, but had some fun creating a graphical representation of my interpretation of what u said.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 08:02 PM


I have been getting U2U'ed by people wondering what the technique is. Im guessing that Alien Agenda is not answering anymore. I have decided to provide the technique he provided in the original Proof Positive thread so you can try for yourself.

Still here and listening, dont want to muddy the waters, i will chime in soon... You are all doing well

remember stay relaxed, focused and above all have fun....


posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 08:08 PM
Please don't take this as an attack on this thread or of the method you are discussing, but I'm wondering if everyone here is aware of "self hypnosis" and it's self fulfilling results. Meaning, if you want to see an albino whale swimming around on your ceiling, through meditation, you'll see an albino whale.

Yes, it will seem real, and in a certain way, it IS real to the observer. Not trying to poo on anything, but hopefully anyone reading will do their research about self hypnosis so that they have that knowledge going into something like this.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Freezer
I've never tried this before, but had some fun creating a graphical representation of my interpretation of what u said.

Freezer. . Wow! Very nice, especially since you have not tried the technique. This is exactly how I picture it while doing the technique, except the colors seem to cross over the + on occasion. Other than that, its actually a very well done representation. I commend you, and ask you to try it.

As far as the poster saying that this could be self hypnosis. It very well could be. However the one thing that makes me shy away from that hypothesis is that when you are visualizing the colors, Im not telling myself to see aliens, or to talk to me. I only concentrate on the specific color in the pattern and say the color to myself if I am having trouble getting a visual. Once you hear the stream, and the "viewer" is in front of you (YES, believe me it does exist) you then start asking questions in your head. I didnt ask to be shown symbols, or for the gray to show himself. I kept asking for help. . aliens weren't even in my head. I had been asking for the blue orb with the white center and didnt get it right off the bat. . it took several attempts and practice to have it presented to me. .and even then it was playing games. Intellegent games at that. It kept hovering over me so I could just see a blue hue. Only when I asked please did it show itself in full view. But it was too far out of my reach and I couldnt reach it. I have not since been able to see it again. I'm trying. . and in this for the long haul. I've had proof. Proof of what, I'm not exaclty sure. Im working on that.

Alien Agenda, nice to hear from you again. Please feel free to add any input or help people out. It is afterall YOUR theory. I dont want you to think I hijacked your idea for a thread without purpose. I only wanted a place for people to continue to explore this method that has turned some skeptics into not-so skeptics since your original thread was closed.

AA, please consider posting your "what you've learned through the stream" story as well. We all are curious to read what you had promised to post.

[edit on 28-11-2006 by amongus]

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by amongus

As far as the poster saying that this could be self hypnosis. It very well could be. However the one thing that makes me shy away from that hypothesis is that when you are visualizing the colors, Im not telling myself to see aliens, or to talk to me. I only concentrate on the specific color in the pattern and say the color to myself if I am having trouble getting a visual. Once you hear the stream, and the "viewer" is in front of you (YES, believe me it does exist) you then start asking questions in your head. I didnt ask to be shown symbols, or for the gray to show himself. I kept asking for help. . aliens weren't even in my head. I had been asking for the blue orb with the white center and didnt get it right off the bat. . it took several attempts and practice to have it presented to me. .and even then it was playing games. Intellegent games at that. It kept hovering over me so I could just see a blue hue. Only when I asked please did it show itself in full view. But it was too far out of my reach and I couldnt reach it. I have not since been able to see it again. I'm trying. . and in this for the long haul. I've had proof. Proof of what, I'm not exaclty sure. Im working on that.

[edit on 28-11-2006 by amongus]

im sure you will get there some time, any how you are doing better then me, i can only get to the warmth, then for some reason i cant hold it, grr.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 02:27 AM
Have you gotten to a point where you feel the vibration? If you only get to the point where you are feeling warmth, just continue to empty your mind of everything except the color. My first time getting to the stream I had to ask for help. Help me get into the stream. . .and you will. At least it worked for me.

I also tend to think a lot of people are over-thinking. Clear your mind, and accept whatever happens. . .

Hope this helps. . . and keep us posted on your attempts! Good luck. . .

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by amongus
Have you gotten to a point where you feel the vibration? If you only get to the point where you are feeling warmth, just continue to empty your mind of everything except the color. My first time getting to the stream I had to ask for help. Help me get into the stream. . .and you will. At least it worked for me.

I also tend to think a lot of people are over-thinking. Clear your mind, and accept whatever happens. . .

Hope this helps. . . and keep us posted on your attempts! Good luck. . .

thanks heaps for your help amongus, im going to try again tonight.
I could definatly feel some type of vibration comming on, but i think like you said i am trying too hard, i think i just need to relax. If i get the warmth i will try and stay calm and everything. I will definatly post if i get anywhere

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 03:35 AM
Thanks Amongus,

I have been trying to focus on Hank at his request, but it seems that "experiences" mostly occur when I'm not trying......?


I got the David in yellow which I posted in the other (closed) thread.

1792001 or 17/92201 or 17192001 confusing, sorry.

Also, are you suffering with flu like symptoms at the moment? If it's not you someone is projecting at me I think, lol. I have not got the flu, but feel fluey inside.

Do you have asthma? I feel breathless when trying to focus.

Am asking these things because you said to note anything out of the ordinary.

Friday night, I won't say anymore, but I feel you talked about it a heck of a lot or just did it (sorry) You were testing me right?

If any of that is waaaay off, sorry, but my mind feels really jumbled it's strange for sure.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 05:26 AM
Can someone please explain again what we are supposed to do?

Was it to visualise out brain from a top view with it divided into 4 sections? then the first part green, next to it red, bottom left yellow and the other blue? as shown in that picture?

Or are we just supposed to visualise the four colors appearing directly ahead?...

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:23 AM
First, Freezer, your diagram is excellent, but you have the figure eight wrong. The circles should be at three o'clock and nine o'clock, because you're actually connecting the RED to BLUE, then BLUE to GREEN, GREEN to YELLOW, then YELLOW to RED. If you correct that, everyone should be able to start with RED and move as AA suggested.

To Unplugged, sit or lie comfortably, take a few deep breaths (enough to slow your mind and body down), then breathe normally through your nose. Picture a + (plus sign) just "above" your head. This plus sign will reach to all four sides of the top of your head, separating it into four quadrants.

Start with the RIGHT FRONT QUADRANT with the color RED. What I did was to just imagine the RIGHT FRONT QUADRANT, imagining a red piece of pie (I'm thinking Trivial Pursuit [board game] pie pieces almost). You can imagine that red light and that area of your brain.

At the same time, AA said to also picture the color in your minds eye. What I did was to picture the red quadrant, sort of from below, as if you're looking up at it from your vantage point (don't use your eyes, imagine it up there. sense it there), then I imagine the color red, sort of a patch of it, at the middle of my forehead. After some time you should be able to visualize both. If you can't yet, then focus on the quadrant.

After you have pictured, as clearly as possible, the color RED, then just move your imagination straight back to BLUE (the RIGHT REAR QUADRANT) and repeat the process. Imagine the BLUE for about a minute, then move diagonally left and forward to the LEFT FRONT QUADRANT and imagine the color GREEN for about a minute, then LEFT REAR QUADRANT and imagine YELLOW for about a minute, then forward and right diagonally to the RIGHT FRONT again and picture RED for about a minute.

The whole process is: Right Front RED 60 seconds, Right Rear BLUE 60 seconds, Left Front GREEN 60 seconds, Left Rear Yellow 60 seconds, to Right Front Red again...

Don't focus too hard. but you want to be able to hold a clear picture of the color for as long as you can before moving on. Repeat this process until all thoughts are cleared and the colors are the only thing you're thinking about.

You can go anywhere from 15 - 60 min. If you go too much longer you may become tired or distracted. Shorter times are better if you're struggling, however, if you're becoming agitated, just try to sit with those thoughts and let them rise - they will in time fade away as you get better at this.

When you're able to become calm and to just be silent and watch the colors, you are bringing yourself to a very relaxed and receptive state. It is here that you may hear sounds or see images. AA suggests getting used to this calm state. You will feel warmth and a calming, positive sensation.

When you're ready, you can ask for what AA calls the BLUE BALL with the WHITE LIGHT inside. Ask with conviction (in your mind) to be taken to the STREAM. You may or may not get immediate results, but you can ask each time you're in this state. The first time I asked for the blue ball, nothing happened. Until I went to sleep, at which time I had an unprecedented dream of being shown multiple, large, bright symbols against a stark black background. Unmistakable...

Anyway, that was the beginning. Try it out. You may have some very odd and excellent things to report...

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