OK, I'm not so much confused, as I am finding it difficult to piece together everything - all then whens, whats, whys, hows of it all.
For example, take the reptile issue, playing devils advocate as to whether they exist or not - Why do they want to control us? Slavery? Feeding off
fear, how do they feed on fear, why, what benefit to them does it have?
I'm really trying to formulate in my own head a theory of EVERYTHING, that encompasses, as I said, the whens, what's, why's and whos of it all.
True History?
- The missing link in evolution, is it due to genetic engineering - if so, who engineered the human race, the reptiles, another race, and why -
physical slavery? mental slavery?
Real or not? From the Earth or from another planet?
4th dimensional, physical or both?
Reptiles and Greys - are they friends, or foes - is one ruling/employing the other - does either even exist, are these the only non-human intelligent
races on/around Earth, are there more?
Ancient Technology & Civilisations
Egypt, Mexico, Stone Circles, Pyramids - what are their true purposes - ritualistic, energy useage, or monumental?
Just corrupt greedy people who want to control everything, or is there a bigger purpose, New World Order - microchipped population, underground cities
- where does it all end, if they got what they wanted, what that mean to us, would be mindless slaves, or aware of the things that bind us?
I'd like to hear the theories about how all these things and more interlock into one overall theory of WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHO.
Please bring anything you think is relevant to the table, even if it's to ask me to stop rambling!