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If aliens exist, then were do they come from?

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posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:02 PM
I think the most logical, plausible, and scientific possibility would have to be the Alpha Centauri system.

First, Alpha Centuari (the name of the star) is not very far away at all. According to NASA, roughly 23 times the distance from Earth to the Sun, or about the same distance from Venus to Earth. Think about that. We've sent a number of probes around Venus and they've gotten there in a matter of a few years. So think: If there IS a civilization that is more advanced than we are, and has much better propulsion systems than we do, and they exsist on a planet in the Alpha Centauri system, it would be very possible for them to send a probe or ship to Earth in a reasonable amount of time. The Sirius system is several light years away, and each light year is about 6 trillion miles or it would be VERY unlikely to see anything from that system reach here in any reasonable amount of time.

Oh, and here's another interesting snippet from NASA's site:
"By an exciting coincidence, Alpha Centauri A is the same type of star as our Sun, causing many to speculate that it might contain planets that harbor life."

Sounds like a real candidate to me.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:50 PM
Given the very high probability of NASA persistently lying or holding back information, any theories they may give on extraterrestrial life come into severe question with me. So when they say life may be on Alpha Centauri, I will think the opposite and think its not there.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:15 PM

The only places I really think of is Zeta Reticuli, Sirius, and Orion. Zeta Reticuli due to the Hill's abduction, Sirius for the aforementioned Dogon tribe stuff, and Orion for what Dan Morris/Salter has said of the Disclosure Project. Though I'm certain the number is near limitless as to where alien life resides.

I believe heelstone is right. Also (I have reason to believe) they come from different dimensions.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 11:18 PM
Heelstone, if that is your theory then there is really NO way to accurately judge ANY of this. If you believe everyone is lying, or only trust the most outlandish, groundless stories, then it seems your search is bound to be futile.

And NASA did NOT say THEY believed there was life there. The simple science (which you cannot refute) is that Alpha Centauri is a star much like our own. Which has lead some astronomers (many who don't have anything to with NASA) to believe planets in that system MAY harbor life. Doesn't sound like much of a conspiracy theory to me...

Nowhere in there at all does NASA claim there is life in that system and nowhere else. But the science of it is very encouraging. And actually lends SOME scientific crediblity to the search for alien life besides science fiction stories.

[Edited on 14-11-2003 by SevenZeroOne]

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 01:35 AM
Some of the aliens that first came to me had uniforms and were military of some kind. They also wore medallions and other strange things. Years later I saw some books by Sitchin and there were pictures of the same uniformed aliens in them. Sitchin said they were Anunaki or something, from another world, and that they were going to return here in the future. I felt like phoning him and saying "uh Hello!!, They're already here, and they live on other dimensions." There are other life forms in Sitchins books and some of them are aliens I have spent a lot of time with.

Sitchin said they come from a planet somewhere but I will have to see if I can find out which one?

One alien told me he came from Jupiter?

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Aztec]

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Aztec
Some of the aliens that first came to me had uniforms and were military of some kind. They also wore medallions and other strange things. Years later I saw some books by Sitchin and there were pictures of the same uniformed aliens in them. Sitchin said they were Anunaki or something, from another world, and that they were going to return here in the future. I felt like phoning him and saying "uh Hello!!, They're already here, and they live on other dimensions." There are other life forms in Sitchins books and some of them are aliens I have spent a lot of time with.

Sitchin said they come from a planet somewhere but I will have to see if I can find out which one?

One alien told me he came from Jupiter?

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Aztec]

How exactly do they tell you this? Wait...lemme guess, telepathy, right?

And surely they must have a real name of their species or some identification rather than just "Aliens", right? What is the name of their species/race? Or what do they refer to themselves as?

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:15 AM
Dreamstone... do you mean to post it here? Because I have already done a lot of research about the Dogontribe... so if people here would like to see it, then it's alright with me...

I just have the feeling that people just see the Dogontribe as valid "evidence" from where aliens would come from.... but the problem is that all the other religions are just as valid...

And to come back to the topic... the aliens of which the Dogontribe etc. are talking about come from Sirius... some one here mentioned also Orion.

Personally I think from Orion comes a whole different race... Lucifer and his angels. Just think about the Gods war and the shafts also leading to Sirius and Orion...

And Seapeople... you say that we wouldn't be able to know where the aliens come from? Why do all religions then say that the Gods come from Sirius? Is that because they couldn't know? No, it is because they could know... because aliens can also say where they come from...

Ps. I have also already found kinda a link between the Egyptians and the Greek Gods... so perhaps I will also be able to say that the Greek Gods also came from Sirius.

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:26 AM

How exactly do they tell you this? Wait...lemme guess, telepathy, right?

And surely they must have a real name of their species or some identification rather than just "Aliens", right? What is the name of their species/race? Or what do they refer to themselves as?

Generally they call themselves 'Police'

The uniformed ones I mentioned that Sitchin illustrated were extremely tough men. They weren't here to give me any information other than show me who's boss of the earth.

Two of them told me their names but i forgot?

The main reason I have been able to access so deeply into their worlds is because I know the power of information, and I have certain rules that I follow, which restrict me from gathering information on things relevant to the military, government, people's/beings' personal lives, and alien technology.

That cuts my information gathering down to just about zero.

Basically I am a lover, and I follow the soul. Nothing else matter to me in the least.

So other than the insane ramblings of a philosopher there's not much information I can give you about the aliens' activities

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:28 AM
Next to this:
you are talking about multiple dimensions.. and that those people come from there.. and timetravel etc.

I don't want to sound like menkind doesn't know anything yet... but remember that we haven't even been able to see the third star in the Sirius system yet...

No, there is no third star Leen... yes there is...
I nvestigation from the Berkely university

I heard some-one say "they must travel in different dimensions because otherwise we would have been able to see them, because there would be billions of them"... uhm.... we aren't even able to see that star...

Why should we see spaceships ten thousands of times smaller....

Where is the idea of the multiple dimensions coming from? It's just like time-traveling, E=MC2 makes it impossible to travel in time.

I suggest you keep with the idea that they can travel that fast that time goes for them much slower then on earth... how faster you go... the slower the time...

I don't see the need for multiple dimensions etc... it's even impossible if you are going to look at action-reaction.

And dreamstone... a research topic is just a normal topic? Or is it another form of topic?

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:43 AM
google/images/sirius produced the most beautiful heavenly body I have ever seen !

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:46 AM
I have certain rules that I follow, which restrict me from gathering information on things relevant to the military, government, people's/beings' personal lives, and alien technology. .............quoted aztec

why did you decide on these rules....

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:54 AM

I suggest you keep with the idea that they can travel that fast that time goes for them much slower then on earth... how faster you go... the slower the time...

That's the first thing they taught me.

You don't need to travel anywhere fast to become free of time. All you have to do is speed up the very atoms of your body. That lifts you out of the time scale because your body slips through the atoms of this material energy and into a different level of energy itself.

To be totally ignorant I know nothing of Sirius, and I want to thank you for writing about it. I sure hope I visit the place sometime

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Aztec
You don't need to travel anywhere fast to become free of time. All you have to do is speed up the very atoms of your body. That lifts you out of the time scale because your body slips through the atoms of this material energy and into a different level of energy itself.

To be totally ignorant I know nothing of Sirius, and I want to thank you for writing about it. I sure hope I visit the place sometime

They told me that the energy levels rose (because of E=MC2) but not that you went into different energy levels itself. They also said to me that speeding up the atoms in your body would just fasten the aging proces (hey why should that be?) and that you just die sooner by doing that.... so the only solution was according to them to travel faster yourself...

But hey that were my aliens not your police aliens... so who is right and who isn't

No oke, I am not talking to aliens, it was just my way of thought

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 07:22 AM

They told me that the energy levels rose (because of E=MC2) but not that you went into different energy levels itself. They also said to me that speeding up the atoms in your body would just fasten the aging proces (hey why should that be?) and that you just die sooner by doing that.... so the only solution was according to them to travel faster yourself...

Speeding up the atoms of an object can be done in different ways for different results.

I don't have the scientific information that would help you to understand how the aliens manipulate and escape from the laws of physics. I just know that one of the ways they do it is by speeding up the frequency of the objects themselves. This changes the nature of the atoms and they enter a different phase of matter energy

Our scientists say that there is a lot of matter missing that should be in the universe somewhere. they're looking towards such things as anti-matter for the answer. So they're aware that there could be other forms of matter that are invisible to us.

When they finally discover how to perceive the other forms of matter they will find many aliens there.

I just thought I'd mention the other dimensions because that's where the aliens I know generally come from.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Aztec]

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 07:42 AM
Aztec. Please draw how you see these aliens and post up the drawings as a jpeg.


ps If you need webspace, send the pics to me and i will put them up. Doesnt matter if you cant draw well.

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by SevenZeroOne
Heelstone, if that is your theory then there is really NO way to accurately judge ANY of this. If you believe everyone is lying, or only trust the most outlandish, groundless stories, then it seems your search is bound to be futile.
What in the world are you talking about? The stories I am talking about happen to be the ones most grounded in fact. Its not much fact, but its all we have at the moment. Don't think that I do not look at everything.

I don't believe everyone is lying, but I do believe that ALL government agencies, including NASA lie every time this subject is brought up. The lying can be proven with many events, such as the 1965 Edwards AFB UFO incident in which NASA is a part of that base and its testing, the 1991 Shuttle mission STS-48 UFO footage where Dr. Jack Kasher University of Nebraska calculated the anomalies to not be ice particles, and even astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave trying to get out the info of seeing a "space snake" type UFO. NASA is LYING! I will say it until my heart stops.

And NASA did NOT say THEY believed there was life there. The simple science (which you cannot refute) is that Alpha Centauri is a star much like our own. Which has lead some astronomers (many who don't have anything to with NASA) to believe planets in that system MAY harbor life. Doesn't sound like much of a conspiracy theory to me...

Nowhere in there at all does NASA claim there is life in that system and nowhere else. But the science of it is very encouraging. And actually lends SOME scientific crediblity to the search for alien life besides science fiction stories.
I don't care what NASA says. The fact that they know what is going on as I have just typed to you should at least in some part show that they are big-time liars. So everything they say comes into question for me. It should for everybody else as well.

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 11:34 AM
one way to find out where they come from is if you look at those stories in the bible which are connected to aliens because they where the visitors. Let us go to the time of the Sumerians. around 6000 bc.
they found tablets of this period on it where discriptions of the our solar system including pluto which itself was found only a couple of decades ago. why could the sumerians know about pluto then because the visitors told them this. Well what do we have to do is this when the visitors came around 6000 bc they had to pass pluto to know that is was there and so if you know the exact time of the coming of them you can fill it in to a computersimulation of our solarsystem and have a look at the position of pluto ect. in that timeframe. take earth and draw a lign from earth to pluto and from there draw the lign and keep on drawing the lign from pluto until the next system or planet it comes in contact with. there is a great change they came from there because the if you have to travel great distances you propably take the shortage way and that is a straight lign.

[Edited on 15-11-2003 by MarkLuitzen]

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 05:40 PM
Alpha centauri

Other places

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Aztec]

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