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McDonalds goes Muslim

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posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:35 AM
Why are people talking about caucasians??? Islam, Christianity etc.... are religions but caucasian is a race so how did that come into the equation?? seems to me that there are too many racist people posting on this particular subject

Makes me sick

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
But you eat kosher food all the time Number Cruncher and you do not complain?

You didn't ask me but I'll answer anyways ....

Kosher food just means that it was prepared in a certain way or has certain ingredients. It DOES NOT mean that it was blessed by a Rabbi.

I DO NOT want to eat ANYTHING that has been 'blessed' by a Rabbi, an Imam, a Shaman, a Voodoo priest .... NOTHING.

I do not agree with those religions and I do not want to ingest anything that has been given a blessing by their spiritual leaders. I'm not comfortable with that at all and I have a right to know if I'm being served something that has been tainted with that 'blessing'.

The people at the drive throughs in those McDonalds were NOT told that they were ingesting meat that had been 'blessed' that way.

That's wrong.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I DO NOT want to eat ANYTHING that has been 'blessed' by a Rabbi, an Imam, a Shaman, a Voodoo priest .... NOTHING.

I do not agree with those religions and I do not want to ingest anything that has been given a blessing by their spiritual leaders. I'm not comfortable with that at all and I have a right to know if I'm being served something that has been tainted with that 'blessing'.

Exactly, FF. Let them mumble their voodoo chants over their own food if they want. Leave mine alone.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Exactly, FF. Let them mumble their voodoo chants over their own food if they want. Leave mine alone.

The above comment is a bit insensitive dont you think and Im sure a lot of people would be offended I think a bit of caution should be taken.... very ignorant Id like to add

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:33 AM
For all of you expressing disgust at the thought of eating something that has been slaughtered with "voodoo" being said over it....consider this. Before i became a muslim, when i was young and lived in a small town, my Dad owned a butchers....frequently, we would get meat in from countries, with "halal" written on the box. So unless you actually see your butcher slaughtering the meat could be halal anyway.

Second point....personally, IMHO, there is no such thing as specific "halal" lamb or beef or chicken. There were only 4 (i think) forbidden foods and no-where in the Quran does it say Allahs name has to be said at the time of slaughter. Just when you eat. So a grape can become "haram" if you dont remember God before eating it.
It also says we are allowed to eat the food of the jews and the People of the Book.....i dont know where this whole "halal" thing came from.

But anyway,yeah....maybe if you're that freaked out by the thought of eating gross muslim should start killing the animals yourselves. That way, you can be sure its clean

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by geek101
For all of you expressing disgust at the thought of eating something that has been slaughtered with "voodoo" being said over it ...

I do not want to eat anything that has had ANY 'blessing' of ANY religion said over it. I do not want to ingest that. It's not just Muslim .. it's ANY religion. I'm Catholic and I wouldn't even want to ingest food at a fast food place that had allegedly been blessed by a Catholic priest either.

If I want my food blessed I'll pick and choose who does the blessing and what they bless. I don't want something forced at me that is against my religion and i most definately DO NOT want to INGEST something that has been tainted with a 'blessing' that I don't agree with.

And worse - to give people this 'blessed' food without telling them is simply WRONG.

maybe if you're that freaked out by the thought of eating gross muslim food....

No. You aren't getting it. For me it has nothing to do with 'ethnic' food. I go to ethnic food restaurants all the time. I LOVE Moroccan food. LOVE IT. Indian food is the best! I eat Kosher food alot as well. That doesn't come with a 'blessing' and I am informed ahead of time so I know what I am getting.

For me it's that 'blessing'. I do not agree with those religions and therefore I would not want to ingest something into my body that had one of their 'blessings' placed on it.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I do not want to eat anything that has had ANY 'blessing' of ANY religion said over it. I LOVE Moroccan food. LOVE IT. Indian food is the best! I eat Kosher food alot as well. That doesn't come with a 'blessing' and I am informed ahead of time so I know what I am getting.

first, what is "kosher" if not meat that has been blessed by Jews? Secondly, chances are, if you're eating Morrocan food, its halal.
And hey, as i said also, sometimes, non-halal butchers get their meat from halal suppliers.
But as i also said, IMHO, there is no such thing. If you want your food blessed, you should say it yourself at the time of eating

Halal Meat...the Quranic Truth

edit to add link

[edit on 21-11-2006 by geek101]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by geek101
what is "kosher" if not meat that has been blessed by Jews?

No. It follows dietary requirements. There is not a Rabbi standing by to bless it.

if you're eating Morrocan food, its halal.

It may follow the requirement of butchering for halal ... which is fine by me ... it's the 'BLESSING' that doesn't take place. THAT is when I have a problem with it. At the restaurant that we go to there is no 'blessing' taking place.

Also - we KNOW what we are buying. The people at the McDonalds were not told.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
No. It follows dietary requirements. There is not a Rabbi standing by to bless it.

didnt realise that, thought they blessed it too

It may follow the requirement of butchering for halal ... which is fine by me ... it's the 'BLESSING' that doesn't take place. THAT is when I have a problem with it. At the restaurant that we go to there is no 'blessing' taking place.

who tells you there is no "blessing" taking place.... by its very definition...a halal slaughter will have the words "in the name of Allah" said at the time of slaughter

as a catholic, do you not say grace at the time of eating anyway?....and isnt that what counts?
as a muslim, i am responsible for remembering God when i eat....i dont rely on the fact that the slaughterer might have said it already.
dont know what i'm trying to say here.....ok, i do.....i think, i believe that it is more important to say grace/name of God/ the time you eat the food.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
lol you dont need me to list these inventions, you know virtually everything in this World is invented from non middle Easterners, Each individual Western Country has probably invented more than the Entire Middle East.

List them. That's why I asked. You want to prove your point, so list them and we can compare inventions, if you like.

So this happening in the past has left a Dumb gene pool, hence virtually no Inventions coming from the ME in the last cple hundred years!

My lists from above says otherwise.

Now its just a haven for West hating Racists and Arab supremists in my opinion.

You've visted which parts to make a comment such as this?

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by geek101
a halal slaughter will have the words "in the name of Allah" said at the time of slaughter

I was told differently. I was told that the alleged 'blessing' was something separate from the slaughter. Now that I know that they are done at the same time, I will not be eating any more halal meat. I'll have to check with the moroccan restaurant that we go to. If it's halal then I'll have to drop them. Too bad. The food tasted great.

I absolutely do not want to be ingesting something that has been 'blessed' in a religion or cult that I do not believe in. Knowing that makes me very uncomfortable.

as a catholic, do you not say grace at the time of eating anyway

Yes. But I say it. ME. And it is part of MY belief process. And I KNOW that it is happening.

The McDonalds food was being served halal and the people weren't being told.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 08:50 AM
A question, is the Euchrist(sp) blessed?

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
A question, is the Euchrist(sp) blessed?

Hey intrepid:

I don't normally like to reference Wikipedia but they do offer this explanation:

The Eucharist or Communion or The Lord's Supper, is the rite that Christians perform in fulfilment of Jesus' instruction, recorded in the New Testament,[1] to do in memory of him what he did at his Last Supper. Jesus gave his disciples bread, saying "This is my body," and wine, saying "This is my blood." Christians generally recognize a special presence of Christ in this rite, though they differ about exactly how, where, and when Christ is present. The word "Eucharist" is also applied to the bread and wine consecrated in the course of the rite.

The word "Eucharist" comes from the Greek noun εὐχαριστία (transliterated, "eucharistia"), meaning thanksgiving.[2] This noun or the corresponding verb εὐχαριστῶ (to give thanks) is found in 55 verses of the New Testament. (Εὐχαριστέω, the uncontracted form, given in some aids for students, is not used in the New Testament.) Four of these verses[3] recount that Jesus "gave thanks" before presenting to his followers the bread and the wine that he declared to be his body and his blood. The Gospel of John affirms this.[4]

Most Christians classify the Eucharist as a sacrament, but many Protestants avoid the term sacrament, preferring ordinance. In these traditions, the ceremony is seen not as a specific channel of divine grace but as an expression of faith and obedience of the Christian community.

But the question that should be asked is:

Does Mcdonalds offer a Eucharist menu. If not; why not?

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by wildcat
I think they are lying.

Interesting. You think they are saying that it is really Halal and yet it isn't? hmmmm. That would be interesting to uncover!

Well I'm here to assure you it does happen unfortunately. My father recently opened a butcher's section in his deli/produce store, and sells only halaal meat (clearly marked on all outside signs and windows and also on the display windows inside housing the meat btw
) but the neighbouring butcher was actually closed down by the health department for selling meat that was not only unhygienic (health inspector poured bleach all over his meats and poultry) but not halaal as he claims in his window (which was somehow found out by the proper authorities as well as word of mouth). And he is not the only one 'claiming' his meat is halaal when it is in fact not. This caused quite the stir in the local community.

Which is actually the same state in Australia as the article here points to McDonalds going halaal.
I'm all for it, as long as the customers are aware of what's going on.
It is just good news for the many muslims who don't eat fast food specifically for this reason, most practicing muslims just don't eat meat prepared outside the home.

Although I too wonder, like Lysergic, why anybody would want to eat McDonalds period, ugh. But to each his own and that is all I see this as, good business sense. because the areas in question do have a large muslim population.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The thing is ... they are selling the stuff and not advertising that it's been Islamic blessed. People going through the drive through aren't told. People in the establishment have one small sign that says what the meat is. And when people ask for regular burgers they are told to go away.

This I do not agree with and although I have never personally been I have family and friends there who have told me alot of the local community are well aware that they are an establishment serving halaal burgers when I brought this up.

This really isn't "new" news though, I have known of them serving halaal food for awhile now, in Sydney I think I first heard of it starting, some time back.

And in all fairness, with a McDonalds on just about every block these days are those seeking un-blessed happy meals really that put out by this ?

[edit on 23-11-2006 by ImJaded]

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