posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 12:37 AM
You know you're right...not about being more fun when drunk LOL (cuz you're sittin' on ATS not out whoopin it up) BUT you are right that laziness
is a relationship killer.
Trouble is that it remains a two way street and it's nearly impossible to address problems when one person in the relationship has given up and
won't play along.
I've read a lot of your posts around the board. You're a smart enough guy, young and looking to make some changes in your life. Stop kicking the
crap out of yourself over her.
You likely did whatever you could to mend the relationship and she just wasn't playing along. I don't know the full scope of what happened, but it
seems as though she's moved on and you're left feeling like doo doo...
That's a scenario that plays out a million times a day... not to take away from what you're feeling at all, just that I know you'll survive it.
Cuz millions of others do.
Whether you like it or'll meet someone else who will knock you off your feet and you'll have some great experience to add to the
relationship. (Just try to find the positive or it'll be "baggage" you add...:stfu
Chin up!
(Don't you hate it when you're trying to be "blue" and someone comes along and tries to cheer you up?)
Oh yes and the "mother" in me says, "Never cry in your ruins the flavor."