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The Ultimate Self- the future of humanity

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posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 09:52 AM
I am no master of this but you need to let this belief go and open your mind. Anything is possible, we have just been beaten down and pulverized with fear for the sole reason that we do have the power to do whatever we want. If you think you can't do whatever you want then you can't.

All you need is faith. Do not hold on to religous limitations. The basic truth you must learn is you must believe, have faith, belief is what creates. Best of luck, no fear, there is no such thing as good and bad, evil or good, right or wrong. Magic is real. You just need to truly believe it. I have not acheived anything like this but it is one of the basic truths that have been shoved down our throats as a lie. You must obey God and not sin etc or you will burn in hell forever.

Faith, belief no limitations

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:07 AM
It has become obvious that you all wish to teach and give knowledge, and ideas so I will recive and try all. As of November 19 2005 at 12:05 I am open to all idea and will try anything. devoting much time to whatever guidence is given to me. I will report back with findings of whatever happens.. Any suggestion will be taken.

[edit on 19-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by enigma333]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Little One

Originally posted by enigma333
I wrote YWNRTTM ...

That stood for "you will not reply to this message" That was conveavable but it turned out(as i expected) that my conceived "prophecy" did not come true...And it is not by this point in time possible for it to come true

Did anyone know what YWNRTTM meant?

She doesnt wish to discuss this any longer so she posts that? I hate it when people dont get babysitters fot their youngens!


Uhm, Yeah I will, as long as others want to perpetuate it. When I see mod under your name and get respect as an indivdual from you, I may then continue to try to help you.

Some get 'it'. Some 'dont'. Those that do know whom they are and what I speak of.

Here is a very simply, conceivable answer for you. But I didnt want to write you off so quicky. Now, Im pleasured not to be worried with you.

People always wanna hear what they wanna hear. Tell them otherwise and rather than debate and rectify, they flee like serpants of satan. Very interesting. Those human.

And lastly, but most importantly, all of that footwork I did for you. Not knowing you from the man in the moon. The teachings and information that was found/researched/given to you on a silver platter. You denied. *You* are what will ensure your mind remains in the state its in. For, there is no room there for growth. You wont even entertain notions. Lacking that, we die ignorant. Worse, we live that way.

No one did that foot work for me, I had to do my work. Had I had help, I would have been eternally grateful for anyone who took the time to teach me ANYTHING. And I still am. And still earning.

Not one thanks from you. Thats speaks volumes about you as a person and your level of awareness. Something I hope everyone here remembers you for. Not bothering to say thank you. Because out of this entire thread, thats all I remember and learned from and about you.

Little One you misunderstood me completely...YWNRTTM was a perdiction that was false.. I was proving a point.. Not saying that you couldn't reply to it...I am fine with you replying to it.. I was just proving taht all things are not possibly... SUch as my prohpecy coming true. It did not come true. Thus proving my point..

Feel free to comment though Little One

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Little One you misunderstood me completely...YWNRTTM was a perdiction that was false.. I was proving a point.. Not saying that you couldn't reply to it...I am fine with you replying to it.. I was just proving taht all things are not possibly... SUch as my prohpecy coming true. It did not come true. Thus proving my point..

Feel free to comment though Little One

So to say because your prophecy didnt come into fruition, you are your own God (being of all things possible)? You are your own creator of your reality? (Which you are once enlightened). Thats as if to say, 'You believed something to be and it did not occur, therefore, it cannot be possible/conceivable.

Humans have an awful ego that chokes the knowledge from our very core. It is always best to keep the mouth shut and thought to be stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt. The ego makes us speak when we should be listening. The ego closes the mind because it tells us 'we already know everything'.

Your post, thats not proving that all things are not possible. Thats proving that nothing is possible if not conceivable .

Unless you are your own God, the master of your universe, your prophecies failing to come into fruition again proves... anything conceivable is possible... IF you can conceive it. An Open Mind to All Things being possible/conceivable. That *is* an open mind in and of itself.

Let me ask you:

Could you conceive your 'prophecy'? For it you could not even conceive it , it will never be possible. Cuts both ways.

I am delighted you have decided to open your mind to what we are saying! If you believe... your life is about to change. Hope youre ready to be at peace. Dont search too hard for it, for you just might find it. And with that, all the negative energy that flows through desolves.

Good luck on your journey... it truly is one.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 01:59 PM
I do not bealive in god, but I do bealive there is more to life then we realize, and that some key factor to humanity has not yeat been found. Something big, the next generation, or mabey just something that will help me be "at peace with the world" and in equilbrium with myself.

I am open to advice, and my hopes know few boundries. Any obstacle I will try to overcome, and if I fail, so be it.
Weather someone advises me to do something as small as take a moment to understand an idea, or weather I am set of on a journey to find what I am looking for, I will try my best to keep my hopes steadfast.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:07 PM
You must read. Read stuff you believe, read stuff you do not believe. Read stuff you ride the fence on.

Then re-read. From different authors, views, stand points because they all have their own.

When we were little they thought us: Reading is fundamental. Out of all of my yrs in an educational institution (18 yrs straight) then graduate studies, that is by far the most valuable lesson I learned. Maybe the only one.

And I'll be the first to admit, you are on a valuable yet vulnerable path, others will take advantage of that. Dont let them. Educate yourself.

The internet is a great resource but if used as ones only, that in itself limits you.

Read everything you can get your hands on. Read the back of your cereal box rather than just chewing.

Get active in being comfortable in the skin and world you are in. Peace will not be handed to you via a link. Its possible, yet not probable so again, educate yourself and be aware of false prophets. Be ware of them and be ware of pretending to be such. For either can lead to horrid things.

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