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The Ultimate Self- the future of humanity

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posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 03:35 PM
The ultimate self, physically and mentally unrivalable.
I speak of a state of mind that many canno't even comprehend. Full control over you're body aswell as noth concious and subconcious thinking. With these powers combined, I bealive one can achive a state of amazing ability and comprehencion.
Imagine this: what if you could dig deep into you're subconcious? Anything ever seen would be in this area of you're mind. This is definite. But the ability to serch through one's memories is a ability that I bealive can be mastered.
Try this. Imagine a clock. Without having the clock tick can u imagine a fluid motion of the hand moving? How fast is it going? Can you make it accually take a 1min to make a full rotation. I can't. Peoples minds are based on instinctual thinking. They rush to conclusions. Only with a slowed down mind will we truly live in the state of "the ultimate self" Time is relative to the speed at which we think. With a slowed down mind you can achive great things. Through meditation one can use the full potential of your body and mind. Imagine being able to release addrenalin able to give the body amazing strength at will, control your heartbeat and do other things under control of the subconcious mind. During lucid dreaming you can think with ur concious mind and have access to the subconcious. If you always lucid dreamed you could think about 40% more then normal people... You would soon gain a deeper understanding of life.

What I am getting at I bearley understand. The state achived, and the potential for greatness I canno't even fathom. I assume that in order to achive this state of mind and body it would take amazing disiplin such as meditating for years and living in the wilderness or an amazingly equal act. The mind has great potential that can be tamed. When people have near death experiences they say that tjhe 1-30second times before "death" seem like a extermly long amount of time. Again, time is realative to the speed of the mind. As few people have achived this state, it may be counter interuitive to achive it, at least from a evolutonairy standpoint.
I am sorry if these ideas are a bit scrambled but please take time to think about this, I beg you.
Also, I encourage you to help me learn about "the ultimate self"
Has anyone achinved this state?
If so how?
What do many years of meditation lead to?
Ever been in the state of mind i talked about?
What was it like?

Agree or disagree I feel a need to talk about this subject. What I call "the ultimate self" could be the salvation(in a non Christian sence) that humanity needs.

Any questions I will answer to the best of the knowledge. This IS important and it can definitly lead to something big.


[edit on 18-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 18-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 18-11-2006 by enigma333]

[edit on 18-11-2006 by enigma333]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 03:44 PM
I suggest you read A New Earth, written by Eckhart Tolle. Also, another great book of enlightenment is the Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology.

Many of your questions will be answered there. Also a lot of awakening will come into frutition.

[edit on 18-11-2006 by Little One]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Although I am thankful for your suggestion, what I am looking for is more on a level of future progresson, not semi mainstream books. If truly someone has reached a state I speak of they wouldn't charge money for it. Its close, but what i speak of takes much work to achive. It's close, mabey as close as somone such has him can achive. He speaks of it, but does not speak with "it". Eckhart tells of these things but has not truly "felt" then to the extent I mean.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 04:09 PM
Knowledge is not given, its sought through free will.

Pick up a book, dont depend on others to make up your mind. Use yours and do that task for yourself. Thats an awareness exercise in itself.

I had to do the foot work, as did we all. As will you.

[EDIT] Attitude:

Anyone with yours really has alot of work to do. Start with opening your mind to any and all things. Had you done any reading, reached any higher consciousness, you wouldnt use your tongue to so quickly lash... especially when someone reaches out to you.

In fact, that in and of itself is against any principles having to do with us, as humans, reaching that consciousness. One free of ego, envy, jealousy, greed and/or hate.

[edit on 18-11-2006 by Little One]

[edit on 18-11-2006 by Little One]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 04:20 PM
After I walked away, this post stayed with me.

So, Im back. A good 'must read' the Holy Bible is a place to start then follow it up with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most people have also read Moby Dick, but bare in mind young one... cant believe everthing you read.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 04:28 PM
Im slightly confused. I agree that reading is great and that alot can be learned from it, aswell as that you can't bealive all you read. But, in searching for answers to "the ultimate self" you canno't follow a random path. I have had lots of things influence my opinions and the way that I think. Without forein influences we could not do any of this. This is what i seek other's opinions. Knowledge canno't be given, but a path to knowledge can be explained to the best of ones ability, if they have experienced it.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Your path to knowledge is a random path.

A path so random that your minds eye can conceive all things as being possible.

Nothing is more random than higher consciousness and awareness. Random vs Reality (your level of consciousness). Reality is that which is fixed. The clock being an example. Without it, would time exist? And if it did, how would it be measured?

Random thoughts, consciousness and awareness allows us to imagine things completely outside the realm of a regular persons consciousness. Or reality. Which ever way you chose to look at it.

Free your mind. Open it to all things imaginable and unimaginable. If people would have told you 300 yrs ago about cars, would you have bought that? If you truthfully say no, I have proven my point, and I believe you would have said no... cars? Thats crazy talk!

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 05:20 PM
I don't dout any of that really, but all things are not least on a certin level. I think were REALLY drifting away from what i am trying to get out of what i wrote

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 05:55 PM
I agree that we are both certainly at a different level of awareness.

I disagree however that all things are not possible. If it is conceivable, it is do-able... possible

There are six modes of possibility:

1:Logical (something is possible if its negation constitutes a contradiction, a logical impossibility);

2:Metaphysical (something is possible if it is consistent with metaphysical necessities);

3:Nomological (something is possible if it is consistent with scientific laws);

4:Epistemological (something is possible if it sits well with what we already know);

5:Temporal (something is possible if it is consistent with past truths);

6:Something is possible if it is conceivable to a rational agent.

For more informations on above see:

Rational agent as defined by Wikipedia:

A rational agent takes actions which, given his or her knowledge of its environment, maximizes its chances of success.

The action a rational agent takes depends on:

the agent's past experiences
the agent's information of his environment
the actions available to the agent
the estimated benefits and the chances of success of the actions.

You can find much more here regarding other topics such as bounded rationality, which is said to be a model to overcome some of the limitations of the rational-agent models in Economic literature (buying a book, for example). Here is the link on that topic.

Hope this furthers your endeavors.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:10 PM
Hi Little One. I came across this particular e-book about this subject, it's called:
Mind - It's mysteries and Control.

It's written by Sri Swami Sivanada and it's free to download, as long as you find it. Give a search and I'm sure it will pop-up for you download.

Hope it helps.

[edit on 18/11/2006 by tunin]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:29 PM
Awesome Hun!

I never turn down a read !

*Searches desperately through google*

[edit on 18-11-2006 by Little One]

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:44 PM
I found the free book online at:

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 06:55 PM
What do you mean by conceivable....possibly of conceiving a idea or plann...
Just because something can be imagined doesn't mean it can be done.. This is easily proven.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 07:21 PM
The fact that all things conceivable ARE NOT possible hasnt been proven, in fact, it has been debunked repeatedly. Otherwise, forums such as ATS would serve no purpose.

Heck, a dude in Indian carried a baby. It didnt live but he WAS, in fact, pregnant. Conceivable? Not to a closed-minded person. Possible? It happened and the fetus grew deformed inside. Conceivable = Possible.

Again, once a mind is opened, anything conceivable can be reality, quoting Swami Krishnananda... among many others.

Here is a great site for helping you realize the true power we all possess.

It helps 'de-program' you, which we all need.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 09:02 PM
I wrote YWNRTTM ...

That stood for "you will not reply to this message" That was conveavable but it turned out(as i expected) that my conceived "prophecy" did not come true...And it is not by this point in time possible for it to come true

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 09:43 PM
Little One is right.

In order for you to achieve anything of any consequence, you must first lose that thought process that "some things are not possible".

You've got to let go of "scientific reasoning" that says some things are not possible.
That restricts your mind too much and your mind is what you're wishing to take to it's fullest potential right?

How can it go to it's full potential if you've already set a limit on what that potential is?

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 09:54 PM

Can you make it accually take a 1min to make a full rotation

Yes I can. I just did it, and when I opened my eyes the clock was on exactly 7:48

Imagine being able to release addrenalin able to give the body amazing strength at will

This is nothing new to me, I've already mastered giving myself adrenaline. I didn't think that it was a big deal. Neither did anyone of my friends.

I don't know how to speed up my heartbeat on command but sometimes when im watching a show on tv or something my heartbeat just speeds up for no reason.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by enigma333
Also, I encourage you to help me learn about "the ultimate self"
Has anyone achinved this state?
If so how?

i heard that the opposite of applause is to "Boo".
i heard that stupid ignorant people say "Duh".
i heard that once there was a guy called "Boo Duh".

i heard that god is "All".
i heard that when a light turns on in peoples minds they say: "Ahh".
i heard that once there was this concept called "All Ahh".

i heard there was a way, some called the "Way".
i heard there was many that said "Ya"
i heard there was once a concept called "Ya Way".

many have achieved what it is you speak of, but you don't prefer to listen to them, even though their messages were the same. how can you be a self that i one with everything when part of everything is not acceptable to you?

What do many years of meditation lead to?

many years of meditation lead some people to stare at clocks, so i've heard.

Ever been in the state of mind i talked about?
What was it like?

it is like being numb, feeling good, and knowing way too much.

Agree or disagree I feel a need to talk about this subject. What I call "the ultimate self" could be the salvation(in a non Christian sence) that humanity needs.

why not a christian sense? You are looking for "ultimate self", right? so, first you have to find yourself. and where did you start? you started where you were born.
so, if a person was born in a place, and they started walking in a straight line, since the world is not totally round you will eventually arrive at the same place you started, although you may have to cirlce the planet a few times.....
but if you started walking directly north, south, east, or west, you would only have to circle the planet once before you saw the sign of the cross you had been mimicking had also been the X that marks the spot. just a thought.

there are many paths to seeing the truth that you seek. Follow your own, perhaps if there is a higher being that higher being did not want the same relationship with everyone.

the state of mind you are speaking of, requires you to not have an opinion. opinion is a politically correct word that means the same as prejudice.
of course, this is only my opinion.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 03:51 AM
I see what your talking about Enigma, I tried to do something similar to what you are talking about, minus controlling bodily functions like heart beat and stuff.

I don't have much advice for you, I never got really far with this. I would always wake up when trying to get "tapped in" and seriously think inside of my dreams. Just want to say good luck with it and let us know.

And by the way, you don't need to lucid dream to think more than most people! Most people don't do much thinking anyway. Also the dream is there whether remembered or not. The same amount of thinking was done. It just comes down to how much of it you want to decipher and remember, also how you remember it. Is it important for you to remember the color of every car that you drove by today? But surely you could do this with the proper effort, it is conceivable. Remembering dreams is like this to me, not much point to it, but it does provide some more quantity for me to experience in my life. It is a good mental exercise, and maybe someday, I will be able to get tapped in like you talk about.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by enigma333
I wrote YWNRTTM ...

That stood for "you will not reply to this message" That was conveavable but it turned out(as i expected) that my conceived "prophecy" did not come true...And it is not by this point in time possible for it to come true

Did anyone know what YWNRTTM meant?

She doesnt wish to discuss this any longer so she posts that? I hate it when people dont get babysitters fot their youngens!


Uhm, Yeah I will, as long as others want to perpetuate it. When I see mod under your name and get respect as an indivdual from you, I may then continue to try to help you.

Some get 'it'. Some 'dont'. Those that do know whom they are and what I speak of.

Here is a very simply, conceivable answer for you. But I didnt want to write you off so quicky. Now, Im pleasured not to be worried with you.

People always wanna hear what they wanna hear. Tell them otherwise and rather than debate and rectify, they flee like serpants of satan. Very interesting. Those human.

And lastly, but most importantly, all of that footwork I did for you. Not knowing you from the man in the moon. The teachings and information that was found/researched/given to you on a silver platter. You denied. *You* are what will ensure your mind remains in the state its in. For, there is no room there for growth. You wont even entertain notions. Lacking that, we die ignorant. Worse, we live that way.

No one did that foot work for me, I had to do my work. Had I had help, I would have been eternally grateful for anyone who took the time to teach me ANYTHING. And I still am. And still earning.

Not one thanks from you. Thats speaks volumes about you as a person and your level of awareness. Something I hope everyone here remembers you for. Not bothering to say thank you. Because out of this entire thread, thats all I remember and learned from and about you.

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