posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:51 PM
The last few weeks, we Australians have been experiencing some strange weather.
It wasn't until yesterday that I stood up and took notice. It is November, and we should be having nice spring weather.
We are getting storms, dark looming hail storms. In one day here in Sydney we had a hot morning, a black afternoon and a freezing night.
We have bush fires raging in the blue mountains that are threatening houses and people.
The thing that got me though, was the snow-fall. Tasmania. Melbourne. Ballarat. These places and more are getting hit with snow. In some areas it is
the first time snow has fallen there in 20 something years. We are 2 weeks away from Summer here in Aus, and our summers are world famous for being
damned hot, am I right?
Every person I know in Sydney is asking "what the hell is going on with the weather?"
This story states that it's a cold front from Antarctica, but that's an easy
answer to concoct.
Also, if any of you have been following the news, you would have heard of our government preparing to take a strong hold on global warming? It seems
that it has finally become a HUGE issue over here, and the government is talking about installing machines that supposedly suck the carbon out of the
I want to know if any other Aussies have noticed stranger than normal weather patterns in their areas. I know I have.
[edit on 15-11-2006 by Unrealised]