posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 11:09 AM
Ewww , ewwww, ewww.
here in Vancouver we have another "Boil Water" advisory. The water is literally coming out brown and sludgy looking and stinks to high heaven.
No power outages in our area during or after the storm but a lot of downed trees and branches everywhere. Some areas have more damage. On the island
it was really bad.
The Boil Water Advisory is still in effect...the turbidity levels of the resevoir (our main one of three) was 80 compared to normal of 1 LMAO
(Turbidity is the amount of silt and deposits that are stirred up from the bottom of the resevoir).
I boiled some water. It was still brownish yellow even after I cooled it and let it sit. Can't bring myself to drink it so I'm running it all
through an active charcoal filter in addition to boiling. I do have emergency water too but will save it.
The lineups at the grocery stores for water were incredible!!! Crazy, crazy lines.
Same thing happened a couple of years ago...but that was when a new main was installed in my area.
Here in the leaks or flooding thank frank. Sump pump is working overtime though and I just hope the rain tapers off.
I love the news though..."Building Collapse...massive power outages...."
One skeletal building was under construction...I'd be more likely to blame the shoddy builders (we have a hefty earthquake code here)
who build crap structures, rather than the storm.
Massive power outages??? On the island, and in West wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been, it's a heavily treed area over in
West Van...the most concern was for flooding.
Was quite the storm front none the less. Blew in and lasted a good four or five hours in my neck of the woods then started tapering off to a dull
Pineapple Express...can they come up with a dumber name?
Just an update from this part of the world.